Autistic experiences of Christianity

Hi I am diagnosed with autism with several level 2 needs. and my sensory seems to be level 3 at times to me. I am a Christian and autistic and was looking to have a chat to others about that here but didn’t see any posts. I intend also to discuss about my autism.
I thought I would link to other autistic Christians experiences of their Christian faith to anyone to know more about Christianity. I thought perhaps someone might find any of the stories helpful and perhaps a good read over the holidays. I love to catalogue as well. Having seen what is out there I think perhaps more older and autistic parents with autism should document their experiences as well. To me they was all a good read.
Merry Christmas to everyone who marks it.
Christian autistic Experiences of their faith
An autistic Christian experience-with Miya Sae
Episode 170: An autistic Christian experience – with Miya Sae - CAROLYN KIEL
More articles from Miya Sae
Featured Writing and Podcasts | Miya Sae
An Autistic experience of the Holy Spirit gifts
Autistic Faith and God
Ann Memmottis an advocate for autism who is also a Christian. She has a blog account with many posts not about faith as well. I just linked to one page on her faith. There may be more posts on her faith
The ones below are on the Premier Christian website. To read them you will need to register which is free to do so
.I want to love God with all my mind, but as an autistic Christian, my brain works differently to yours
I was diagnosed with autism in my 40s
.‘I was diagnosed with autism in my 40s’
Autism doesn't stop me believing in a God I can't see
Autism doesn't stop me believing in a God I can’t see
I became a Christian during lockdown
'I became a Christian during lockdown'
The last never posted correctly and I cannot edit it.
I became a Christian during lockdown
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Hello. I have autism and I very recently joined a church. I’ve been three times. I am loving it.
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So nice to see your post surfygoose hope you had a lovely at day.. Sort of waves at you as well from behind a computer lol. I get it down I struggled at this waving online business lol. Thank you. I have been looking on the forum for ages and nothing came up. I had a lovely time as well today at our church luncheon.
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I’m glad you enjoyed your church luncheon. I went Christmas Day morning and it was a very joyous experience. All the children showed us their presents and we sang Christmas Carols. Also there was a short sermon and we played a Christmas music guessing game. Usually the services are longer from 10:30-12, and from 10-10:30 we have coffee and biscuits and a chat.
What’s your church like? Mine has a lot of people that go but they have been really supportive and were already really aware of autism and other special needs and what extra support would be required. They are a very joyful church, lots of singing, drums, guitars. They also run an evening club of activities and games for people with autism and / or learning disabilities. I’ve been to that once now and really enjoyed it. They run a discipleship club as well for people with autism to learn about the Bible.0 -
Hi surfygoose, it sounds like you had a lovely Christmas day.
My church just happens to be less than 5 minutes away from me and I have been going there for over two years now. It is an Anglican church but I don't actually belong any demonination as such. My service is really early in the morning at 8 am and it is a chapel and the service is pretty silent. There is no music. I do my own thing with worship music when I can listen to it on Youtube with a playlist.
I try and not take things to litreally. I try and form my opinons when reading the Bible but some study guides explaining things can be helpful as well. I like audio Bible's now as well like Faith Comes by Hearing non dramatised versions and the dramatised versions was a bit too much for my sensory profile.
I have a great church community and I need the routine in my life as well. It helps to gel my life together and give some structure. I have a Christian for some decades now but I haven't always gone to church because of health issues but I have been going for some time now.
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That’s good that your church is less than five minutes away from you. Mine is also very close by, ten minutes walk away.
My church is evangelical. They just happened to be the first church I tried and they seem brilliant. My mum goes to a Church of England church near her which is more quiet and traditional and they are also friendly.
I’ve just found Faith Comes From Hearing on Spotify and started listening. I hadn’t heard of that before. Thanks for writing about that in your post. It says there is an app of that, I’ll have to check it out.I’m glad you’ve been able to go to church again seeing as you like it and were prevented from attending before because of your health. It’s good you are able to get out. I was the same that I didn’t join a church in real life before because I couldn’t manage it. I had been going on online worship songs and Bible tales groups for people with autism and learning disabilities and I really enjoyed it and thought about joining a church, but for a long time couldn’t. It’s nice to have been able to.
I hope you have had a nice Boxing Day. Have you been up to anything nice? I have come home to stay with my parents for a while for a little holiday.0 -
surygoose, that is your fabulous that you have found Faith comes by hearing. I will say as well you can download an audio Bible for free and no ads from the website I have. They have both audio as I said I will link. They all versions and I will never say one version of the Bible people can determine fort themselves I will link.
It is so helpful to have local church's as well.
My church does to coffee mornings and when able and they are small as my service is early and sometimes if able I go on Wednesday bit of routine and I like to try and help myself as well. Yes I love a coffee drink as well lol. The people around me I love them but find socially hard especially ill. Everyone needs others and not able to work a physical job force myself sometimes to sit with and never regretted. Sometimes I have learnt of interesting day events to. One not long a day retreat in Aylesford priory and we was driven there bingo and it was really good a three intivative.
I will never say as well one church is better than another. I have tried a few in my lifetime. Different ones work different people and if you are Christian just let Bibically and select for yourself. I could attend many as a non demo but my Anglican in sight from my doorstop and I like 30 mins express with attention spanning as well. I was baptised as a child and been through Catholic church's, charmismatic as a child, evangelical which longer around 1 hour 30 harder to stay the duration although I loved it to. Now attending a church Anglican as a non demo, all good.
May I ask do you have a link for Bible tales as it sounds right up my street and I need to look for things to do in 2025. All the groups etc as I might not find them. I will read and be thanking in my heart if not able to reply.
Boxing was ok as well three of them a strike. Brilliant Christmas Eve to Bozing day. My parents are abroad for 3 months in their old age as they love the warmth abroad. My sister is abroad in Brazil. My brothers have families. I live alone. I made the best of it though with the church and myself. I today feel a bit with more mass Christmas gone and I have kidney issues which too retention but a few days with more water and its sorted bingo.
I am thinking of getting some fish as a pet in my flat it is just one bedroom so it helps and I have no garden. Cold water fish. This would be the first in a very long time for I had gold fish from fairs as a child most do. They didn't surive very long which saddended me. I just to put in the garden when passed and got a shock when home school no longer so I worry about that now. Coldwater I would get when I get my next payment as with spending Christmas I would be wish to sit on it, tanks are expensive. Have to give it a good home as well.
I wish the best in 2025 and beyond and everyone.
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The website is
The Worship Songs and Bible Tales are free sessions. They do other activity sessions that have a cost but have no commitment, they can just be done now and then or not at all.
I think I found out about the website through a post on here a long time ago.1 -
Thank you so much Surygoose, I will take a look at that, Godsend for I surely need to fill my time a bit more in 2025.
I used to attend a really great group for neurodivergent people. It was a group on spirituality run by David Derbyshire who himself is a Christian, but the group was open to all. It was really interesting and I found it helpful in filling gaps of time in my life as well. I need that. That stopped due to their health taking time out so it has left a gap. This happened in another real life Christian group for those with a chronic condition. We gelled as a small group and then the person running it became too much with their health.
Other voluntary work has ended to and have had issues finding a replacement, COVID still lingers especially with NHS volunteering work such as a hospital chaplain volunteer which I really would like to do has been delayed so much. I'm looking but little has been out there or just shut for renovation for they were happy to take me on my local library to teach the eldery how to use computers but closed.
I am looking into a drama class to occupy as well as drama has been a long term interest for me as well.
Church, I went today, I was very glad I went. Later I will be listening to the audio Bible as well for sure, I find it comforting at times.
I wish everyone well and a good week ahead
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Hi all,
I came across this today. I was looking to see if a local church had a service this morning and read a bit of the newsletter.
The below was in it about Christmas and Epiphany. They mentioned about chalking the doors. Now, I don't know if the church I attend does this as I have never seen it before. I though think I may do it. I wouldn't pass it up easily. Although,I think if asked God will protect you if you ask for it. Still, it shows some may be solidarity. This mention of this Chalking of doors on the Church of England. I just ordered my own chalk but read on the COE website that the chalk is blessed. I think the most decorations down before the 6th and leave the navity active until Epiphany.
Best of 2025 to everyone.
WHEN DOES CHRISTMAS END? In our secular culture the
Christmas season begins around mid-September and winds up
around December 27. However, in the Church, the season of
Christmas begins with the vigil Masses on Christmas Eve and
concludes on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord (12th January
2025). It is for this reason that the crib in the church will remain
on display throughout this time.
During this season, we celebrate the birth of Christ into our
world and into our hearts, and reflect on the gift of salvation
that is born with him including the fact that he was born to die
for us.
any (also known as Twelfth Night or Three Kings Day) marks the
occasion of this tradition. The formula for the ritual — adapted
for 2025 — is simple: take a stick of chalk and write the following
above the entrance of your home: 20 + C + M + B + 25
What does this strange equation mean?
The letters have two meanings. First, they represent the initials
of the Magi — Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar — who came to vis-
it Jesus in His first home. They also abbreviate the Latin
Rphrase, Christus Mansionem Benedicat: “May Christ bless the
house.” The “+” signs represent the Cross and the “20” at the
beginning and the “25” at the end mark the year.
This equation is simply a humble request for Christ to bless our
homes and that His protecting hand be over our families and
friends in all the joys and challenges of the coming year"
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I really do strongly believe that God is protecting me, I ask so in prayer and he does so with his own free spirit. I feel a bit odd asking for me. I do though need to be more proactive with making change in my life. I think that can help me as a prop a reminder a deterent that where I live is a sancutary and a holy place and a further to challenge to challenging behaviours that are difficult to oust. It is also a deterent to things that are no benefit into my home, something further to consider.
The chalk is blessed. I bought a chalk board to inscript on for longetivity and I will seal it as well.
I found some more about it here. It does appear to have its roots in the Catholic tradition.
I found Bible Tales on inclusivegathering which is one positive thing for 2025.
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I must say for me as an autistic Christian I really enjoyed these articles on the Tent, Temple and Syngagogue history. I loved the focus on detail and found it so educative with no space for taking things litreally or not.
It was a really good read for me and I would recommend them to be read.
The Temple from Tent (Tabernacle) to Temple
The Temple Minsitry and the Levites
Temple, Synagogue and the New Testament
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What exactly is the connection with autism? You've barely mentioned your "autistic experiences".
That's an awful lot of reading which I wouldn't even attempt to try!
People do know how to access the Scriptures if they wish to..
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WhatThe I just found the above articles quite easy to read as an autistic myself. I can struggle with taking things litreally at times and didn't have that struggle with the articles. I found them interesting myself as well as I had a few questions myself about the history of Temples-early Christian church's. With the focus on detail as well, attention to detail etc is a trait of autism. I thought some autistic people may appreciate the write up as well. If not then just ignore it.
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I once stopped for two young girls because I thought they wanted directions in the park. No. They asked me if I'd heard of Jesus. What a dammed stupid question! I was having a lovely walk and did not appreciate this one bit.
I have to tolerate sermons yelled through loudspeakers on my way into shops and supermarkets 😖 I am surrounded by churches belting out musical instruments with their doors open..
Not sure how you think such practices appeal to autistic people with sensory problems. They don't. What I do know now is that as an autistic person, I cannot be brainwashed and I am so glad of that.
BTW, nobody was ever able to answer my LOGICAL questions at church or in Sunday School (they would just ignore my questions). My family used to laugh at me for going but that didn't stop me trying to 'believe'. The whole idea of creationism is absurd and I'll stick with science thank you very much!
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I am completley the same. I get harrassed going to the shops each saturday from people with loud music blaring trying to get people to goto church the next day. When I was in hospital a few months ago in the waiting room in agony, a women had a bible serman going through loud speaker and you could tell no one appreciated it. For someone with sensory issues I have a fond hateness for anything religious.
As being autistic, if anything it makes me research everything in detail and religion is just one big brain wash and power/money racket but thats my own opinion from my own studies. I do believe people are free to believe in anything they want to, but what I don't agree with is someone shoving religion down people throats who don't want to be brainwashed or hear it.
I don't see a link between being autistic and christian, if anything I would find most autistic people would avoid religion all together.2 -
Well the thread is intended really who have a question or so or looking for support from other Christians. It can be used for those who may be interested in finding out about more about it from an autistic point of view.
I didn't this ;post as someone who doesn't love conflict to disagree with others and bicker with people who may be not Christians.
I have pronounced sensory issues myself and have found the organ at church very difficult for my senses. We are all individual. The service I attend is a silent service with no music. I have no for defenders unless I am having issues with own self that day.
Religion is one of my interests and have been so decades. There is no brainwashing for me either. Autistics are numerous, some will have faith and some will not. I personally couldn't function without my faith.
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You must know how divisive religion is though?
Any mention of any particular faith is going to raise questions and lead to discussion (not bickering).
The thread title mentions autism and that's my interest here. I'm sure autistic people could ask a question if they had one.
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I intended this thread as a thread for Christians to use and for those who were interested to find out information if they wanted. I didn't expect it here to be used for broader discussion purposes. I thought people would likely not respond if they had no real interest in Christanity.
ok some want to debate here, feel free to do so. I just randomly may answer. These things can sometimes end up taking a lot of energy, Perhaps a wider debate can be started in the coffee lounge by someone else.
I am awarre that some people think autistics cannot have a faith whatsoever and I don't agree with that, we are all indivdual and I have a deep experience with my own faith and there can be ways to support autistics who want a faith as well.
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The thread title mentions autism and that's my interest here.
You keep linking autism with Christianity so I am interested! You don't seem to want any discussion though..
Who thinks 'autistics' cannot have a faith, for example?
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