Upcoming changes to benefits



  • geckobat
    geckobat Online Community Member Posts: 42 Contributor

    It's infuriating so many people still view disabilities this way, especially those that are less visible or not visible at all. I saw a comment on a YouTube video where somebody responded saying "if you can type, you can work". The utter ignorance.

  • BambiFalls
    BambiFalls Online Community Member Posts: 46 Contributor

    it is total ignorance - how does anyone know how a individual responds - can be a carer, AI, my eyes etc.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 407 Pioneering

    did you read the part about starmers been planning this since last year ? What rubbish, they don’t have a clue what they’re doing. So to get sick and disabled ppl into jobs that don’t exist they will try to stop them being eligible for pip which is a benefit for ppl who can also work. And if they lose pip and their car may not be able to get to work. Nit to mention discrimination towards MH and autism adhd. If streeting thinks MH is too over diagnosed that’s his problem to solve with the NHS . Let him explain to the specialists that he knows better. Most ppl can’t even get to see a specialist let alone get a diagnosis.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 407 Pioneering

    thank you , I’d much prefer that option. From what I’ve tonight from another poster it looks like they’re going after pip criteria instead of cuts . I can take a freeze to pip and lcwra and hopefully the changes in pip criteria can be fought in court as I think has been done in the past if I remember correctly.

  • BambiFalls
    BambiFalls Online Community Member Posts: 46 Contributor

    These 8 thousand Mental Health staff they are supposedly employing according to Mel to help with MH within society and also they’re going to start early by putting MH staff in secondary schools - tbh reading this lot makes me need more help - where they getting this lot from? This forum for a few days 🫡

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 768 Trailblazing

    Still cant find any on there. If you cant give me the link which takes straight to UC roles then dont worry about it.

  • Jenwren
    Jenwren Online Community Member Posts: 23 Connected

    when I first got my PIP a couple of years ago they just told me it would be reviewed/ reassessed in 2027. I've never had PIP before so I don't know if this is normal/typical. Do people generally not get a date of when they are reviewed next?

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 768 Trailblazing

    He is contradicting himself and relying on ignorance. It is not possible to say this reform is needed whilst also saying he wants to still support and keep dignity for disabled people, the two are in complete conflict.
    Also he is basically copying the Tories with claims of over diagnosis. Another minister who thinks he is a doctor.

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 768 Trailblazing

    Bear in mind stuff gets watered down when it needs to pass a vote, these changes have cross party support and Labour has a huge majority. Basically if the back benchers are bribed enough with the freeze being removed and the promise of new roles in government, then there is no one left to oppose other than a successful legal challenge.

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 883 Championing


    Recheck your data Rachel reeves - there’s a good chance you haven’t factored in everything you should of to your calculations

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 407 Pioneering

    if it were possible it would be a good idea having therapists in schools etc . Helping young ppl with MH or autism afhd into jobs could be a good idea if voluntary . But where are all these therapists coming from all of the sudden considering ppl wait years for help and a possible diagnosis.

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 768 Trailblazing

    I suppose the question is, is the aim to save a total of 6 billion, or 6 billion per year, I feel they want to save it per year, because they could hit the total by freezing for successive years. When they say by end of parliament my feeling is they want to hit that annual 6 billion saving by end of the term.
    Obviously I agree with freezing being much much less painful than changing eligibility. It is far less cruel. Even a cut is less cruel than changing eligibility. I think the attraction of eligibility to ministers as we have seen with the media coverage is it gets way less media attention, people tend to just assume its getting rid of fraud or people who arent disabled, as there is wide spread belief PIP is too easy to get for minor conditions. There is huge ignorance of the reality.

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 768 Trailblazing

    PIP has an end date unless its ongoing, but even then its a 10 year soft touch review.

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 883 Championing

    I don’t know how much the House of Lords could slow things down

    We somehow get to the halfway point of this labour 1st term (jan 2027) and mps suddenly have to start worrying about how they will retain their seat the next GE

    At this stage obviously defeat these plans would be the best outcome but the tactically delaying and holding up gov progress getting this into law is also a huge result

  • BambiFalls
    BambiFalls Online Community Member Posts: 46 Contributor

    That was my point @secretsquirrel1 in theory what an excellent idea but in reality how? Surely to deal with any kind of MH you need to be fully trained. How long is it going to take before any of this is implemented?! Aren’t they cutting NHS England jobs along with Civil Servants 🤯.

    This spring budget is going to be one watch 😩 X

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 883 Championing

    Not at one point has any media mentioned the £6bill savings is for one year (the impression is a combined £6billion total by the end of 2029

    I’m not saying that you are wrong worried33 - quite the opposite……..if the treasury intent was to claw a total £10-£20 billion total by 2029 (upcoming treasury doc would need to show that) then this scandal would explode even further from the gov allowing the misunderstanding to happen and using it to shield behind.

    But the thought occurred that the treasury were actually going after tens of billions from the disabled - many of the figures the media have for huge numbers of disabled getting cut thousands a year for a £6 billion total saving just didn’t add up

    But I imagine it will take the majority of public and mps at least a few more days before asking your very obvious question worried33 😕

  • tcellmutation
    tcellmutation Online Community Member Posts: 321 Empowering
  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 883 Championing


    Think this is very on topic and a very interesting read


    If we have misunderstood reeves £6billion as not a accumulated goal up to 2029 but a goal to save £6billion from disability cuts every year by 2029 then it will move up the ranks of ‘worst things dwp have done or tried to do for 15 years)

  • Natureico
    Natureico Scope Member Posts: 42 Contributor

    People Power did the trick in 1997 😁

    We need more of that in 2025 💑