Upcoming changes to benefits



  • Ross1975
    Ross1975 Online Community Member Posts: 84 Empowering

    For these last few months I've not been worrying much, thinking things may not turn out that bad, anything they decide will possibly take years to happen, I can save up to have a safety net for when those things happen. But lately for some reason I've been feeling worried sick, it's making me want to drink quite a lot of alcohol now and eat junk food to help me relax and give me comfort, but it'll be bad for my health, I already have high blood pressure.

  • tcellmutation
    tcellmutation Online Community Member Posts: 327 Empowering

    I'm being migrated to Universal Credit, and I'll find out my new payment amount on April 5th. I currently receive the enhanced rate for all my benefits, was in the ESA Support Group, and received the Severe Disability Premium (SDP). Previously, I understood that I would have transitional protection and would continue to receive the same amount as I did on legacy benefits. However, I'm worried that any announcements made tomorrow could affect my payments. Do you think I'll still receive exactly the same amount, or could these changes potentially impact my entitlement?

  • apples
    apples Online Community Member Posts: 467 Empowering

    Sorry I should have been more specific, for people that don’t need it and wouldn’t qualify he’s explaining how to do it

  • ThirtySixteen
    ThirtySixteen Online Community Member Posts: 43 Contributor

    Sorry but all this talk of 18-24 in work by April is just nonsense.
    They MIGHT say that’s what they WANT tomorrow but there not a chance in hell it’s happening.

    The Green Paper needs to be reviewed and then fully published and then a consultation and then the White Paper needs to be published and then the legislation needs to be passed and then there’ll be legal challenges.

    Not a chance that’s all happening in a month.

  • geckobat
    geckobat Online Community Member Posts: 45 Contributor

    Oh that's so irritating! The kind of stuff that makes things so much worse for us and why people think we're scroungers

  • Vulcress
    Vulcress Online Community Member Posts: 23 Contributor

    At the stage now I just wonder would they even care about the legal side.

    My MP just made contact in the last hour, no copy and paste.

    they fully accept what I said about

    1, Who decides who are the people truly unfit for work

    2, they agree any cuts to these people is totally unacceptable

    3, again they accept the stress and the way this is being handled is just making people even more upset and worried.

    Given the amount of bad feeling various policies have already generated my MP is one

    now considered a marginal at real risk of Reform Gaining, They are already doorstepping

    and the rubbish being spouted but its coming back to another point if people are so scared

    they will listen to something you only have to look at the people who Trusted Trump

    and now have serious Buyers regret. Labour seem intent on pushing people away who would normally be loyal voters and for what? so Reeves and her "fiscal rules" doesnt spook the Market but Trump and Co are spooking the markets 7 days a week sometimes 5 times day.

  • snuggles65
    snuggles65 Online Community Member Posts: 60 Contributor

    We have also have had the dreaded brown envelope we have to move over by 7th June. I'm not transferring until after the April increase as advised. I don't think anything will change anytime soon. Like you and many others my anxiety levels have it the roof. This year so far I've had to do my hubby's pip and ESA migration to UC and the cherry on the cake the welfare cuts. I just hope and 🙏 that they are not as bad as what the media having being saying or is that me just been optimistic.

  • Stellar
    Stellar Online Community Member Posts: 207 Empowering

    Not really. The first domino came when they chose to cut WFA and condemn more pensioners into poverty.

  • MW123
    MW123 Scope Member Posts: 959 Championing
    edited March 17

    I just caught this on catch-up, MPs questioned the Work and Pensions Secretary ahead of expected cuts in Parliament this afternoon. The Youth Guarantee scheme will launch next month in eight areas. The Conservatives accused Labour of overseeing an increase of 100,000 young people out of work, training, or education since they took office. Liz Kendall blamed the Conservatives for 14 years of inaction, pointing out that their only plan, changes to the Work Capability Assessment, was recently ruled illegal by the courts.

    Timms responded, promising a green paper soon with a detailed plan to support disabled people in work, something that was stopped in 2010. He emphasised they’ll address current system disincentives and support those unable to work due to disability or ill health. We’ll find out who they class as too disabled or sick to work in the very near future, as they avoided defining what this person looks like and also did not answer a direct question about cuts to sick pay.

    An MP from Southampton raised concerns about a disabled constituent caring for her disabled daughter, worried sick about the proposed changes, and Timms apologised for the distress caused by recent speculation, promising a full impact assessment on the changes.

    The discussion also covered fraud in Universal Credit and Pension Credit, people exceeding capital limits on means-tested benefits, and individuals living abroad while claiming benefits. It’s definitely worth a watch!

  • JamieLeeSAMPLE
    JamieLeeSAMPLE Online Community Member Posts: 34 Contributor

    what I ve heard they are not frezzeing pip however they going make it harder for people to claim inc when you go for review the hardiest will those with mental health and Neuro diversity if this happens I suspect a court case might happen

  • JamieLeeSAMPLE
    JamieLeeSAMPLE Online Community Member Posts: 34 Contributor

    we can take them to court like many others have

  • philevan77
    philevan77 Online Community Member Posts: 30 Connected

    one I’ve just read is PIP is going to be means tested all starting to worry a lot of people

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 776 Trailblazing

    They had remploy, for disabled people and then Cameron came in got rid off of it, putting them unemployed, Business aren't taking on apprenticeship especially with reeves budget fiasco

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 415 Pioneering

    first I’ve heard of that . Where did you hear it ?

  • William01
    William01 Online Community Member Posts: 16 Listener

    Hopefully the ongoing judicial review will be successful and charities and disabled activists will be able to find grounds within this dreaded bill to legally challenge

  • William01
    William01 Online Community Member Posts: 16 Listener

    It would be quite ironic for then to do that, considering they condemned the Tories when asking them would they make pip means tested and the Tories wouldn't answered. But hi this Labour government is full of nasty surprises

  • ElizaRose
    ElizaRose Online Community Member Posts: 380 Empowering

    This is how I am feeling as I just cannot work how ever much they take away. I am terrified I will be sanctioned for not being able to comply and will end up on the street with nothing. I am struggling through each day on a knife's edge as it is. They don't realise it's like a full time job just getting through each day as it is.The last couple of days have been terrible with awful panic attacks and pain because of all this.

  • Zipz
    Zipz Online Community Member Posts: 1,735 Empowering
    edited March 17
  • philevan77
    philevan77 Online Community Member Posts: 30 Connected

    I’ve read it today huge panic that I could lose my pip that I have fought hard to get what about people who have in last few weeks been awarded pip to then worry they may lose them

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