Cerebral Palsy Network: Cerebral palsy and epilepsy. Looking ahead to 2025

SaraC_Scope CP Network, Scope Posts: 169 Empowering
edited December 6 in Cerebral Palsy Network

The cerebral palsy network team are exploring a collaborative event between Scope and Epilepsy Action Wales in 2025.

We know that 86% or one third of people with cerebral palsy develop epilepsy.

Receiving a diagnosis of cerebral palsy and epilepsy can have an enormous impact on someone’s life. It can lead to feelings of despair, anger, and a sense of isolation. Family and friends can be supportive, but it is likely no one fully understands the challenges of living with cerebral palsy and epilepsy. 

Scope and Epilepsy Action have expertise in these conditions, and we want to raise awareness and share knowledge.

If anyone on this community, lives in Wales and have both these conditions, we would love to hear from you.

We are also looking to connect with family members who have relatives with cerebral palsy and epilepsy.

Hearing about everyone’s lived experience, is vital to understanding people’s support needs.

Many thanks


Cerebral Palsy Specialist Cardiff


  • SaraC_Scope
    SaraC_Scope CP Network, Scope Posts: 169 Empowering

    Hi everyone

    I'm meeting with Epilepsy Action this afternoon to discuss our working together. We would still love to hear from community members who have epilepsy and cerebral palsy.

    If you would prefer not to post here, please contact the Scope's CP Network

    Kind Regards

    Sara Edwards

    Cerebral Palsy Specialist Cardiff