Home visit
So in relation to my previous post , I had to start a new claim , I had my first meeting at the job centre at the start of January which I attended , I verified everything and was told everything was sorted , since then my first "pay date" has come and gone and I received nothing and they were mentioning arranging a home…
Stress mental health bad lungs
Hello there I had a major lung op was in hospital for months with chest drains in my lungs I get tired easily and am on inhalers my mental health is at an all time low to the point I don't want to leave my house or socialise I stay in that much and avoid ppl they've gave up trying it's not them it's the way I am I don't…
Cause of Bad Attitude.. Mental Health?
Hia Folks. I hope you are all well?Another question that is not Disability related, but would appreciate honest answers please? I have read a quote on Attitude...A bad attitude is like a flat tyre. You can't go anywhere until you change it. Now my attitude stinks. Not through my choice, or caused by my personality.To me…
Hello I'm new here. Hope to share my experience in mental health awareness.
Hi everyone. I'm new here. Hope to share my experience in mental health awareness.
Poor appetite
Hi all my appetite is very poor to none eating very little, I wish I could get my appetite back as anyone got any tips on how to build my appetite back up. A few things you should know first tho. I have Crohns 48yrs now, had a few resection surgeries I now only have 4ft of small bowel left no colon with Ileostomy, I have…
New comer
My name is Rebecca lane I have had mental disabilities since I was 14 didn’t get my first diagnosis till I was 19, I’m now 41 and trying to do a course in management ready for my return to work in 2025, life is hard but improves slowly but surely xx
Elderly mum struggling with MH and loneliness…
My mum is 79 and hurt her back last year. My Dad is in a care home and she misses him terribly. I go over as much as I can but she often complains of loneliness. Apart from a couple of neighbours along the road, and seeing either myself or my daughter she is on her own. I recently got her a walker which has helped but…
What is the recovery of a stroke will a stroke sufferer fully recover
Why do I think suicide is an option. I’m 25 and I have a 5 year old daughter, I’m going through a court case at the moment from when I was assaulted sexually which is really making me anxious.
Bipolar…..employment or not??
Hi all, I’ve managed my bipolar quite well since diagnosis approx 10yrs ago when I turned 40…after a few mad mad years I managed to get back to work and eventually found a full time job….working on the highways. in the last 18 months my Bipolar has become very erratic and I’ve had approx 12 of the 18 months off work. My…
GP has retired. Feel like I can no longer access help.
Hey guys, I have suffered from Agoraphobia, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Depression and Anxiety for around ten years now having been subjected to a life altering incident. I have had the same GP for around 8 years and have dealt solely with her during this time. This is mainly due to the fact she seemed to understand my…
Jobs for disabled/physical and mental
Hi all, Just wondering if anyone knows a particular place to go to look for jobs for myself who has physical and mental health disabilities. It is a lot harder than I thought to access real employment in this criteria. I did feel like giving up on everything at one point, there is no real help, I was put on the mental…
GOOD NEWS. Pip phone call saying ive been Awarded and Backpayment should be here 7 working days 😁
Has anyone else had this and actual had it in 7 days or was it longer? It said it a large amount and asked if i wanted it in installment
Low Dose Fluoxetine
Firstly, I just want to ask for no negative replies please - I've specifically not Googled so as not to see any horror stories! Regulars will know by now but basically I suffer from severe OCD, agoraphobia and social anxiety, and have a massive phobia around bodies/bodily fluids/illness or injury. I also have physical…
I'm not sure if this is relevant to the site?
Okay here it goes. I'm not sure of the exact order these occured in my life but I've anxiety, depression, severe trichollomania, agoraphobia, intrusive thoughts and ADHD. Phew 😵💫 I'm wondering if anybody on here has any of these issues x
Physical and mental health problems
Just wondered if there is anyone out there who has had to deal with both. I was brought up and educated to 'hold it all together', don't complain and put others first. Turns out I have MS, probably a physical result of Complex PTSD (traumatic chiildhood experience). That's bit heavy for Xmas messages but I would love to…
New Year Or Just Another Day?
Many people struggle with depression, and for some, it peaks on New Year’s Eve. Those with existing depression are particularly vulnerable to the mental health challenges of this night & expectations of the new year. The start of the new year does not have to be stressful, sad, or lonely. A few changes and new traditions…
Would've been my late nanna's 101st birthday on new years eve
My late dad's late mum passed away when I was still in primary school. On the day my nanna passed away, one of my mum's friends (who me, my 2 sisters and our brother always call "auntie" or "uncle") had come to the house we were living in at the time. Myself and my middle sister were getting ready for school and we heard…
Some tips about coping with Christmas from DisabilityPlus Counselling Services
Some tips about coping with Christmas from DisabilityPlus Counselling Services Christmas, even with people we love and who love us, can be an overwhelming flood of confusing cross-conversations, the unexpected irritation of well-intended but thoughtless comments about our disabilities, and simply too much of everything.…
Disabilities Counselling with a Therapist who has the Same or Similar Disability
Disabilities Counselling with a Therapist who has the Same or Similar Disability We are the first and probably the only counselling service that supports adults with a varied range of disabilities with specialist counsellors who have Disabilities just like you. Most of our services are available for NHS-Funded Applications…