Autistic experiences of Christianity



  • MW123
    MW123 Scope Member Posts: 926 Championing

    I am really sorry that your post has sparked so much negativity. It’s clear you shared your experience with care and authenticity, and your perspective as an autistic Christian is just as valid as anyone else’s.

    You have every right to explore and express your faith, just as others are free to share their beliefs or experiences. Autistic people, like everyone else, have a wide range of interests and connections to faith, and your experience is meaningful to many, even if it’s not shared by all.

    This space should be about mutual respect and understanding, not hostility or shaming. I truly appreciate you for sharing your story, I read it with interest. Please do not let the negativity discourage you—your voice and perspective are valuable, and you deserve to have them heard with empathy and respect.

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,459 Championing
    edited January 5

    Any mention of any particular faith is going to raise questions and lead to discussion (not bickering).

  • MsR
    MsR Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected


    ok, I don't get your point, you have mentioned a few times about linking autism with Christanity. The title simply means autistic experiences about those who are Christan and autistic. There is no link, but it is sharing people experiences who happen to be both.

    It doesn't mean this is about a scientific link.

    However, there is enough out there about some autistics inability to have a faith because they need to have some evidence in order to do so. For me, I have been helped with that and people can be supported with it as well.

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,459 Championing

    there is enough out there about some autistics inability to have a faith because they need to have some evidence in order to do so

    I had no idea it was a thing is my point.

  • MsR
    MsR Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected

    Ok, it appears to be related around Theory of mind and mentalising. Some researchers are bringing forward new ways of seeing things- I will paste from this journal article about a new way of seeing things.

    "Religiosity is possibly expressed differently in ASD with unique spiritual experiences and beliefs (“gifted, visionary, and truth-seeker”). In some circumstances, a religious background can be helpful for both children with ASD and their caregivers. These circumstances should not be neglected, and clinicians are encouraged to consider patients’ religious context, resources, and needs.

    This is another article around unique experiences of autism and religion.

    I will also point out to David Derbyshire, an autistic himself who is also a Christan. I found his lecturers last year interesting on Spirituality and neurodivergence. His lecturers may provide a good starting point for some people who may be interested in the topic.

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,459 Championing

    Sensory supernatural experiences in autism (your link)

    This is interesting! 😃

  • MsR
    MsR Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected

    Than,k you Mw123. I have just seen your post.

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,459 Championing
    edited January 5

    For context and to counter the 'negativity' accusation, let's imagine I create a thread entitled "Autistic experiences of Vegetarianism".

    Firstly, I would expect to attract interest from autistic forum members and secondly, from vegetarians. I should not be surprised if it sparked some debate though!

    BUT, if there was not much interest in my new thread, I could add photos, keep posting stories and adding links to peta undercover investigations into the miserable livestock practices we ignore for our cheap meat until I got a response.. I should not be surprised to be challenged if I kept pushing the same message.

    Inclusion means not trying to exclude, discourage or diminish anyone's 'authentic…perspective'.

  • MsR
    MsR Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected

    Well, a thread on the below, I would expect to see in there autistic people who are vegetarians and people who really considering being one wanting more information. I can see now how some people may post there to try and discourage some people as well. They would kind out of keeping with the thread.

    You posted not positivly to me, just posting the information that I found a good read and easy to read. I can have an issue with taking things litreally so welcomed such a good read where I had no issues with that.

    I didn't get that vibe that your second post Whatsthe for anything about inclusion.

    This thread wasn't created to fits all. A wider debate post on religion can be created. I have issues with my health so would likely avoid if it became heated.

    I would like this thread to be more supportive and informational. I found just the link to the Bible Tales so helpful.

  • surfygoose
    surfygoose Online Community Member Posts: 508 Empowering

    I’m glad you found the link helpful and remember the worship songs online on a Monday ran by the same people is also free to attend.

  • MsR
    MsR Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected

    Thank you surfygoose, I am not the best singer by any means but I have been looking at the worship songs one and may give that a go now as well.

  • surfygoose
    surfygoose Online Community Member Posts: 508 Empowering

    Don’t worry, except for saying hello we all stay on mute so we can sing along or just listen.

  • MsR
    MsR Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected

    That is great to hear surfygoose as I was thinking it may be like a choir.

    I decided to post this here as I have read on the board some people have been feeling unfulfilled and stressed out with life.

    I got to attend one of the inclusiveonlineactivites and it was interesting and I will go again.It is a website aimed at those with a learning disability as well it seems but those are just neurodiverse can join as well. One of the things I got was that those who may not be defined as successful in a worldly sense seemed happy and stress free in the person and a joy to be around and you wished your stresses could go just go like that. It was an encouragement for me to live a simple life for me as possible who was in an overwhelm as well by the end of the day, stresses with my webcam didn't help matter either. I turned it off in the settings for a meeting and couldn't figure out how to put it on when I wanted to. I gave up in the end.

    There are some things for me to research on what I learnt. There was a break out room as well. We all have different capabilities, but I feel more encouraged to develop some of my other interests as well since I attended and to be as stress free as I can and accept myself, all for those I was graced to attend with yesterday. Meeting worldly ascriptions are not that important.

    I have emailed though my local diocese about one of the courses they offer. I will see if anyone gets back to me about that. Other church's have similar courses as well.

    While I am here I will also mention about Hugo Ross. He is a Christian and intellectual and scientist as well. Although, I haven't read around his story that much. He has talked about his autism, his faith and also is passionate about his interests. He has now high functioning autism, this was back in the day asperegers.This is what they have written on autism on their website. This is quite different to the stories I linked to in my first post.

  • surfygoose
    surfygoose Online Community Member Posts: 508 Empowering

    I’m glad you enjoyed it. I wasn’t on the Tuesday Bible tales because I had a busy day returning to my care home after a home visit with my parents. It’s great that you found it a positive experience. Yes you are absolutely right it is for people with learning disabilities and / or autism. Very welcoming of both.

  • MsR
    MsR Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected

    Thank you so much surfygoose, you have been very helpful.

    I will say that I have been trying to figure this webcam issue I have been having since I discovered when I opened up Zoom yesterday that it wasn't working. I tried everything and to today as well. In the end though I opened it and saw it in my device manager and I didn't touch it. I then opened up my camera app and it was working. I just lost it when I saw myself on it working and started cheering and that. I was so pleased. Now it may decide to stop working again but I know it is still there. I have bought a back up though a usb webcam so I will be ready if it decides to do that again and I won't stress about it.

    The Gospel this week in the group was about Matthew The Three Wise Men. I did know this but I found it fascinating about the gifts. We discussed this a bit and it was used also as Jesus special status now and the future. I wonder still what some are like the Myrrh and Frankincense. Perhaps I thought they was like essential oils, but perhaps not and that is what I will be looking up. I also said it is strange now how some people use telescopes to see the stars etc and in those days there was no telescopes. We was told that the 3 Wise Men studied it.

  • surfygoose
    surfygoose Online Community Member Posts: 508 Empowering

    That sounds like a good and interesting session. I’m glad you have a back up camera in case you have troubles with connectivity in future. I went to discipleship club this evening for people with autism and learning disabilities. It is at a local church. We did some singing, read a bit from the accessible bible and had discussion and prayers.

  • MsR
    MsR Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected

    Thank you surfygoose, that sounds like a really good group that you go to. I am glad that your church has it going. The accessible Bible I have heard of that, I will look at it again and likely buy one. I do have the King James Version but I do struggle with it to read so do not use it as much as I should. The audio Bible does help but still I would like to read my Bible more. So, back to the accessible Bible it is.

  • MsR
    MsR Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected
    edited February 27

    I asked my rector at church about a recommendation for the accessible Bible. I did look but couldn't find anything and became a bit overwhelmed with looking so I just asked my rector.

    They linked me to me two on Amazon and explained the one first seemed to be more aimed at people with a learning disability rather than autism.

    The second Bible that my rector pointed said that the accessible Bible study has a focus on what can be helpful for autism. I actually saw that one but I didn't realise what it was.

    {links removed - no advertising}

    I am looking forward to getting mine. The second one is very good value new as well.

  • MsR
    MsR Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected

    I was going through my old documents at home and I stumbled on some old youth for Christ magazines that I liked to read and recieve when I was in my early 20s. I appreciated them a lot back then.

    I looked them up and I was suprised that they are still going Youth For Christ. I thought I would link to there website where you can get a magazine to read today. They still continue to be free as well. I no longer get the magazines myself as I myself have passed through that point of life today. The magazines I think appear to be still free as well.

  • MsR
    MsR Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected

    The day of rest

    I have been filtering through what has going through the last few weeks and feel this is the most important thing to share.

    As an autistic I think this group may struggle more at times to try and undersand some Biblical laws. Like the the day of rest on the Sabbath/Sunday for Christians. For those who do follow it they may try and follow the rest of rest on that day and that rule comes from the 10 commandments.

    Some are not aware that in today's world there is an exception to the rule of rest for Christians for health and this may extend to safety as well. I wasn't aware of this exception and I have an eating disorder, autism and other medical conditions and probably learning difficulties.

    I forgot to buy something and get concerned about going to a shop to buy a few items on Sunday after church.

    I discussed with my very learned rector who is well trained and they said Jesus was about healing and if you have a condition it is ok to do something on a Sunday if it will support your health and healing. I have been struggling this for quite some time.

    This also extends to autism I think for sure, if you to go out for mental health on a Sabbath and it is pressing say a crisis it is ok therefore to go as it will support your health and healing.

    I also after to a Rabbi who owns a synagogue and he said it is lawful with Jewish now modern day based on the 10 Commandments and also Talmud and Rabbinic journals that are exceptions to commandment of rest for health and safety to save live.

    So if you drop your rubbish rubbish on the Sabbath it is not housework to pick up that dropped bag like I did last Sunday outside and it is health and safety and not housework.

    So there is a health and likely a safety one as well but I just confirmed the health aspect in context of my faith but wouldn't be surpised if safety was ok as well.


    I have been too tired and feel blah restricted to home a bit with the weather and problems with my spine, but I do intend to return to Bible Tales as some point when I feel a bit brighter. There is a need for groups like that so things can be broken and understood. I also got my study guide and the text is well paced and I very pleased as I will struggle to read it.


    There is also a bit of an assumption that you have to list all your complaints and why you may struggle with church as an autistic. You may have difficulties and that is ok. I myself have had a bit of a journey getting to my current church and ending up at the right church for me. A short service and quite silent, but that is just me and my needs. Someone will have different needs. I don't feel the need to list all past experiences but focus on there and now and knowing of course I have challenges which I try and work with.

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