The Green Paper Discussion (the document link is here too!)



  • kelley1234
    kelley1234 Online Community Member Posts: 45 Empowering

    Hi I've checked my award and have scored 4 points on a couple of the descriptors im due to be reassess 2027 will they leave us alone or re assess us too ?

  • Zipz
    Zipz Online Community Member Posts: 1,851 Pioneering
    edited March 18


    To me, it reads as though the conflation of benefits and the time-limit apply to new CB-ESA claimants only. When we are reassessed it's to continue an existent claim. It also emphasizes temporary conditions rather than lifelong disability. Very unclear though.

  • Prinko
    Prinko Online Community Member Posts: 22 Contributor

    yeah will those of us already claiming ESA support group stay on it as this new one reads like it’s for new claimants?

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 846 Championing
    edited March 18

    Any changes apply on your next review following the legislation change, if on the review you dont get any 4 point descriptors on daily living you wont be eligible, if you have at least one 4 point descriptor and get at least 8 points total you will get an award as before.
    In addition there is still descriptor changes coming, but they now wont happen until after the other stuff is put in place, so they have been delayed.

  • Autistic_Superpower
    Autistic_Superpower Online Community Member Posts: 23 Contributor

    I’m on LCWRA too, I believe they said if you’re already on it it’ll be frozen until 2029-2030 (when I assume regular UC will catch up with it?) so a real terms cut.

    If you’re not on LCWRA currently but are put on it from some point in 2026 (I can’t remember if April or Nov next year) it’ll be at a lower rate than those already on it now.

  • bench
    bench Online Community Member Posts: 129 Empowering

    I been on ESA work related activity for 20 years, so what does that mean for me, will I be put on job seekers,I am confused

  • kitsmum
    kitsmum Online Community Member Posts: 91 Empowering

    @bookrabbit @secretsquirrel1

    I appealed and went all the way to tribunal and the disability assessor was the worst person I have ever met and treated me like a criminal and I was denied.

    I didn't have the assessment recorded but I will at the next one my pip is currently being reviewed since I was only awarded for 3 years. Awaiting response!

  • judie
    judie Online Community Member Posts: 285 Empowering

    In the Green paper there is a piece which I tried to hilight and post on here but it seems to have vanished into the ether 🤨Anyway, I read it as saying that if you've qualified for PIP in the past with only 2 point descriptors adding up, your individual health needs will be considered in future claims so maybe a ray of hope for the people worried about losing their next claim

  • bookrabbit
    bookrabbit Online Community Member Posts: 220 Empowering

    Anyone who has LCWRA now will have transitional protection until 2028 when the WCA gets scrapped and maybe even after that so don't worry for the moment.

    I know it's hard not to worry but I know from experience that it just makes things harder. Most of the things we worry about don't end up happening the way we imagine.

    There are good people fighting on our side. And it would have been much worse if the previous government had done it. I don't think it is insensitive to say that. I think what is insensitive is to encourage people to worry needlessly the way some of the media does.

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 846 Championing

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 605 Trailblazing

    Thank you for posting that . does this mean I need to migrate over from esa before next April ? Will I go straight over to lcwra as previously thought without assessment ? And is lcwra going or staying, will work be voluntary? It’s so confusing.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 605 Trailblazing

    so I’ll get a lower rate as I’m on legacy esa and haven’t migrated over even though I would of got TP

  • pinkrose
    pinkrose Online Community Member Posts: 160 Empowering

    Same here ironside, I score 4pts in 2 questions on my last assessment. Things have got worse for me but my main concern is reassessment...and having an assessor who may award lower points .

    I sincerely hope that doesn't happen.

  • unsure65
    unsure65 Online Community Member Posts: 42 Contributor

    If people think Current LCWRA will only be frozen until 2029-2030, your going to be disappointed big time. There will be NO increase until the lower LCWRA catches up and that could be 10 years from now.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 605 Trailblazing

    I’m still on esa legacy and expected TP is that now scrapped as I’ve nit migrated already ?

  • Martinp
    Martinp Online Community Member Posts: 27 Contributor

    please does anyone know what will happen to the mobility part of pip as I get enhanced mobility but standard daily living, will I lose the mobility part if I don’t get 4 points in a single daily living category, it’s so complicated

  • LouCie61
    LouCie61 Online Community Member Posts: 61 Empowering

    Sending you a virtual hug for what it's worth.

    I'm also the same, 2s and 3s. Hearing her statement I think we must all be stronger (if we can). Things might change as it goes through - let's be positive.

    I've also been struggling with this but I now feel angry (I don't like anger) so things need to be done 🙂

  • noman
    noman Online Community Member Posts: 1,874 Trailblazing

    No change to mobility.

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 846 Championing
    edited March 18

    I think it is independent of ESA/UC status, they seem to be basing it on WCA status. I am not 100% on this, but I expect thats the probability.
    If migration goes to plan, then I expect almost everyone to be on UC before April 2026, with only hard cases left over.
    Also since they can probably turn WCAs back on without a legislation change, and have already said no consultation, I expect that to be the first change and to happen quite soon.

  • Prinko
    Prinko Online Community Member Posts: 22 Contributor

    Got this from

    New benefit ‘Unemployment Insurance’

    “Labour will also introduce a new benefit called ‘Unemployment Insurance’ through the reform of contributory working-age benefits. It will replace Jobseeker’s Allowance and ESA (both of which were already being replaced by UC) with a new single entitlement”

    so this states “both of which were already being replaced by UC”… NS ESA has never been a benefit replaced by UC so does this literally mean the old CB ESA?

This discussion has been closed.