I’m going to submit my claim for UC next week, I don’t want to wait any longer



  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Online Community Member Posts: 791 Empowering
    edited January 22

    My payment dates won’t always be the same from month to month. The dates can change from month to month depending on the length of the month and weekends/ bank holidays, even with an Alternative Payment Arrangement being in place. But, twice monthly is still more frequent than monthly, and that’s the main thing. 😂 @Jimm_Scope

  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Online Community Member Posts: 791 Empowering
    edited January 22

    The HTC Service advisors, they can’t stop with this advice that I should instead do my claim for Universal Credit on Thursday 6th February and not on the actual day that I get a £318.10 from Income Related Employment & Support Allowance (Wednesday 5th February).

    They haven’t stopped saying to me that this will help me with the two week run on payment from Employment & Support Allowance.

    I’m going to listen to this advice that they keep on providing me. It’s only a difference of 1 day. If listening to this stated advice means it’ll help me out with what’ll be my final ESA payment (the run on payment), then it’s totally the correct decision.

    Instead of my assessment periods being 5-4th each month they’ll now be 6-5th each month, with the first payment from my new benefit UC landing in my bank on 12th March.

  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Online Community Member Posts: 791 Empowering

    The need for me to have two payments per month, this won’t be changing whatsoever. I will still need payments to land in my bank more often the monthly. It’s not just about being financially better off.

  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Online Community Member Posts: 791 Empowering
    edited January 22

    You wouldn’t think that 24 hours would make a difference to the run on payment. I never thought it would but 6th Feb it is as my “claim day”. The CA advisors must know what they’re on about.

    4th Feb - PIP payment.

    5th Feb - £318.10 ESA payment.

    6th Feb - date of the new claim.

    13 day gap

    19th Feb - this should be the date of the run on payment. Would like to think it’ll be for the amount of £318.10.

    4th March - PIP payment.

    7 days after 5th March (end of first AP/ assessment period) - first UC payment.

  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Online Community Member Posts: 791 Empowering
    edited January 22

    Two week run on payment, why do you have to be so confusing?! 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐

    I thought I understood how you worked two week run on payment.

    Citizens Advice tell me that in the best interests of receiving you two week run on payment, just delay my claim by one more day.

    This is enough to give so many a headache 🤕.

  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Online Community Member Posts: 791 Empowering
    edited January 22

    DWP, I think you will need to write ✍️🖊️ to me to tell me how it works 😂😂. I try my absolute hardest to show a good understanding yet it can still be easy to find a reason to get confused.

    Labour Government, if it’s recommended that we claim the day after a payment, maybe include this on gov.uk: “We recommend you claim on the day after you’ve received your Income Related ESA payment so you won’t be left disappointed in terms of your run payment of ESA”.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    The last 2 paragraphs on the first page of that screenshot confirm that the advice you were given today not to claim UC until the day after your ESA payment because it would affect your UC, is incorrect.

    As I correctly advised you on one of the threads you've commented on today, it doesn't matter whether you claim on the day of your ESA payment or the following day.

    Having advice from the UC migration helpline doesn't mean they are benefits advisors because they are not.

    I think you're starting to confuse yourself by going over and over this constantly.

  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Online Community Member Posts: 791 Empowering
    edited January 22

    I hope you’re not mad with me Poppy. I always thought I understood this.

    It’s like I’m living in two different worlds on this topic, I understand it, then I don’t.

    I’ll be so glad, so relieved, when this is all over.

  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Online Community Member Posts: 791 Empowering
    edited January 22

    Poppy, it’s the advisors from the CA Help to Claim Service that have been telling me I should do the claim on the 6th of February and not the 5th of February. I could’ve swore that an advisor that I spoke to today on the phone 📞 said that if I claim on the day that I get an ESA, it’s like that payment is classified as my run on payment, with no other payment 2 weeks after I claim UC.

    It’s not been anyone from the UC helpline that has been telling me that I should claim on the following day instead.

     0800 144 8 444

    This is the number that I have been calling a lot recently - the Citizens Advice Help to Claim Service.

  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Online Community Member Posts: 791 Empowering
    edited January 22

    @Jimm_Scope or someone else from the wonderful @Community_Scope Team ❤️❤️. If you see my posts tomorrow, please give your advice on my never-ending confusion.

    The burning question: “When is it suitable to do a UC claim so it doesn’t affect the two week run on?”

    It should be like this. It shouldn’t make any difference to the two week run on payment, whether you make your claim on the day of an ESA or the day after you get your ESA.

    I’m going to bed 🛏️🥱now 😂. I’ve had enough confusion in one day to last a lifetime 😂.

  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Online Community Member Posts: 791 Empowering
    edited January 23

    What I’ve been told today, it’s like claiming on the actual day of receiving an Employment & Support Allowance would mean I’d get a run on payment but only a run on payment for 13 days, not a full 14 days. That does make sense to me, to some extent.

    I would rather get a run on payment for a full 14 days and the advisor said on web chat from the Help to Claim Service, “So claim on the 6th”. That’s exactly what I’m going to do, 6th February will be claim day, a Thursday, and not on the Wednesday the day of an ESA payment. I’d rather get my final payment at the full amount £318.10, the amount I’ve been receiving since the last benefits increase in 2024.

    While this advice was good to do with the run on payment and when to do the claim, it’s like I was told that I can’t ask for an APA / Alternative Payment Arrangement until the end of the first assessment period and not on the actual day I do the claim, 6th February. I was told ask for an APA at the beginning of the second assessment period, 6th March.

    I always thought you could ask for an APA on day 1 of the claim and 7 days after end of the first assessment period, you’ll get half of your overall entitlement of UC and the other half 14 days later/2 weeks later. Based off that advisor today, it’s like I’ll get £809.64 all in one go for my first payment, then starting receiving split payments/twice monthly payments after that.

  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Online Community Member Posts: 791 Empowering
    edited January 23

    Based off this highlighted writing from gov.uk, to do with APAs, I don’t get it why I’d be getting £809.64* the monthly amount for the first payment.

    *Standard Allowance for being a single person, over 25 years old and the LCRWA element.

    I THOUGHT you could ask for twice monthly payments via an APA on the very first day of your claim and on your first payment you’ll get half of your entitlement with the other half being two weeks later. They should be splitting over £800 entitlement into two payments, over £400 each.

  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Online Community Member Posts: 791 Empowering

    I got through on the phone 📞 to another advisor from CA Help to Claim who was ever so nice and I’d say he answered my queries to my satisfaction. He did understand why his other colleague advised me to claim the day after receiving ESA. He said that’s what they normally advise claimants, to claim on the day following an ESA, so it can help you out as best as possible with the run on payment.

  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Online Community Member Posts: 791 Empowering

    He didn’t quite understand however why his colleague advised me that I couldn’t ask for an APA, twice monthly payments, until the beginning of the 2nd assessment period. He didn’t see any issues asking for more frequent payments at the very start of my claim, the first day of it.

  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Online Community Member Posts: 791 Empowering

    We do live in a world where conflicting information ℹ️ really is possible. Advisors are all trained on the same thing yet it’s still a possibility to have a difference of opinion/advice from advisor to advisor.

  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Online Community Member Posts: 791 Empowering
    edited January 23

    Two weeks from today’s date 📅 (23/1/2025) I do the claim (6/2/2025) 🗓️. This is the day after an ESA. My run on payment should be fine by doing it the day after 👍😀 and I should get the amount that I am usually owed per fortnight, £318.10, a full 14 days’ worth.

    A few weeks after 6th Feb, I’ll do a check on my claim over the phone to see if LCRWA reflects in my UC account. I know it can take a few weeks for the UC and ESA departments to communicate with each other. But for piece of mind, I’d like to know that LCRWA status has been applied to my UC.

  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Online Community Member Posts: 791 Empowering
    edited January 23

    Also, on the day that my first statement 📄 is produced (5th March), I’ll perform another check on my UC account over the telephone to see if the all-important calculations 🧮 are correct/what they should be. My overall entitlement should be split into two payments, because of my APA, with the first half coming on 12th March and that other half being paid 2 weeks later. I shouldn’t be getting a full amount of £809.64 like I would be accepting just the single payment date a month. It needs to be divided by 2.

    CA’s HTC Service have said to me that one of their advisors can on the phone with me to UC when I perform both of these checks on my UC account. A three-way conference call will be happening for these checks 👀👁️🔍🔎, not just on the day I go through the CA HTC phone line to start the claim. ☎️📞 They have a priority line, which allows them to connect to UC more quicker.

    My claim will be all telephone 📱📲 based, there will be no online journal 🖥️💻 and there will be no ability to access an online account for my claim 🧑‍💻👩‍💻👨‍💻. My assessment periods, they will be 6th - 5th. 📆🗓️📅

  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Online Community Member Posts: 791 Empowering

    When my claim is safely up and running, that’ll be after 5 week wait, I should be largely left alone like I have been as an Income Related ESA (Support Group) claimant. I know a review can happen some time in the future, just to check on your capital/savings, but no-one can avoid one of these reviews. They can happen to anyone, no-one can escape them. You provide a few months’ worth of bank statements, have a phone interview with someone to discuss what you’ve provided. I’ll be fine whenever that happens to me, I’ll never get anywhere near to that £6,000 figure. Just go with the flow, that’s what I’ll do 👍.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    Yet again I see you're continuing to get very poor advice from HTC and CA. The APA you can apply for this from the start of your claim, you do not need to wait until your 2nd assessment period to apply.

    Please read the screenshot you posted and what it says is.. These can only start from the end of your first assessment period. It doesn't tell you that you can't apply from the start of your claim. I did give you this advice quite a few times.

    Which makes sense because your first payment isn't for 5 weeks after you first submit your claim. Your first UC payment would then be for half of your monthly payment and not the whole amount. The other half would be paid around 2 weeks later. This can make budgeting more difficult at the start of your claim until the APA kicks in as twice monthly payments.

    I think the moral of this story is stick to one place for advice and stop contacting other places for advice when you were given correct advice from the start on here.

  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Online Community Member Posts: 791 Empowering

    This can happen I’m afraid Poppy, advice can vary between advisors even though they’re all meant to be trained to the same level.