UC50 Form



  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    It won't be the first time they haven't read the form when requesting something specific. This is one of the reasons i would usually advise contacting them separately to put the request in.
  • cheekylittlekoala
    cheekylittlekoala Online Community Member Posts: 123 Empowering
    Oh my gosh!! I have had the most stressful day!! I finally spoke to an Assessor and it took just over an hour i feel mentally and physically exhausted. I answered her questions with full answer in between the snot and tears, she asked me a lot of questions about my daughter and she went through my medication and illness so i am hoping the report will all good. She seemed nice but you can never tell... I am so glad it over!! Not sure i want to do the PIP one now!! If i found this stressful....
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    I'm so sorry @cheekylittlekoala I was glad to hear you had a female assessor and I hope you have been able to rest up since your appointment! 
  • cheekylittlekoala
    cheekylittlekoala Online Community Member Posts: 123 Empowering
    Anyone know a rough estimate when i should hear back?

    Thank you 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Up to 12 weeks once the report is returned. Though some have a decision before that. Once it's made if you have access to a journal the decision letter will be uploaded onto there.
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    It sounds like this was a really difficult experience for you @cheekylittlekoala. How are you coping at the moment and would anything, in particular, help you to feel more comfortable in approaching PIP? Please don't hesitate to let us know if there's anything we can do to help  :)
  • cheekylittlekoala
    cheekylittlekoala Online Community Member Posts: 123 Empowering
    I am so stressed out waiting for my report to come back!! Its going to be a very long 12 weeks!! 🥲
  • Ray212
    Ray212 Online Community Member Posts: 602 Empowering
    Hope you hear back soon. At least you have the interview over and done with. Mine is in a few hours time. Can't sleep at all, panicking in fact. All my issues are mental health based, no idea how I am going to explain them over the phone!
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    I am so stressed out waiting for my report to come back!! Its going to be a very long 12 weeks!! 🥲

    Have you requested they send that to you? It's not automatically sent out. Some people have decisions when claiming UC quite quickly, as in within a week. Some wait a lot longer.
  • cheekylittlekoala
    cheekylittlekoala Online Community Member Posts: 123 Empowering
    edited September 2023
    I have had my decision of LCW how do i put in a Mandatory Reconsideration? As i feel i am LCWRA.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Was the decision Limited Capability for Work? Or fit for work?

    Either way, you can request the MR on your journal. You need to state why you think you should have been found to have LCWRA and which descriptor you think applies to you. Only one descriptor is needed. You can see them here https://www.benefitsandwork.co.uk/universal-credit-uc/uc-faq/limited-capability-for-work-related-activity
  • cheekylittlekoala
    cheekylittlekoala Online Community Member Posts: 123 Empowering
    They said Limited Capability for Work
  • cheekylittlekoala
    cheekylittlekoala Online Community Member Posts: 123 Empowering
    Who in the Journal list do i send the Mandatory Reconsideration? 

    I am really stressed and full of anxiety.

    kind regards
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Put it as a message for your work coach because I can’t see anything else it could go under. 

    Have you looked at the descriptors to see if any apply? 
  • cheekylittlekoala
    cheekylittlekoala Online Community Member Posts: 123 Empowering
    edited September 2023
  • Jimm_Alumni
    Jimm_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,717 Championing
    I'm sorry the decision didn't go entirely your way cheekylittlekoala. I hope we can help support you, Citizen's Advice has an extensive page on appealing an assessment. Scroll down to the heading Universal Credit section and it gives some advice there Appealing a DWP decision | Disability charity Scope UK
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    I was about to advise on that last comment but I see you’ve now removed it before I could respond.

    Make sure you tell them exactly what happens when you attempt to socialise with others. The more details you give the better it will be for you. Also include a couple of real world incidents of exactly what happened the last time you attempted this descriptor. 
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    I'm sorry that you were not awarded LCWRA @cheekylittlekoala

    Citizen's Advice have a page on Mandatory Reconsideration and Poppy has advised :) I hope the community can continue to be a place of support for you <3 
  • cheekylittlekoala
    cheekylittlekoala Online Community Member Posts: 123 Empowering
    The descriptors for UC 16. Coping with social engagement due to cognitive impairment or mental disorder is the one similar to PIP 11. Mixing with other people?

    Kind regards
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    It's similar to PIP descriptor 9 engaging with others face to face. The only difference is that for LCWRA descriptor 13 uses the word "always precluded" this means that the limitation must be substantial.