Upcoming changes to benefits
I'm pretty sure they haven't said much about people that physically can't work as they want this to be the headline when announcing the cuts. People that can't work won't have benefits cut. This in their minds will soften the general public backlash / outcry
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When they were first diagnosing me a few years ago they made me go to the arthritis clinic first and then swimming exercise sessions. It was terrible. I was laid up for weeks and so ill. Exercise is definitely dangerous with M.E. Most doctors seem to be incredibly ignorant about it. When I first had to claim UC my work coach got really angry with me and told me I had to push myself. I had to get an Occupational Therapist to write her a letter explaining what M.E is and exactly why I shouldn't be pushing myself. I know, I saw that about the deaf getting no points. They have no idea how hard it is to sometimes get through each day without anything else on top.
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Before my health issues started (head on car crash with drunk driver then a year later randomly assaulted on street by a drunk resulting in head injury) I studied Economics, so can see how the bill is rocketing, and how a government would want to control. However, I've not heard once what the government think is causing it. Cuts to fuel allowance, assisted dying, advance from 28/29 to now for ESA to UC transition, and now this, it sounds like a conspiracy theory that the government actively want to attack the vulnerable, but unfortunately they seem completely serious.
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will the work coaches take full responsibility for us if things go wrong ? If they scrap the WCA and it’s up to work coaches what we can do what training will they have ?
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LCWRA cuts are much worse than PIP freeze! I'm struggling every day and trying to survive but we all can't give up and we have to fight for our rights!
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they seem completely clueless. They’re just copying the Tory’s as they’ve no new ideas of their own
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Well, I literally can't get more than a few steps out of my house at the moment. I am terrified they will want me to go somewhere for training or meetings and when I can't they'll sanction me. Nobody seems to take responsibility for anything these days.
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The reason carefully crafted points get highlighted in press releases like pip freeze are for those very reasons taking the focus off the rest of the reforms much more damaging because reading carefully all of it is an all out war on the benefits also mps that get worried usually have or know a college or loved one who just gets Pip and being a bunch of self absorbed pay rising middle class bunch of …..They only see things in relation to what will mostly affect their lives.
Also a point missing in the video posted is the specific targeting and naming of diagoises that would not qualify. Which completely departs from the principle of written policy in regards to Pip not being based on diagnois but how a condition effects you but dealing with these government offices for years ive become quite accustomed to this mental f@kery so no surprises their.
YYoud get less gaslighting with British Gas!
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Hello there I just this month be award pip for Daly living and mobility Daly low mobility high IV not even had my 1st payment yet and my Daly was given to me for my mental health issues but I see on the news today about they going to cut people with mental health issues and as my payment is set for the 31 of march and they having a meeting on the 23 of march could I lose my 1st payment and the 4 years they just awarded for? Please put my mind to rest on this as it s was a long and stressful time just to get approved just to have it took away before it even as began
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Hello there I just this month be award pip for Daly living and mobility Daly low mobility high IV not even had my 1st payment yet and my Daly was given to me for my mental health issues but I see on the news today about they going to cut people with mental health issues and as my payment is set for the 31 of march and they having a meeting on the 23 of march could I lose my 1st payment and the 4 years they just awarded for? Please put my mind to rest on this as it s was a long and stressful time just to get approved just to have it took away before it even as began
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Don't worry your be paid on the 31st 👍
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It says in that Guardian/Observer article that they are planning to scrap the work capability assessment altogether (unless I am mis-understanding). I really can't see how that would work. It is terrifying. As you say, a lot of gas lighting and covering secret plans going on.
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Exactly! Being a Work Coach is not just any job when it comes to us/disabilities - everything will need to be recorded.
Also, didn’t I see/read recently that they are scraping Civil servants for AI 🤖.
Hmm 🤔 maybe it’s already happened and malfunctioning with the government 😳.Anyway- Lots of love to everyone on here like me whom are suffering and frightened & thank you for accepting me 🙏🏼
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Yes I'll re~read it again because my mind is frazzled but it did look like Liz was scrapping It punishing those that can't work and handing it over to those that can.
The reward and punishment abuse narcissistic parents do when playing favouritism with their children kind of toxic game . Do what I say and you will get more. Try out work wouldnt be an option then because being starved to death would force you out. With a vague promise of wouldn't need to be reassessed if it doesn't work out trouble is reassessed for what if they wish to scapegoating LCWRA~make it make sense.
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TThat should read reassessed if they wish to scapegoating WCA
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Scrap ffs
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LCWRA is all I have. If this happens, I'm screwed. I'm so tired of all this.
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The Guardian isn't behind a paywall. Subscription is free.
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I think these poor excuses for politicans have finally pushed people way to far this time if they do what they are suggesting.
Everyone has their limits and not everyone would just die there could be rampant waves of untreated Mental health rage and waves of crime .
Not even a poor law in place
Class war reignited mark 101
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Are the government handling out Lazarus pills for mental and physical health now - do they think if they cut our money we’ll miraculously all get better and start working for NHS England etc and pledge our allegiance to sir tier and Rach from accounts 🙄