The Green Paper Discussion (the document link is here too!)



  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 846 Championing
    edited March 18

    I posted a summary now.

    They will be initially left alone with the exemption of the 4 point requirement, but they are to come later as a second phase after the stuff becomes live.

  • LouCie61
    LouCie61 Online Community Member Posts: 61 Empowering

    @Ray212 Absolutely. I reckon that's how they're going to target it. She very loudly said that the mobility element will not be affected (not verbatim, but I noted that!)

    The Government has banged on about their plans for people to live independently. That is what we are trying to do; but now, many of us will lose our daily help for personal care under the new rules.

  • LongRoad
    LongRoad Online Community Member Posts: 17 Connected

    I just checked mine as well and I scored 4 on a couple of descriptors. My current PIP Award is until 2027.

    I heard they reassess you a year before that.

  • AgnesTheodore
    AgnesTheodore Online Community Member Posts: 5 Connected

    Thank you. I’m sorry you’re in a similar position. I hope tomorrow to be angry and to fight, today I’m really sad and really scared. It makes me feel both worthless and helpless.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 605 Trailblazing

    do you think I’d get the lower amount or the higher amount that I would of done with TP

  • Ross1975
    Ross1975 Online Community Member Posts: 110 Empowering

    When they say WCA reassessments restarting does that include LCWRA? I'm worried sick about a reasessessment.

  • DuffersMum
    DuffersMum Online Community Member Posts: 201 Empowering

    I’m only receive PIP, higher rate for both card and mobility. I was awarded this in 2022 and because of my age I think I was given a 10 year award with a light touch review at the 10 year mark.

    Am I correct in thinking I should be ok up until that light touch review? If so I guess everyone will need a F2F assessment, rather than a light touch review because the descriptors will have changed? Will light touch reviews be abolished?

    I didn’t get 4 points on any care component at the time but I would now (as it currently stands) as I smashed my humerus when I tripped on a wonky kerb stone and can’t wash or dress my upper body without help. I haven’t advised DWP about this because I can’t face the thought of having to be reassessed at this point in time. I’m on the waiting list for a shoulder replacement but the consultant has said it’s unlikely I’ll get full movement back even after the op so the difficulties I have now will probably remain, I just won’t get the pain (hopefully).

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 846 Championing
    edited March 18

    Yes it will include LCWRA, that will be their main motivation as they will want reassessments to downgrade people. Also they specifically stated to be eligible for keeping the health topup without PIP daily living, one more WCA after April 2026 that awards LCWRA is required.

  • Popster2020
    Popster2020 Online Community Member Posts: 32 Connected
  • BlindBat
    BlindBat Online Community Member Posts: 21 Connected

    Thanks. It’s all as clear as mud isn’t it!
    It would seem pretty harsh for people with a lifelong serious disability currently in the support group of new style ESA to stop getting any payment because they had some savings. Like £138 per week to zilch!

    Fingers crossed

  • SJM2023
    SJM2023 Online Community Member Posts: 66 Connected

    I need some clarification please:

    I have a PIP review coming any time now.

    I'm assuming I'll be reviewed/assessed on the current rules, and not the new proposed 4 points per 1 desciptor rule which surely can't come into effect until it becomes actual law?

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 846 Championing

    Sorry I am not I understand what you mean. If you mean UC TP, then the TP is to make sure that your starting point the first statement is no lower than what you had on legacy benefits. After that point unless an error was made it cant increase.
    I got no idea how PIP TP would work as it would be bumping up a £0 award up to the previous award, and £0 baseline has no inflationary increase, so that would probably be a % based reduction per year.

  • happyman
    happyman Online Community Member Posts: 64 Contributor

    I am really worried. I suffer from PTSD and I also suffer from chronic pain and according to what I have read I will no longer be entitled to PIP. I currently have a mobility car and my claim runs out in two and half years, so what happens to me if I cannot work and they take away PIP.

  • Tumilty
    Tumilty Online Community Member Posts: 199 Empowering

    i don't understand the 4 points thing. I filled my forms in a long time ago for ESA & had a face to face, i think that was ATOS & i have PIP, last year i filled a form in asking if i still need pip which i do as i have bad anxiety, depression & try to help my elderly mum & dad but they help me more. I'm quite stressed as i don't know much about what's happened only that having esa & pip is better than not having pip. Thanks & we all together

  • debbiejohn
    debbiejohn Online Community Member Posts: 43 Contributor

    What pip disorders will be free from future assesments does anyone no what about people with 10 year light touch awards

  • LongRoad
    LongRoad Online Community Member Posts: 17 Connected

    hadn’t the reassessments already started? I was reassessed about a year or so also and got awarded LWRCA again.

  • Autistic_Superpower
    Autistic_Superpower Online Community Member Posts: 23 Contributor

    I’ll be honest, I only came onto UC LCWRA in the last 12 months so I’m unaware what Legacy ESA or the benefit system before that looks like sorry?

    Well I should say it ‘currently’ says it’s frozen until 2029-2030, but as this is all proposals it could all be changed anyway.

    Plus I thought those of us on LCWRA would get NO extra money at all, but apparently according to @worried33 we will still get ‘some’, just not as much pro-rata as the regular UC group.

    Does that mean we also receive the extra £7 a week the regular UC group gets?

  • Prinko
    Prinko Online Community Member Posts: 22 Contributor

    yeah I wish they would specify where it’s NS ESA or the older CB ESA, and if this only applies to new claims and not existing claims like yours and mine.

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