UC managed migration guide



  • andrewkuk
    andrewkuk Scope Member Posts: 79 Contributor

    Hi - All

    We have been sent the migration notice for our FTC (Family Tax Credit) and have had to a joint claim as my wife is my full-time unpaid carer.

    I have also been on ESA (Support group) since 2015 and I also receive PIP but they haven't yet asked us to migrate my ESA to Universal credit.

    I'm mainly bed-bound and was made to take medical retirement from a job I loved as I had become too disabled to work. I have recently done my three yearly PIP reviews and have done several work capacity assessments for my ESA.

    Universal Credit now wants me to attend a work capability assessment even though we are only migrating our FTC.

    Will I have to do this all again when I move my ESA?

    Universal Credit have just called to say they will call me on Saturday as I'm not mobile enough to go to the appointment in person.

    It's making me very anxious and worried as they have already stopped our FTC due to Migration to UC and why do I have to yet again provide evidence got UC when I have just recently had my PIP reviewed?

    Sorry for such a long post but it's very stressful - kind regards Andrew

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,556 Championing

    PIP is a separate benefit to UC, so for the purpose of your query is not relevant.

    Any IR ESA will have ended (apart from a two week run on payment) when you claimed UC, this applies even if you applied due to a FTC migration notice.

    Are you sure it's a WCA appointment that UC have given you?

    It's normal to have an identity appointment at the start of a UC claim.

    As you got ESA SG then LCWRA will apply from the start if your claim, without needing a new assessment. It takes a few weeks for ESA to send your details across to UC, this is usually done in time for your first payment.

    If you haven't already, put a note onto your Journal stating that at the time of applying for UC you got ESA Support Group.

  • andrewkuk
    andrewkuk Scope Member Posts: 79 Contributor

    Hi - Kimmy thank you for your reply.

    The lady said I had to have a commitment meeting via a telephone call followed by a WCA.

    When I explained how disabled I was and that she could see my ESA and PIP she said I needed to send more medical information!

    I haven't received yet the migration notice for my ESA. Is this just done automatically when you first apply for universal credit?

    Regards Andrew

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    The migration notice applies to your Tax credits and any Income Related ESA you’re claiming. If you’re also claiming help with the rent from housing benefit then this will also migrate to UC. It’s not just for Tax credits

    As kimmy has advised you will not need to provide a fit note and another WCA isn’t needed.

    Once a claim for UC is submitted any Income Related ESA and housing benefit you’re claiming will end after 2 weeks.

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,556 Championing
    edited November 2024

    The lady was talking rubbish, this often happens unfortunately with Work Coaches not knowing the ins & outs.

    You won't need another WCA, once ESA confirm your details with UC you'll have LCWRA added to your UC.

    Yes the ending of your IR ESA should all be happening automatically behind the scenes now you have claimed UC.

  • andrewkuk
    andrewkuk Scope Member Posts: 79 Contributor

    Thanks, Poppy & Kimmy.

    They stopped our family Tax Credit on 11th November even though we didn't start the migration process until 14th November. The lady said it would take six weeks for the payment to start.

    I get a bit of income-related ESA and a bit of contribution ESA (DWP won't explain why even after many calls and letters) will that automatically get migrated to Universal Credit?

    Thank you help - Regards Andrew

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,556 Championing
    edited November 2024

    Getting CB & IR ESA means at some point you had entitlement to CB ESA, and were also eligible for an IR top-up.

    When someone is on both, upon migration to UC the IR ESA ends and is replaced by UC, the CB ESA converts automatically into New Style ESA.

    You will still be in the Support Group for NS ESA.

    NS ESA will be paid separately from UC, fortnightly at a rate of £276.40.

    This will be deducted in full (598.68) from each UC payment.

    As UC is a monthly benefit and ESA weekly, the numbers may look wrong, but are correct.

    You might get a generic letter NS ESA letter which assumes your claim is brand new, and mentions a work coach etc, but don't panic that won't apply to your claim.

    You will need a commitments interview for NS ESA this is just a formality, your commitments will be to keep them updated with any changes. You can request this is done via a phone call as a reasonable adjustment, if they initially book a face to face.

  • johnnyy85
    johnnyy85 Online Community Member Posts: 53 Contributor

    had my first statement today had a journal message saying “other benefits of effected your universal credit” I assume they know about my contribution based esa now,

    also has anyone any advice how to approach the transitional protection not going in ?

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,556 Championing
    edited November 2024

    Is your UC award lower than legacy benefits?

    Transitional Protection isn't added if your UC award is equal to or higher than legacy benefits.

    If UC is lower then you can add a Journal note under payments, saying you are entitled to TP but it hasn't yet been added.

  • johnnyy85
    johnnyy85 Online Community Member Posts: 53 Contributor

    Hi just called the phone line , they said they can see it has not been added and can see it needs to be calculated by a case manager, so maybe will get at a later date ?

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,556 Championing

    Hopefully it won't be long now that it's been flagged 🙂

    Money owed will be sent as a separate payment, then going forwards it should be on your statement each month.

  • johnnyy85
    johnnyy85 Online Community Member Posts: 53 Contributor

    Update payment now made for the transitional protection after phone calls , am told 3 days till it goes into bank account

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 674 Trailblazing

    Yes, to be clear I am grateful for your post, sorry if I came across differently.

  • mason50
    mason50 Online Community Member Posts: 110 Contributor

    Hello everyone , I’ve received my UC statement 2 days early for my first payment and everything is correct apart from i asked them to pay my rent direct to my landlord. Thank you to everyone on here who has helped and supported me . I am ever so grateful

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,556 Championing

    Thanks for coming back, and I'm glad things went reasonably smoothly for you.

    Hopefully UC correct their mistake and everything is 100% correct next month 🙂

  • mason50
    mason50 Online Community Member Posts: 110 Contributor

    thank you

  • newbie2017
    newbie2017 Online Community Member Posts: 25 Contributor

    Hi, I have just received the migration letter😱 - i am on esa support group. Is it better to claim asap or wait? Will they start doing work capacity tests/interviews/assessments😳. Sorry if this has already been covered I get extremely stressed when faced with doing claims etc. Please help 🙏

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,749 Championing


    Personally I would wait until the new year now. Avoid all the bank holidays, school holidays, staff illness/distraction etc.

    If you currently get SDP then it's best to wait as long as possible, if you don't get SDP then you're financially better off to migrate quickly.

    You will have to do an ID verification, and accept commitments, but you won't have to go through another work capability assessment.

  • newbie2017
    newbie2017 Online Community Member Posts: 25 Contributor

    Thank you for the reply, how long does the online process take? I have been given approx 3 months to claim online. My Anxiety is through the roof right now. Thank you for any help/reassurance 🙏

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    edited December 2024

    Not very long at all. You can start to fill out the form and save it for up to 28 days. Your claim only starts if you actually submit that claim. Please do be aware that if you start it and don't complete it and submit it within those 28 days the saved application will be lost and you'll need to start again.

    Citizens Advice also have a help to claim phone number that you can ring for help with the claim.
