March 26th and Green Paper Mega Discussion (ITV leaks, etc)



  • stressed76
    stressed76 Online Community Member Posts: 70 Empowering

    Funny how they think they can do all this to the eldery, disabled & think we will forget by the next G.E but i don't think many will, i never forgave Thatcher for taking my milk as a child, never voted conserative because of it. Stupid i know but its how i feel.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 217 Empowering

    Catherine did you watch Ellen Clifford? I didn’t but what someone who did commented on YouTube is that they’ve threatened any Labour MP with removal of whip if they vote it down. They reckon they can push this through quickly. I’m hoping someone on here can give some insight into what was said and some reassurance as I’m back to last year now.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 217 Empowering

    that made me laugh . You’re giving me reassurance that maybe things won’t be so bad 🙏

  • jbss07
    jbss07 Online Community Member Posts: 16 Contributor

    One issue they never seem to address when it comes to mental health and therapy is the awful state/care some nhs 'day hospitals' provide after an episode. I was due to have CBT therapy to help with my EUPD, an autism group and key worker support to help find work... out of those three I got the CBT (a woman reading off sheets of paper to a group of 7 of us! - and a younger lad who was much more engaging and expressive - wow how helpful! Two completely different styles of teaching CBT techniques...) but was told there's no money for adult autism support so that got dropped and the key worker had 3 sessions with me before deciding I wasn't worth the trouble and said 'we're letting you go...'

    Like how is that care in the community? Your supposed to help people to get on in life and become a productive member of society but because I've got serious issues you just wash you hands of me and leave myself and no doubt many others languishing on the state, no support whatso ever?!!😭 mind you my brother had the same key worker years later during an episode and she was completely useless for him too... patronising and uncaring.

    The NHS needs major reform, if it was working as intended there wouldn't be as many people on sickness and disability benefits. The idea the benefits system works in tandem with the NHS has much merit - originally thus seemed the plan kendall wanted to go with. This cash grab from Reeves will hurt and kill people - I hope the charities are organised to fight this asap, we need representation AND to have our voices heard!

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,094 Championing

    It's so hard for young people they need support alot of youngsters haven't been given the best start in life don't have family support friends not knowing where to turn open to abuse it was extremely extremely hard for me growing up so understand the darkness I was incredibly shy as well couldn't talk for myself I've learnt to mask over years I seen a clip of a labour mp saying people with down syndrome don't need as much money as they do noting??? I've supported people with down syndrome have many passions love holidays voluntary work so their not allowed to enjoy life if none of the labour back benches say anything they should hold head in shame

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,094 Championing

    I was in care so seen how vunerable teenagers are open to all amounts of abuse with no one to save them I don't believe job center will become a hub of help happiness a safe place I also worked job centre god years ago and was bad then and that's when times was good the 90s shops doctors services was amazing working for The goverment is also soulless

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,094 Championing

    If I didn't join scope I don't know where I'd be all the articles saying benefits cut in two weeks always Birmingham news so much scaremongering I'd be in a psychiatric ward

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 217 Empowering

    it’s the same I’ve found with physiotherapy. First time was for sciatica due to fibromyalgia flare up when pip came in . Left me bedbound twice . And lifetime medication to prevent flare ups. I had to take painkillers to get to my second appointment. Physio said I was better now the exercise worked and discharged me. Ignored me saying it’s the painkillers. Second time was for arthritis in neck causing arm pains. Wait 9 months for appointment. See physio who gave me an exercise which not only made my arm worse but my fibromyalgia which I had to explain what it was. Suddenly he too discharged me and left no letter for my medical notes. He disappeared mysteriously.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,094 Championing

    OOh Isn't he fantastic I seen him do a speech on bank checks and he actually said they need to check mps and pm first I was blown away by his support for disabled elderly community

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,094 Championing

    When asked if she felt bad for waspi women she stood up and directly said No into microphone that was a big wow moment and the hits keep coming

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 733 Trailblazing

    I've just emailed John Mcdonald, he's not my mp but on our side. My mp doesn't answer emails and voted for pensioners to have their fuel payments taken away,

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 733 Trailblazing

    Our job centre closed due to unstable roof. And won't be open anytime soon

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,094 Championing
  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,094 Championing

    No don't stress yourself over them it's all scare tactics they cannot financially punish us for being disabled I don't know much but I know that is definitely discrimination under equality act it's actually laughable we have had from tories sick note Britain anxiety depression a bit bluesy blah blah from liz kendell we will be sending coaches into psychiatric wards get britain working vans if you can work you will work no risk assessments done oh dear she really lacks an intelligence just keep digging liz keep digging w

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,094 Championing

    Thier main aim is to get as wealthy as tories did when In so called power

  • Loulou82xx
    Loulou82xx Online Community Member Posts: 16 Contributor

    The thing is the Tories were aiming to cut 2 billion from the welfare budget which caused outrage and now Labour have decided to cut 6 billion. I really do hope we see mass protests and outrage but being disabled also means logistical issues for lots of people so many won't be able to attend mass protests. I am in a wheelchair and my husband is having an ablation tomorrow, he is my carer and will not be able to lift or do anything physical for the next two weeks. I cannot attend on my own and I think many disabled people will be in the same boat and want to attend but won't be able to.

    I think they will do all they can to fast track this through parliament and threaten to remove the whip if any Labour MP votes against it. What with the DWP able to snoop on bank accounts and now this it really does feel Orwellian. 1984 is meant to be a cautionary tale not an instruction manual.

  • Loulou82xx
    Loulou82xx Online Community Member Posts: 16 Contributor

    Also apologies for not replying directly to people, I haven't been on Scope very long and don't know how to link people to reply directly. If somebody could let me know how to do it I would be very grateful.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,094 Championing

    No don't you know what happens it's like Chinese whispers all people add diffrent things try and stay in the here and now Stop stand up walk around breathe focus on you and getting through these feelings don't get trapped in them for days what other people say is thier opinion or how they see it thier is alot going on in background don't make yourself more ill trust me my stomach flips and I have to talk myself out of it this is the unknown faze trying to guess and piece together yh labour are vile they shown that but I'm sure they already broken so many rules the whole set up of social media news is a mind control method of keeping us down when people where talking about Tony Blair Cameron I didn't have a clue I didn't have a phone Internet I just went about myself it's all these outside voices how I deal with it now sounds very morbid but I think I might not be here tomorrow like yourself I've made myself so so sick out of my mind we blind terror wanting people to take my dogs the lot that was 2023 and we are still here admittedly same old BS don't let them rent space in your head think of all the things we been through in this life we are stronger than we think lose the fear there is noting to fear but fear itself you got this big big hugs x

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,094 Championing

    He also called them out on bank checks saying the biggest tax avoiders are sitting in parliament right now and should have thier accounts checked what a man 100 percent respect for him

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