Autistic experiences of Christianity



  • MsR
    MsR Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected

    Bluebell21 I am not a chaplain. I have had an interest in religion and spirituality and have done so for decades. I didn't see anything in the description about having to have past experience. You can any faith. They have though me for a reference from my rector at my church. I have my faith and attend church. I am not a chaplain. I can give you one to look at here-Scroll down and look at the pastoral visitor and that might give you some idea. It involves visiting people who ask to see you. You don't discuss your own faith and it is lead by the patient. If they ask you can pray for them. It like a befriender role as well.

  • MsR
    MsR Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected

    Well, I don't remember doing that. I read some people with autism may struggle with reading the Bible and understanding some thing and I myself found learning about the Temples and Synagogues so interesting and wrote about it last summer. You could not take the Temples building litreally and I thought that might be understood easily as well and I have read as well that some autistics like things like objects and details. I have to go back and see. I posted the information about the Temples etc like that so people could read and make up their own mind if they were interested. I did it on purpose like that and didn't share what I wrote on it myself. I don't really know what you mean though.

  • MW123
    MW123 Scope Member Posts: 926 Championing

    I sincerely respect your view; however, I disagree with the assertion that global conflicts stem solely from religious beliefs, especially when these views are dismissed as 'fantasies.' This is a gross oversimplification of complex geopolitical issues. To reduce such conflicts to mere religious fantasies ignores the political, economic, and social factors at play.

    Furthermore, excluding religious perspectives from disability discussions is counterproductive. Many faith-based organisations have a long and valuable history of supporting and advocating for vulnerable groups, people with disabilities, and the socially disadvantaged.

  • Bluebell21
    Bluebell21 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 8,691 Championing

    Thank you. So the role you have applied for is Pastoral visitor not Chaplain Volunteer? I do know what a Pastoral visitor is as a friend of mine did this.

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,459 Championing
    edited February 27

    This is a gross oversimplification of complex geopolitical issues.ย 

    โ€ฆall justified through religious dogma!

    This discussion is focused on 'autistics' though and not disability. That's my objection here.

  • MsR
    MsR Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected

    They mean the same I think. What I went for is adverstised as a Hospital Chaplain volunteer but when I read the description it sounds pretty much the same as a Pastoral visitor. I was also told at first meet on Monday that it was pretty much the same. May be it is better being called a pastoral visitor for clarity. I have looked on line and this is some trusts call it one or the other.

  • judie
    judie Online Community Member Posts: 259 Empowering

    What else do you enjoy talking/learning about?

  • Ranald
    Ranald Online Community Member Posts: 642 Championing
    edited February 27

    {Comment removed - uncivil}

  • Ranald
    Ranald Online Community Member Posts: 642 Championing
    edited February 27

    {Comment removed - uncivil}

  • MsR
    MsR Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected

    This thread is now being trolled. I started it for those who may have an interest in learning more about Christanity and for those who are Christians. I don't care if reasonabe debate is had. I am not here to be insulted, Perhaps you are not familiar with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament-Gifts given to Christians usually after Baptism. This in the Bible and I will not debate this with you (1 Corithians 12 (1-30). I do not open threads I have no interest in, but that is me. Why not a general thread on religion if you so have much interest in, it is not in good practise to take over this thread.

    Regards to another question by another poster. I do particularly at this point in time wish to discuss about my interests. Believe I have them and am aware of how to use a forum.

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,814 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    @Ranald please remind yourself of the House Rules. Remember to be civil and supportive.

  • bookrabbit
    bookrabbit Online Community Member Posts: 208 Empowering

    Christianity has caused a huge amount of damage to my life because my mother and sister became Christians and because I cannot force myself to accept such a patently ridiculous set of assertions they decided that I am evil and threw me out and made me homeless. Christians only want to help people who are willing to be taken in by their rubbish or at least pretend to do so. I even tried a thought experiment of accepting it and trying it out but I am just not capable of that level of self deception and so I am not worthy of help.

    Not what you wanted but it's what you asked for. autistic experiences of Christianity. Christians would literally turn their back on me when they discovered I wasn't a member of the club. The club that causes so much division and strife in the world!! I would never discriminate against a Christian because they are Christians but not so the other way around.

  • MsR
    MsR Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected

    bookrabbit clearly you experienced a painful situation there for you. I do think it is normal to set aside family members because they have the same faith as you. Faith is a personal thing and you seek out information and then it is up to decide to do what you want to do. If you want it to, I hope the situation with your family can be resolved.

    I myself have had experiences as well with others not understanding that having some conditions doesn't mean you cannot have your faith and it doesn't you need healing or that other forces are using you. I carve and set out my own relationship with my faith which is the only thing that keeps me going.

    The experiences I referred to I think was the links I posted to other autistic people who are Christians their journey if others chose to look at some. I wasn't referring to peoples personal experiences on the forum.

    I communicate with people who are not Christians as well. For me though I have to be careful with what I see and hear.

    Moving on-I may be starting a new job soon. I may be called into a position to give myself to others and really I need to be calm to do this and to serve them properly and not be diverted by uncessary things.

  • MsR
    MsR Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected

    I meant above in what I wrote to brookrabbit that I do not think it is normal to set aside family members for not having the same faith as you.

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,459 Championing
    edited February 27

    You are posting links to American websites and keep referring to "some autistics" ๐Ÿ™„

    We are sharing our autistic experiences of Christianity on a thread entitled Autistic experiences of Christianity

    Why not a general thread on religion if you so have much interest in, it is not in good practise to take over this thread.

    He doesn't. This is the only one of its kind on this forum. Ranald engages in a variety of topics with intelligence and wit. We all know where to read religious text, if we wish to.

    Religion is divisive (and nothing to do with autism!)

    What else do you enjoy talking/learning about?

  • MsR
    MsR Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected


    You have made it very clear you have no interest in Christanity and I respect that. You have also apparently have no interest in religion either so on that matter in this thread I don't see a scope for dialogue. There is potential of most things to be used positivily or negatively s in this world.

    Some autistics as clearly it does not pertain to all, how more transparent does it need to be.

    The Premier Christian website where some of the autistic stories came from I would thought was a UK website. Whether you are American or reside in the UK I wouldn't imagine it really matters in regards to Autism and faith.

    This thread as I have stated was titled Autistic experiences of Christanity regarding the stories of autistic people who are Christian their experiences of it. It seems like sometimes like some people are looking to be combative.

    As I have written there is a long old school of thought that autistics cannot get religion. There is new information out there that goes against this.

    People are free to do they want. That includes me if I want to have a thread for people interested and a space for other Christians as well. I am not sure why you need to know about my personal life.

  • Bluebell21
    Bluebell21 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 8,691 Championing

    Hi @MsR When opening a thread you are inviting other members to comment on it.

    Once a thread is opened it belongs to all members on the forum and is owned by no one, not even the member who opened it.

    Some comments will agree with your view others will not. It does not mean either is wrong but just see things in a different way.

    I hope you are able to find the purpose you are looking for in your new job. Good luck.

  • MsR
    MsR Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected

    Let's say a vegetarian opened a thread which was taken over by meat eaters. What is the point in that.

    I don't think really I have really given any personal views as such. A lot of the debate now is a general bash on religion which it go in that direction, but not one I partake in.

    It is so easy to start another thread.

    I see some people editing and I would have liked to have added the stories new ones to the original post.

    I used to like opening the thread and reading, I don't get joy out of entering flame worthy debates.

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,459 Championing

    Whether you are American or reside in the UK I wouldn't imagine it really matters in regards to Autism and faith.

    There is no connection between Autism and faith and I have no interest whatsoever in your personal life. I do have autistic experiences of Christianity though which is why I commented on this thread.

    It does matter. Religious extremism is rife over there. We live in a very dangerous world..

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,459 Championing
    edited February 27

    As I have written there is a long old school of thought that autistics cannot get religion. There is new information out there that goes against this.

    What ???


This discussion has been closed.