Help with reaching out to trauma support?
So I had continuous trauma for many years but I'm safe now and the trauma has ended. But I'm really cut off to everyone now and I can't connect to anyone, so I'm really isolated. And whenever I'm in a social encounter I dissociate and it's like some other thing takes over and I can't control what I say or act so it's…
Cannot function
Once more my GP has tried to get me onto AD's and yet again I agreed, despite having miserable results with 15 or so different ones over the years. Yet again the medications that slowly accumulate (which all AD's do) has caused me issues and it turned me into a zombie. So much so that I couldn't function except on a…
Update on me, the pandemic and my mental health
Not been around much and the pandemic hasn't helped, more about that later. Since I joined (March 2018) at lot has happened in my life which has had serious impact on my mental health. I've revisited some really dark places, I don't want to elaborate as it might trigger others. On a brighter note, I've had some high…
Hi to all about my Son.
What do I do about this my 2 grandaughters werre playing/fighting in dads bedroom/My Son room Hes 34. Elsie 11 jumped on darcy 5 as they always do messing about which really annoyed me Then darcey comes in saying her knee hurts and crying i asked Darcey what happened She told me then my Son had a go at me for asking what…
Positive affirmation corner
This thread is a place for the community to share a daily positive affirmation. What are positive affirmations? Positive affirmations are short statements that aim to inspire people, help stop negative thoughts and build up self-esteem. An example of a positive affirmation is: “I am worth loving. There is love all around…
Scared my pychosis is comming back
I suffer with anxiety , ocd and ptsd it got so bad I started to suffer from pychosis . I have been making small improvements in my health I do not want to go back to where my anxiety gets so bad I suffer with pychosis . Lately I have been hearing laughter, and voices that my partner can’t hear just me . He’s worried I’m…
Humiliated in MacDonald Im in such a bad way
The last time I wrote a post like this I did get some rude comments please only nice ones as I’m in a really bad way : I haven’t been so good lately with my mental health . My partner took me to Mac Donald’s today to try and get me out he’s not feeling well so he parked in disabled Bay this macdonalds happened to be in a…
Historic childhood sexual abuse
Hi I am considering reporting my brother to the police over what he did to me as a child.I doubt if it will come to court but now I have turned 50 it is beginning to feel like the right time to at least report what he did to the police so it will be on record. Can I ask if anyone on here has done something similar and what…
Understanding psychosis: a guide for young people and their supporters
The British Psychological Society have just released this new booklet around understanding psychosis. It's easy to read and written in a friendly tone so could help any of our community members experiencing this impairment. Please let me know what you think to it if you give it a read :)
Understanding depression webinar on 9 October 2020 2pm - 4pm
The British Psychological Society (BPS) are releasing a new publication called 'Understanding depression' and are holding a webinar to discuss the topic. The webinar will cover: The webinar is free to attend and open to the public. For more information and details on how to sign up visit the BPS website.
Sometimes I wish a tornado would come and blow the roof off this house of anxiety right down too its foundations so when the sun shines and it's all clear I can build myself a stronger house!!!
I've started this discussion for anyone who suffers from PTSD ONLY. Would you care to share your experience of PTSD and maybe share how your PTSD began? I'll begin I am a PTSD sufferer. I say sufferer because I am still experiencing PTSD and not a survivor of it. Others may argue that I am a survivor but in my mind I do…
mental health being so cruel
well here i am another early morning as they all are anything from about 3am onwards but has been many many years since i slept past 7am as i always wake up with something going around in my head. for some reason i never seem to get peace in my mind and am always flapping about something due to my depression and anxiety so…
I feel like I'm losing my mind
As the title says, I feel like I’m losing my mind. In a previous discussion I talked about my ADHD and how I find it hard to apply to new jobs. On top of the issues I face with ADHD I also suffer from Depression and anxiety. And since I posted last my mental health has taken a nosedive. A few things happened that may have…
Thank you to every one on this forum
I just want to say a huge thank you to every one on this forum thank you for all the wonderful support and advice when I was going threw my pip thank you for all the advice on a few employment issues I was having I do have a update on that I will be making a post soon but I just wanted to say this forum has made me feel…
Mental Health Myth Busting
@RAwarrior had the good idea of starting a 'mental health myth busting' thread in the comments on my recent post on World Suicide Prevention Day 2020, as there are so many myths surrounding mental health issues. What is a mental health myth? A mental health myth is a common opinion or conception of mental health, or mental…
I am going through a rough time at the moment. I feel very low.
Mental health nursing in 1980s
Did you have to train as an RN before you trained as a Registered Mental Health Nurse in the 1980s? Have I got the titles right? Or could you just start training as a RMHN in a mental hospital straight away. Could student nurses then give depot injections or did they have to qualify first? Did female staff nurses in their…
when you feel like you just dont want to be around any more
Each day is such a struggle for me like Im sure it is for every one . I find it hard to make friends thought I made two where I used to work but lately I haven't heard from them they both ignore me when I message them . I just heard from one just now and said they have all been told there not allowed to speak to me and…
How does one "do" counselling?
I'm on a waiting list for counselling with Mind and would like to ask how should I approach it? Many years ago I had 6 sessions (that's all you were allowed at my GPs) I remember sitting there as the counsellor explained it was his job to listen and he couldn't tell me what to do and I thought "well this is pointless" The…