Hi, my name is zeitgeist49! What I learnt from working with autistic children
I worked as a licensed professional in psychiatry for 40 years (1969 - 2009 ). I specifically worked with autistic children from 1973 to 1977. One observation which amazed me during that time was the frequent mis-diagnosis of autism. And the over - diagnosis seems to have gotten worse in the past few decades. My…
How important is the autism questionnaire for the assessment?
Hi everyone, I was diagnosed with Klinefelter Syndrome when I was 38 & the latest info on that condition has been linked to Autism and ADHD. I had an ADHD assessment with Psychiatry-UK which showed I have the attention deficiencies but no hyperactivity. I am now currently in the early stages of an Autism assessment, but…
would help if familly were more encouraging
would help if familly were more encouraging i feel like i am making a slight improvement after a really long time and i don't even get a what are you doing lately encouragement, reassurance just a little bit would help to get me started on doing thing to be more busy and active in yes a bit of exercise but more so in me…
Anxiety about leaving for bus into town
Gerrin cripplin anxiety over the thought of it rite noe
Hi, my name is SteveKC! Diagnosed with ADD in December 2021. Am I on the best medication?
I am 75. Diagnosed with ADD in December 2021 and been on monthly face-to-face with psychiatric support ever since... my concern is whether I am on the best medication...
Fatigue advice for ASD/ ADHD young person
Hi, My adult daughter suffers with ASD and ADHD. She’s currently doing a course that’s due to finish in a couple of weeks (then hopes to start University..if she can get in). She often complains of feeling tired and I worry about her. She’s been to her GP and had a blood test, all ok, but should I be doing anything else?
Hi Everyone. I'm Tiam, a 21 yr old guy currently a distance-learning computing student. I have High-functioning autism/aspergers and just thought I get to know some people here on this forum who share the same interests as me. I am mainly into aviation/aircraft and good at remembering things, especially small details. Any…
Parent of a 2 year old. We're waiting for a diagnosis for ASD, and are struggling to keep him asleep
Hello, I am new here, parent of a two year old boy, we are waiting for diagnosis for ASD and are struggling with keeping little lad asleep
My 3 year old has been refereed to be assessed for autism what is the process
Hi there my 3 year old has been refereed to paediatrics as he has traits of autism etc, his first appointment is next week and wondered what the process is? He is also due to go nursery this year and I feel like he needs a lot of support, any advise from other parents would be appreciated?
16yr old autistic son, will it always be a uphill struggle?
Hi , I have just read all the posts about parents expereince with their Autistic child not leaving the house for years or not even going into the garden, As upsetting this is to read its refreshing for me as my Autistic son wont leave the house only to go to school for 3 days in a taxi to and from home, and that is with a…
Help needed- ADHD: Difficult to function
I have been on the waiting list for a ADHD assessment for two months. I anticipate it to be a very long wait. I actually decided to see the GP myself after evaluating my symptoms. I am annoyed that my symptoms had not been picked up by anyone else. It has effected my ability to study at school and at university. I can’t…
My daughter has suspected autism. She's starting school in September, and no support is in place
Hi, I'm a mum of a 4 year old girl who is suspected of having autism. I'm struggling to get the right support. In September she is starting school and nothing is put in place. She is struggling with anxiety, stress, hypersensitivity and communication.
How do you know if you have autism
Hi to all, How do you know if you have autism what symptoms would you have the reason I am asking as a person in our family has aspergers syndrome /are the symptoms similar or not I don't like noise/fighting/I have to do housework in a specif order and always have everything clean & tidy at all times/otherwise I feel…
Hi, my name is RosegoldPrincess! I'm waiting for my autism assessment
hi my name is rose I am 18 years old and I am waiting for my autism assessment. It would be great to chat to other people as I find making friends difficult.
Executive Dysfunction
Hi I’m Sabena. I have recently discovered that I suffer from executive dysfunction. I had never heard of this before and have done some research and reading on it. I wanted to know if there is any support/support groups available for this condition? Thanks
Son with ASD will not leave house
Hi, my son is almost 17 and over the past 9 months has declined tremendously. He has not settled at college, will not accept any support and no longer leaves the house unless absolutely necessary. He spends his days lying on his bed on his phone or on his laptop. If I limit the time he has a huge meltdown. I’ve also found…
Understanding my fit on the spectrum
I’ve spent quite a bit of time talking about my son and how the world is going to be for him. I suppose it’s time I talked about myself. Looking back there’s a lot that happened that didn’t make sense at the time. When I was younger I was terrified of Drs and needles to the point where I would lash out as a child. I had be…
Hi I'm Spencer, I am autistic and I'm from Wales
Hey, My name is Spencer, I'm 27 years old and recently have been experiencing problems with my mental health; specifically severe anxiety. Don't worry I have already spoken to my GP who prescribed me Fluoxetine 20mg and Zopiclone. I have also reached out to my local Mind centre to receive talking therapy by phone 'Active…
Hi. Anyone have any supportive contacts for autistic adults including women?
Hi I am in my early thirties and learnt I am autistic aged 30. Anyone have any supportive contacts for autistic adults including women?
I did my first 2 assessments one being Judy a welcome and getting to know me, and then after I did a assesment with flying frogs, and monkeys with coconuts, currently I'm worrying about if I said anything wrong or right, truly I don't know exactly what they was made to show from me, but all I did was said what I saw.…