
  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Online Community Member Posts: 2,621 Trailblazing
    Hi wildlife, johnny100 and others - I honestly don't know if ATOS have cameras in the interview rooms but it's very clear that they observe you once you are in the building, and that the way you get to the building from the street and from your home is also something that they will ask about.

    All I can advise is that you continue to complaint about ATOS/Capita when the assessors make statements that are untrue, as well of course as asking for the decision to be reconsidered by the DWP and appealing if necessary. We all know how stressful that process is and how insulting it is not to be believed. It's also true I'm afraid that not all assessors will know about all conditions and some will not have heard of the particular symptoms people have. So when appealing, any evidence you can supply of how your condition(s) causes symptoms which are relevant to any of the activities should be mentioned. 

    Finally continuing to keep MPs informed that the assessments are not fit for purpose is really important, whether this is when you are seeking support for your own case or in general.


  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Online Community Member Posts: 2,621 Trailblazing
    PS jose2,

    Unfortunately unless you had already turned 65 on 8 April 2013 you do get assessed for PIP, as has happened to you, and many other people in your situation. You've done the right thing in challenging the decision, as you do need the enhanced rate of the mobility component to use the Motability scheme.

    The government have said that they want to help people keep their vehicles during the MR (mandatory reconsideration) and appeal process but this hasn't happened yet. So if you are affected by this I urge you to lobby your MP so that at least in the future, people who don't get the enhanced rate of the mobility component are allowed to keep their vehicles whilst they challenge the decision.

  • johnny100
    johnny100 Online Community Member Posts: 125 Empowering
    i rang up today to see how my MR was goi ng on.The lady who took the call was plesant to speak with,makes a change,.My case file was still with a decision maker.I have now given all my medical history,all my moans and groans so now I am waiting for the outcome.If the decision to change some of the points awarded then the nexy step is to start the appeals procedure,hope it does not go this stage,but I have always stuck up for my family in all matters and this will mot stop myself for the fight ahead.Looking back at the Forum I have had some really good advice,we must all keep swapping information to make it easier for disabled people
  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    Hi everyone, This is an update on my investigations into my assessor's identity and qualifications. HCPC have confirmed that the person on their register IS the person who carried out my assessment so someone is telling porkies as the info. I have about her makes no mention of training or working as a Paramedic. HCPC have a freedom of information dpt. who I've contacted to see what I can find out about her qualifications if any and where she is currently working . In the meantime ATOS have  told me she is still working for them but the internet tells a very different story. Will keep you updated.
             About the MR I notice that many of you think this is a one off thing but in my experience if you complain about the assessor to ATOS/CAPITA and tell DWP PIP you've done this and complain to DWP that they have not used all the letters and evidence you've sent they will look at it again I don't know how many times but I'm on my 3rd decision i.e. 2nd Mandatory Reconsideration which is due any day. If it is the same as my other decisions I will go to appeal because if the court decide there is a case of misconduct to answer either the tribunal OR ME can refer the assessor to HCPC for them to deal with. It will be done for public safety. So folks don't give up. Keep complaining if you're not happy. Strength in numbers and all that...
  • sundontshine123
    sundontshine123 Online Community Member Posts: 92 Contributor
    edited August 2017
    @wildlife i was just looking on beefits and work found this thought you would be interested.

  • sundontshine123
    sundontshine123 Online Community Member Posts: 92 Contributor
    sorry meant @wildlife
    its about assessor
  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    Thanks @sundontshine123 I've read it and haven't we all got a similar story to tell. Maybe not quite so sad but it reinforces the need for those who feel strong enough to fight for what is right not just for themselves but for others who aren't able to.  
  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Online Community Member Posts: 2,621 Trailblazing
    hello wildlife

    I have just noticed that there are 2 strands to your post. I have made a brief post on the strand in regard to PIP mobility and psychological distress.  

    As my colleague Will stated, it is worth keeping MP's involved, as although you may not feel they are helping they cannot plead ignorance about peoples' experience of ATOS when they are being told by their constituents about the stress caused by such assessment centers.

  • johnny100
    johnny100 Online Community Member Posts: 125 Empowering
    I have sent the MP responsible for Disability a letter concerning ATOS/Capita about the way assessors/decision makers are treating the people/Disabled the way they do.I have pointed out that these companies are not fit to carry out true and genuine PIP assessmrnt and coming to the conclusion what they want,not what has been told to them,making it up as they go along.It needs more and more people writing /E Mailing the Minister responsible,stern words need to be used to get through there thick skins..  
  • sundontshine123
    sundontshine123 Online Community Member Posts: 92 Contributor
    @johnny100 i totally agree with you.
    even that so called 2nd review side stepped important issues.
    i noticed nothing was said about these assessors lying bulling falsifying evidence.
    need to sack these awful companys and look for proper qualified people to do the job.

  • johnny100
    johnny100 Online Community Member Posts: 125 Empowering
    I suppose these companies are run by the Captains of Industry.Directors who are on the board of Govenors,Looking after the shareholdefs .What would be nice to know is What are these companies Charter Marks and what are there Mission Statements.example,honesty.truyhfulness, the best possible service.It certainly will not be any of those.Its probably.lies lies and more lies.for short LLL and L 
  • Matilda
    Matilda Online Community Member Posts: 2,592 Championing
    At least the tribunals know that assessment companies are incompetent, lying oojiflips - which helps with appeals!
  • sundontshine123
    sundontshine123 Online Community Member Posts: 92 Contributor
    But we should not be forced extra months of stress caused by these awful company's and having to take it to a tribunal 
    why dont these tribunals stand up and say enough is enough!

    we get it goverment issued a witch hunt on the disabled.
    so much to standing on that podium saying she gonna do more for mental health.

  • bendigedig
    bendigedig Online Community Member Posts: 254 Empowering

    You say that its realy important to keep MPs informed about the PIP thing not being fit for purpose?

    Er, they all know that its not fit for purpose especially those that instigated it!

    Thats why it was designed.

    Are you under the impression that if everybody wrote to their MP saying that the PIP thing isn't fit for purpose that this, in some way would make some sort of a difference?   Writing to your MP is not he same as a letter to Father Christmas you know!

    Writing to your MP makes no difference whatsoever.

    The same needs to be done with this as was done about the poll tax.

    In the case of the poll tax it was easy, people just withheld payment of the tax.

    In this case it is a little more interesting because it is "they" that wish to withold a payment.

    So, what is to be done?

    In Saudi Arabia the government have to actually "pay the people" by means of "grants" (bribes to ensure public cooperation with the regime) to allow the corrupt Saud Family regime to function as a lawless oil cartell.  It seems that the Saudis know how to hold their government to ransom!

    Incidentally the UK is big pals with the Sauds, despite their murdering and warmongering, the persecution of their neighbours and their women, Oh and a beheading programme that make ISIS look like the Teletubbies.

    There are ways in which the British people can hold its government to ransom... Its been done in the past.... Despite the legislation thats been pushed through since Thatcher crossed the threshold of number 10,  there is nothing that the establishment and the state can do to stem a tide of protestation and revolt.   They try to behave very nonchalantley when their are mass protests in London etc.  But they HATE it......  This is why we should be doing more and more and more of it.  They cant tollerate too much of it because they know how close it comes to societal revolt which it pretty nearly did in 2011.

    All the lessons are there in the history books.  The senate or the republic can only call so many games at the colleseum before they run out of gladiators or beasts to bleed.

    It would seem that tossing the disabled to the lions is the sport of the moment!  Lets not allow this to continue any longer than it already has.

    By the way?  Does anybody know if PIP payments afford NI contributions?  I'm not sure if they do!  This would that mean if you are on PIP but without work or any other Bennefits you might not be paying any NI!  Thus further bleeding the NHS and the Welfare State and denying you a pension payment in your old age if you havent paid enough Stamp.

    Worth thinking about whilst your wasting your time writing to your MP.

    God save our gracious queen
    Long live our noble queen
    God save the queen.....

    Id be glad to join a mass protest of the "disabled at the Palace of westminster?  Or Better still outside the Queens Gaff?  Why not Buckingham Palace?  Sandringham?  Windsor Castle?  Ha ha ha!  That would be so funny!  What would they do?  Riot charge us?  Pepper spray us?  Kettle and water cannon us?  Perhaps she will toss us some MAUNDY MONEY!  Ha ha ha.

    They are already killing us with bennefit cuts, let them do their worst, thats what I say.

  • Matilda
    Matilda Online Community Member Posts: 2,592 Championing
    PM talks BS.  Government has also cut other benefits: child benefit, working tax credit, bereavement allowance.

    Those dependent on benefits should make sure that they vote at elections - and not for the Tories.
  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    There's an article on DNS Disability News Service about Assessor's lies. It also  mentions Tribunals accepting assessor's reports as being the truth so I wouldn't count on an Appeal accepting the lies. They're only reviewing your case and deciding whether to make any changes. More of these assessors need reporting to their relevant governing body as their behaviour is breaking the code of conduct and putting the public at risk. Once they know of a case of misconduct they will investigate. 
  • Matilda
    Matilda Online Community Member Posts: 2,592 Championing
    Over 65% of appeals are successful.
  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    edited April 2017
    Yes but that doesn't deal with the person who caused you to have to go to Appeal. I've just found this name and address on "Whatdotheyknow" Freedom of information site:
    The National Customer Relations Manager, 
    Atos Healthcare Customer Relations Team, 
    Leeds Disability Benefits Centre, 
    Government Buildings,  
    Otley Road,  
    West Yorkshire, LS16 5PU
                                               I'll write and see what happens.
  • Matilda
    Matilda Online Community Member Posts: 2,592 Championing
    I've only got time and energy to concentrate on the appeal.
  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    edited April 2017
    @Matilda, I hope you win. I'm managing to carry on with my claim and complaints at the same time but it's affected my health big time. My argument with ATOS the other day about lies that can't be proven has wound me up so much I'm running on adrenaline. Everytime I'm struggling with something the assessor said I had no problem with I get a refill..