Upcoming changes to benefits



  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 782 Trailblazing

    He is contradicting himself and relying on ignorance. It is not possible to say this reform is needed whilst also saying he wants to still support and keep dignity for disabled people, the two are in complete conflict.
    Also he is basically copying the Tories with claims of over diagnosis. Another minister who thinks he is a doctor.

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 782 Trailblazing

    Bear in mind stuff gets watered down when it needs to pass a vote, these changes have cross party support and Labour has a huge majority. Basically if the back benchers are bribed enough with the freeze being removed and the promise of new roles in government, then there is no one left to oppose other than a successful legal challenge.

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 883 Championing


    Recheck your data Rachel reeves - there’s a good chance you haven’t factored in everything you should of to your calculations

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 434 Pioneering

    if it were possible it would be a good idea having therapists in schools etc . Helping young ppl with MH or autism afhd into jobs could be a good idea if voluntary . But where are all these therapists coming from all of the sudden considering ppl wait years for help and a possible diagnosis.

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 782 Trailblazing

    I suppose the question is, is the aim to save a total of 6 billion, or 6 billion per year, I feel they want to save it per year, because they could hit the total by freezing for successive years. When they say by end of parliament my feeling is they want to hit that annual 6 billion saving by end of the term.
    Obviously I agree with freezing being much much less painful than changing eligibility. It is far less cruel. Even a cut is less cruel than changing eligibility. I think the attraction of eligibility to ministers as we have seen with the media coverage is it gets way less media attention, people tend to just assume its getting rid of fraud or people who arent disabled, as there is wide spread belief PIP is too easy to get for minor conditions. There is huge ignorance of the reality.

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 782 Trailblazing

    PIP has an end date unless its ongoing, but even then its a 10 year soft touch review.

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 883 Championing

    I don’t know how much the House of Lords could slow things down

    We somehow get to the halfway point of this labour 1st term (jan 2027) and mps suddenly have to start worrying about how they will retain their seat the next GE

    At this stage obviously defeat these plans would be the best outcome but the tactically delaying and holding up gov progress getting this into law is also a huge result

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 883 Championing

    Not at one point has any media mentioned the £6bill savings is for one year (the impression is a combined £6billion total by the end of 2029

    I’m not saying that you are wrong worried33 - quite the opposite……..if the treasury intent was to claw a total £10-£20 billion total by 2029 (upcoming treasury doc would need to show that) then this scandal would explode even further from the gov allowing the misunderstanding to happen and using it to shield behind.

    But the thought occurred that the treasury were actually going after tens of billions from the disabled - many of the figures the media have for huge numbers of disabled getting cut thousands a year for a £6 billion total saving just didn’t add up

    But I imagine it will take the majority of public and mps at least a few more days before asking your very obvious question worried33 😕

  • tcellmutation
    tcellmutation Online Community Member Posts: 327 Empowering
  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 883 Championing


    Think this is very on topic and a very interesting read


    If we have misunderstood reeves £6billion as not a accumulated goal up to 2029 but a goal to save £6billion from disability cuts every year by 2029 then it will move up the ranks of ‘worst things dwp have done or tried to do for 15 years)

  • Natureico
    Natureico Scope Member Posts: 43 Contributor

    People Power did the trick in 1997 😁

    We need more of that in 2025 💑

  • mac99
    mac99 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Contributor

    the independent is saying that the government are considering u turning on the 5 to 6 billion pip cuts.this wouldn't be just the freeze as that wouldn't save them that much.hopefully theres been enough pressure from mps and the public to make them realise how bad an idea these cuts are and how much damage it will cause on an already wounded labour.

  • Natureico
    Natureico Scope Member Posts: 43 Contributor

    The rumours on cuts or freezes on LCWRA are disconcerting to say the least.

    This is a hill worth dying on for, and lets hope there are enough Labour MP's, Cabinet Ministers and Opposition MP's voting against, to make them think again.

    It is also gratifying to see so many disabled charities and organisations in lock step with each other, in vigorously opposing these proposed swingeing cuts to diasbled benefits.

  • Santosha12
    Santosha12 Online Community Member Posts: 489 Empowering

    Gosh I've just tried again that was harder to find. So the source site came up as


    When you click on it there are 4 coloured boxes as you scroll down the page and there's a red box ROLES click on that and it shows vacancies for quite a few jobs including decision makers, quite a few jobs. I've just re tested it and I could see them. Don't know quite why what I said before doesn't work for me now either but they're advertised roles so obviously not a 'secret'. The https:// address I've given now (above) is just what came up in my original search I just didn't notice it - so sorry 🤭

  • Santosha12
    Santosha12 Online Community Member Posts: 489 Empowering

    If I was well enough to work, I'd apply for one of these myself 🤨🫠 although quite how that works when you get no sleep is another matter altogether. Interestingly, they're all 42 hour week (37 hrs working) Mon to Fri hours between 0745 and 2000 and Sats 0800 to 1700. Part time and flexibility may be available if suits business needs. Some hybrid working.

    Funny enough, there's none of the oh we welcome people with disabilities including chronic fatigue,autism, epilepsy etc etc (as mentioned on my other post found on the other ads).

    There's a video link to You Tube -A Day in the Life of' for each of the roles including the Decision Maker for Mandatory Reconsiderations.

  • Santosha12
    Santosha12 Online Community Member Posts: 489 Empowering

    @worried33 Btw, meant to say (you'll see on here anyway) the training was 8 wks classroom full time then 12 to 16 wks 'consolidation'.

  • Meg24
    Meg24 Online Community Member Posts: 387 Trailblazing

    Well it's 3am and I've been awake for an hour now. Lying here so terrified I'm starting to get chest pains. At this point it seems preferable than spending the next few years waiting for the axe to fall. Good luck everyone.

  • ancojo
    ancojo Online Community Member Posts: 12 Connected

    To add to this @apple85 I done some calcs for LCWRA to be cut and the figures in my opinion show why they are making such a big issue out of the PIP freeze to hide the fact that a cut to LCWRA would save them alot more, basically trying to fool everyone!

    LCWRA rate 2025/26 (1.7% rise from 2024/2025)

    Monthly - £416.19
    Yearly - £4994.28

    *LCWRA figures below based on 2025/26 rates - "% cut by, what you would get monthly, ((how much has been deducted) x 1.8 million claimants) = how much saved that month in millions"

    Monthly rate
    LCWRA cut 25% = £311.69 ((-£104.05) x 1.8m = £187,290,000
    LCWRA cut 34% = £274.69 ((-£141.50) x 1.8m = £254,700,000
    LCWRA cut 50% = £208.09 ((-£208.10) x 1.8m = £360,180,000

    *LCWRA figures below based on 2025/26 rates - "% cut by, what you would get that year, ((how much has been deducted) x 1.8 million claimants) = total saved that year in billions"

    Yearly rate
    LCWRA cut 25% = £3745.71 ((-£1248.57) x 1.8m) = £2,247,426,000
    LCWRA cut 34% = £3296.18 ((-£1698.10) x 1.8m) = £3,056,580,000
    LCWRA cut 50% = £2497.14 ((-£2497.14) x 1.8m) = £4,494,852,000

    A 34% cut to LCWRA which has been touted would save over £3 BILLION but as your math shows they would only stand to save £632.7 million by freezing PIP for a year, even at 25% they would still get nearly 4 times more than the PIP freeze in one year!

    Now imagine those figures over 3 years! Without even adding for inflation they would stand to save nearly 7 BILLION over 3 years by cutting LCWRA wereas over 3 years of a PIP freeze would only bring in £3.873 billion!

    This in my opinion is why they know they can stop the freeze for PIP making it look good but still save alot more by cutting LCWRA!

    Also its been mentioned that they want to save £6 billion A YEAR so even if it was a 50% cut and PIP was frozen it would still only add up to £5.12 billion so weres the extra £900 million coming from, changes to criteria forcing people off PIP and LCWRA? I would love to see their math for saving £6 billion a year?

    If I'm incorrect in my math please let me know so I can learn from it :)

    If the math is correct then people need to tell their MPs and whomever else that needs told that they are not fooling anyone!

  • Santosha12
    Santosha12 Online Community Member Posts: 489 Empowering

    I hope you are OK @Meg24 , I woke at 1am and cannot sleep now, it's all so stressful. I'm just going to go and make a nice cup of tea and I'm trying to breath deeply to not stress so much.

    Please ring for help if you need to, 111 or 999 - chest pain shouldn't just be left. I get twinges sometimes and don't do anything about it but they pass and I've just had pneumonia / got emphysema so I put it down to that and it always is just that for me but 111 can advise you.

    I've put the tv on but it's the news so might turn it over🤭😅 will it help you to make a warm drink? I've just remembered I've got some hot chocolate which I drink very rarely, I might go and get that as a treat. We need to look after ourselves as very best we can, things will become clearer very very soon and we're all here for each other, you're not on your own ❤️

  • Meg24
    Meg24 Online Community Member Posts: 387 Trailblazing

    Thankyou, I get a lot of random body pains, it's one of the ways my MH asserts itself when I'm distressed, I've also had a massive headache and raging IBS since this whole thing started. I've had chest pains before xx

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