Hi, my name is RosegoldPrincess! I'm waiting for my autism assessment
hi my name is rose I am 18 years old and I am waiting for my autism assessment. It would be great to chat to other people as I find making friends difficult.
Executive Dysfunction
Hi I’m Sabena. I have recently discovered that I suffer from executive dysfunction. I had never heard of this before and have done some research and reading on it. I wanted to know if there is any support/support groups available for this condition? Thanks
Son with ASD will not leave house
Hi, my son is almost 17 and over the past 9 months has declined tremendously. He has not settled at college, will not accept any support and no longer leaves the house unless absolutely necessary. He spends his days lying on his bed on his phone or on his laptop. If I limit the time he has a huge meltdown. I’ve also found…
Understanding my fit on the spectrum
I’ve spent quite a bit of time talking about my son and how the world is going to be for him. I suppose it’s time I talked about myself. Looking back there’s a lot that happened that didn’t make sense at the time. When I was younger I was terrified of Drs and needles to the point where I would lash out as a child. I had be…
Hi I'm Spencer, I am autistic and I'm from Wales
Hey, My name is Spencer, I'm 27 years old and recently have been experiencing problems with my mental health; specifically severe anxiety. Don't worry I have already spoken to my GP who prescribed me Fluoxetine 20mg and Zopiclone. I have also reached out to my local Mind centre to receive talking therapy by phone 'Active…
Hi. Anyone have any supportive contacts for autistic adults including women?
Hi I am in my early thirties and learnt I am autistic aged 30. Anyone have any supportive contacts for autistic adults including women?
I did my first 2 assessments one being Judy a welcome and getting to know me, and then after I did a assesment with flying frogs, and monkeys with coconuts, currently I'm worrying about if I said anything wrong or right, truly I don't know exactly what they was made to show from me, but all I did was said what I saw.…
Hi, my name is Girls!
I have 4 year old twin granddaughters, who are beautiful, clever and were recently statemented as being autistic. I want to do all I can to help them live their best lives.
Autism Assessment
Hiya,I have twins, both of which have been suspected to be on the spectrum on and off for pretty much their whole life. The paediatrician offered for one of them already 3 years ago, and now, finally, visited them both in school, and says she's sure they are masking and both *are* on the spectrum, and offered to add this…
How long did it take you to get a formal ADHD diagnosis after receiving your informal one
I had my ADHD assessment with LANC in July 2020 and after I receiving my assessment report back and scoring highly in all areas I recieved an informal diagnosis of ADHD with the assessor clarifying that they have requested an appointment with a consultant to consider a formal diagnosis of ADHD and that I have been placed…
New here :)
Hi. I'm late diagnosed autistic and finding answers for long term pelvic pain. Glad to be here
I'm Just Me - Poem about Aspergers and Autism
An 11-year-old boy from Chesterfield has won a national competition with a poem about Aspergers. Kenzi Jupp’s wrote ‘I’m Just Me’ for National Autism Awareness Day and has won first prize in the Young Poet Network’s annual contest and was published in the Young Minds collection. You can buy Young Minds via Etsy. The book…
Autistic friends
Hi guys, I hope this isn't against any rules. I was wondering if anyone who's Autistic or has autism would like to chat or even look at becoming friends if we click :smile: I say both as both identifiers are entirely valid. I'm Autistic, 24 and I'm into quizzes, geography, bus information, Bones TV Series and much more. We…
Parents..how have you learnt to accept your Son/ daughter’s differences/challenges over the years?
How has this been for you and what have you gone through? My adult daughter, 22 has been diagnosed with ADHD and on the Autistic Spectrum and as it’s been a recent diagnosis I’ve struggled especially when I see other girls her age get on with life. Does this get easier with time? Also, I’d love to chat with any other…
Autism Assessment
Hi, so had a virtual ados assessment earlier on. It was very strange. They asked a lot of questions, but I completely struggled to answer them. Then they shown a book, without words, and I had to desribe what was happening. My mind just went blank, I could not for the life of me, understand what was going on or how to…
My brother has autism and Leigh disease. How can I stop him from ripping his clothes?
My brother lives with me he is 40 non verbal ausitic and Leigh disease he is constantly ripping his clothes shirt and pants. I have tried letting him know he can't do that. I have even sewed his pockets clothes getting him b neck shirts. I do not know where to turn or how to respond to is and he knows he is not suppose to…
Hi, my name is scapaman!
Hi everyone new here.
Hi, my name is Justice2311! I am autistic, and new to the Scope community
Hi, guys. My name is Louis, or Justice if you like. I'm autistic, and I am new to the Scope community. I may put my foot in my mouth from time to time, but I will try my best to listen and consider everyone's views.
Hi, my name is kailajohnson_91! Last year I found out my son has ASD. Looking for support
last year September I found out my son has ASD. This has become such an emotional thing to process for me and my other children. So I am here to gain my knowledge and be able to help him more, and help support my family through this.
My daughter has ASD and extreme social anxiety. Im worried she hasn't been going to college
Hi eveyone. I’m a single mum to four children. 2 with ASD (aspergers). I am on her to find support, help and advice. My eldest child, 19 year old daughter, doesn’t go out. She has extreme social anxiety & ASD. She plays on computer games and her phone all day. She has no friends. No idea for the future. Her social anxiety…