March 26th and Green Paper Mega Discussion (ITV leaks, etc)



  • Ranald
    Ranald Online Community Member Posts: 753 Championing

    People don't, that's the problem. I never thought for a moment that I would end up physically disabled, and was happy enough to go along with the popular notion that many of them were "at it".

    I have a different understanding now all right. Fifteen years of worklessness, and no hope of that ever changing.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 217 Empowering

    I have invisible disabilities and look fine . But when I’m bad I don’t go outside for weeks so people don’t see me in pain or fatigued . Then you get ppl saying they have a neighbour claiming but they know they’re faking it . But they don’t know what goes on behind closed doors

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,094 Championing

    I'm the same I do hair makeup dress clean mask really well when I tried to interreact with people before isolation they used to say after a while your crazy the things I've done when I'm disassociated I think that's what it's called I had to isolate I was a danger to myself and got triggered so bad by bullying of a boss I left job and went on a campaign of harassing her all I can say is I had no control of myself getting arrested yes mental health is real see shadows burning smells babies crying alot more when pushed to extreme but I sound horrid but I'm actually very kind and would help anyone which was another problem attract users I could go on and on put me back into society on a permanent basis wouldn't be good and alot of people with MH will crack if this is forced upon them

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 217 Empowering

    you sound a like a lovely person Catherine and although it’s looking bad right now last time dwp treated MH like this it caused so much harm they had no choice but to change . I can’t see this being any different . It’s the worry of who’s I. Their firing line , the young , invisible conditions?

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,094 Championing

    Thhere's alot of charities in the background it doesn't concern people unless it concerns them but honestly some people have no insight to ever think or believe it could be them I've worked for years in care profession I've been married paid my tax until I couldn't no more felt so useless for years I even used to say to people I was working if they asked obviously no people close to me my daughter used to say why you telling them you work I was so ashamed of myself now they can do one I've proved time and time again to DWP I just feel anger at the way we have been treated

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,094 Championing

    I think that's great your both knowledgeable let's us now if you have ideas I'd definitely be on board to do what you recommend to fight back

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,094 Championing

    I was same 2023 sunak speech took me down but I see clearly now with the help of this wonderful group so sorry you ended up in psychiatric ward I see so clearly now which I couldn't before they are one big circus act who rely on our fear thier old tactics dehumanising dividing putting people in categories is boring and shameful and people are waking up to it they didn't play thier cards to close to thier chest they showed themselves to soon try not to worry they won't get what they want loads of charities already working in back ground they are brainless don't drink thier posion we are all in this together they can do one

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 217 Empowering
  • stressed76
    stressed76 Online Community Member Posts: 70 Empowering

    I worked till i had to quit to help my wife with our disabled son, then became a carer for my disabled daughter, now disabled myself. I have so called invisable disabilities but one of them has effected me physically & have to use stick, wheelchair or mobility scooter to get about so im not sure if thats still invisible? All i know is ive been spat at & called a dole dosser in the past & with how the goverment & press are talking about us dont feel too safe

  • stressed76
    stressed76 Online Community Member Posts: 70 Empowering

    Oh yeah just emailed a load of labour mps, in it called them new nasty party & pointed out how they are talking is similar to how Nazi viewed the disabled, how they were voted in because they weren't conservative so ehy act like them & asked why did they attack tories then do worse themselves amongst other things. Also said there are more people who wish to say something but scared of been arrested for facebook posts & that i was scared to send that email.

    Have also messaged unison, tuc, unite asking where they stand on the cuts & changes considering their members are only a illness or accident away from needing the help & do they still stand behind the labour party with the attacks on the old sick & poor & keeping children in poverty

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,094 Championing

    I completely forgot was so angry with myself

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,094 Championing

    I honestly believe they can't do half of what they want I feel so calm and honestly that's not my nature they are a joke laughable honestly try nit to worry they have shown themselves up to everyone

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,094 Championing
  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,094 Championing

    I remember my parents shouting at the telly when magerat thatcher came on

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,094 Championing

    It's so funny when I used to read the headlines DWP warn of cuts blah blah my heart used to beat out my chest I'd go into blind terror for days months I just read the latest you can get 1000 ALONG side uc actually had the word along in capital letters actually made me laugh so desperate I have to thank scope and especially nightcity for showing me and helping me lose the fear also bluebell and strawberry hope you are well

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,094 Championing

    I disagree someone on jsa is actively looking for work and can work MOST disables people cannot work so you can't compare the two so suffer because your disabled we don't have the same advantages as others boils my blood having to justify and explain

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,094 Championing

    I just say I can fly or get ejected from a canon I don't know why but I'm not fazed maybe will change but thier really thought Get Britain Working was going to be sensational seriously talking of visiting people is psychiatric wards have benny Hill vans touring the country Just like stop the boats that sunk like the titanic let's see what desperate attempt thier try again grasping at straws they are bullies they are desperate to gain respect they think a title awards them that I've never seen such a useless bunch

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,094 Championing

    Why reduced by 416 ? So quickly that's crazy that's what they do then so you get uc and lcw rate

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,094 Championing

    Oh OK so from esa to lwcra they take 416 so you get uc and lwcra sorry it's all confusing

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,996 Championing

    Lou had Transitional Protection with her UC, and this was reduced by the amount of her new LCWRA award. That is how TP is designed to work.

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