
  • jose2
    jose2 Online Community Member Posts: 125 Empowering

    Give me some good news here wildlife! did the man choose to stick or continue his appeal, and what was his decision ?  I know they can take it away 'oh what a conundrum'.as I only want to appeal the Mobility side,  quite happy with the Standard awarded me on 8th March  ,as was on lower since 2003.or do you know which forum site on here to look at ,as I must have missed that one ,

    As matilda says further up this forum site ,(laughed) 'running on adrenaline here' !!!,I'd have a stiff drink, only I don't drink!!, 'could do with some ether though' to knock me out ,'I'm even having bad dreams,sure neighbour can here talking in my sleep about this stuff., I'm junttering around house all day,talking myself ,think demetia's setting in!  

  • johnny100
    johnny100 Online Community Member Posts: 125 Empowering
    if you are appealing Mobility,habe you been turned down flat with no award at have to score ten for the lawer premiuun amd twelve for higher awaed .To gey twelve you walking ability has to be no more than 20 mtrs.If you use walking aid this helps but the walking again has to be no more than 20 mtrs.You need to explain more fully on the mobility.I am having the same problem was awarded 10 point.I told them I could not do this but they said that on the day of my assessment I walked 40 mtrs,this is nonsense.On my daily living scored nine points ,again I have appealed this due to all my letters have mentioned the word assistance,assistance to bathe preparing meals im incontinent.I have empolyed a Solicotor to sort it out,ok if I get my award it will help pay for the legal advice
  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    Hi @jose2, he chose to stick with what he'd got as anyone would so he didn't lose out at all. But please don't even think about losing the tribunal. It was me who said they were running on adrenaline. @Matilda is waiting for her tribunal date and not complaining like I am. Try to get some rest I think there's a long wait for a court date so take a break and stop worrying..x
  • Matilda
    Matilda Online Community Member Posts: 2,592 Championing
    I've taken time out in between each stage of the PIP nightmare (filling in form, going to assessment, making a case for MR, making appeal). Have watched a lot of escapist TV to switch off that I didn't do before.

    Trying to enjoy life now and have barely looked at the doorstep of tribunal papers since they arrived in Dec.  Time enough to go through that pile of bumph when I get a tribunal hearing date!
  • jose2
    jose2 Online Community Member Posts: 125 Empowering

    Hi Johnny100 - for mobility- gave me score of 8 need 2/4 more points more  ,writing diary now,every minute detail, walk 5- steps and have to stop as can't breathe and pains legs ,feet, toes ,back etc! but more about getting breathe back ,she put ,can walk 20-50 metrs , havent' done that amount in years all in one go ,stopping and starting all the time- if I tried even to walk 20 metres or to 50 metrs ,I'd drop dead !, I'd have heart attack - I shuffle when I walk any way ,never noticed that until started this diary as of yesterday.

    Wildlife- thank you for encouragement -sorry thought it was Matilda who said comment -'made me laugh'!, Matilda, as she said,  watching escapist TV- ,I go and watch a horror film and laugh at story line ,twaddle ,- Going to see neighbour this afternoon,me and him -(big bundle of papers of how tribunal works /+ law) .At 67yrs could be looking a new career here? all or most maybe irrelevant anyway ,but will take them to his house and go through what' helps and what doesn't. 'Barmy all this'

    Still trying to take all in my stride - 'wondering where happy, serene me went' ! 

    Thanks for encouragement

  • Matilda
    Matilda Online Community Member Posts: 2,592 Championing
    edited August 2017

    We must not let them get us down and fight them all the way. We shall win!

    My genius of an assessor decided that because I can walk 16 metres on a very good day on a level carpeted surface the I must be able to walk 50metres on uneven pavements using kerbs on bad days. Only logical without doubt.
  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    Hi Everyone, Letter now gone off to The National Customer Services Manager at ATOS threatening legal action and the National Press if they do not send to me a written statement that my water bottle story is a lie. I started off telling him where I'd got to in investigating my assessor's qualifications or lack of just to let him know I mean business and how the complaints, naming names, have not accepted or investigated my complaint properly. So we'll see what happens. 
  • sundontshine123
    sundontshine123 Online Community Member Posts: 92 Contributor
    Good for you @wildlife

  • johnny100
    johnny100 Online Community Member Posts: 125 Empowering
    had a call today from DWP customer Relations.The lady said I was unhappy about my Decision makers lettes,I said yes and explained that a child studying O Level could write a better report,It annoted me regarding the letter because on neally every paragraph it says,I believe that in my opinion,what does he know other than reading the PIP form and what the assessor wrote,I  told them that I dont believe they even read the medical reports.My main concerns are preparing food ,bathing,toilet needs,dressing and undressing,they seem to miss out the help and assisstance I need to carry out these tasks and the safety aspects,average points 2 points.I have told the DWP I have a solicitor waiting in the wings to take my case on,lets see what happens next  
  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    Hi Good for you @johnny100 I really believe that if you kick up enough fuss while your claim is with the Decision Makers right up to Tribunal and don't just accept the MR as all you can do till then far less people would have to attend an Appeal court. I sent another letter today to DWP about my Migraines for going on an unknown journey. How come they can't see a diagnosed condition and think Ah that will affect such and such activity, that's their job ! You shouldn't have to spell it out to them. Mind you a lot more medical knowedge would help !!! Keep writing to them or asking for call backs till they get it right. After all I can't see them actually wanting so many going to Appeal and being successful as this must reflect badly on The DM's at DWP for not doing their job properly. 
  • johnny100
    johnny100 Online Community Member Posts: 125 Empowering
    When i rad through my DM report yet again it stated I walked 40 mtrs.This was from the entrance door to the reception.This was a complete pack of lies.On arrival at the ATOS centre I arrived by a Taxy,I walked from the main entrance to the inner door at the centre,I rang the bell and waited for a few moments the male person was not on the desk.After a few moments the guy was back on the desk then I introduced my self and the reason why I was arrwnding.The Main reception door was then opened.I then proeeded to the reception desk,I did not walk 40 mtrs at one go,just shows the lies they will go to.I also mentionrd about planning a journey and using a SAT NAV.I said it was normal for a person to drive to local places which you go to every week,I said ok if I was travelling to say Leeds I would not know wher to go even using a Map I would be confused,The answer back was,well we dont mean that,goodness mr what do they mean,it a rather conflicting question.Thats what SAT NAVS  are for to plan a route or journey..In my report it mentioned that I go into town in my car 2/3 times a week that seemed to frowned on as well.What do they expect,my car being parked up 24/7.What about all the disable people who need that car to get around,what get a Disability car and have it parked up 24/7.Its to give you a little independance.   
  • kass
    kass Online Community Member Posts: 95 Contributor
    Hello eveyone not been on for abit but am just giving u a up date am haveing my pip looked at again I got a phone call yesterday from DWP and i was told it looks like it's not going to change.....DWP will look at my claim again  how long dose it take to make a decision....... DWP was looking at it yesterday 
  • johnny100
    johnny100 Online Community Member Posts: 125 Empowering
    mines been in for a second look and so far it been about 4 weeks,I believe it can take more than this.My first report came through 2 weeks after I rang DWP and I phoned them and asked them to look again got another report and it was slightly worded different but more or less said the same as the first report,It is still being processed and I believe I will get an answer this week.All I can say is read the report and check through it carefully,they have ways of adding conditions that dont exist.This happened to myself and I called them back.If you see anything in the report you dont agree with call them back,keep a note of all your calls and the person who you spoke with. , 
  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    Hi@kass, The MR and any further reviews that happen after the MR can take any length of time, there's no set timescale. Each time they look at it again they send it back to ATOS/CAPITA to assess the medical information because DWP have no medical knowledge. You can ring DWP to find out where your claim is at the moment and if it's with someone else ask when it's due back. When DWP get it back a Decision Maker may ring you to tell you the result  and ask if you're happy to accept particularly if they've only changed part of it as they did with me. 
  • jose2
    jose2 Online Community Member Posts: 125 Empowering
    @ Matilda,
    Hi again ,been  typing and getting things together,sent letter to Atos and sent same letter to x 3 MPs to date,I told same as you too about the walking and activity amount they say say I can walk  !,  in the letter I also  state I do not like my health issues or problems been diagnosed by a computer !!!!!!!!! and on a point based system either, that if I am Ill I go to my Dr or local hospital c/o consultant /specialist for a diagnosis ,I do not go to a computer for a diagnosis and ask it out  0- 10 what I've got wrong with me. 
  • Matilda
    Matilda Online Community Member Posts: 2,592 Championing
    Good for you, @jose2!  Hope you hear some good news soon.
  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    Hi@jose2  Thank-you for making me laugh. I've also written to ATOS again to threaten them with legal action if they don't accept the lies on my assessor's report. Don't know if I would go that far but they don't know that do they. My Mobility score has been changed on old evidence that I told them was staring my assessor in the face if she'd bothered to look at my medical history. She ignored 46 years of treatment and appointments with mental heath services and antidepressants I take every night and wrote in her reasons for me being able to plan and go on a journey "Although she is diagnosed with Depression and Anxiety she does not take medication or have any Specialist Input". She used this 7 times for that many different activities even for things like preparing a meal. So I made a meal of her doing that. (excuse the pun). Have drawn a blank for her qualifications as far as getting info. from HCPC or ATOS who both say she was a qualified Paramedic, but she's just put herself on LinkedIn with all her job history and professional skills. Still no mention of her ever training or working as one and she's working somewhere else when ATOS say she still works for them so someone is telling lies outside of an assessment as well. I've emailed HCPC and told them what I've found out about her because they say she couldn't have registered with them if she wasn't qualified. If they mean she had to show them a written qualification she has also worked for an online company selling courses with a qualification at the end for medical professionals so it doesn't take a lot to work out what might have happened. Good job there's no names mentioned on here but @justice take note. Material for your book maybe when I get to the bottom of all this.  
  • Justice
    Justice Online Community Member Posts: 194 Empowering
    Hi @ Wildlife, certainly material for the book. Tell you what though this  Book is doing me no good, lol. I am getting sadder, and angrier with every post I read, some of the stories People have told me have had me almost in tears. How the hell can your assessor say you take no medication or have specialist input when it is there for her to see? HOW do they get away with these lies, we are on a hiding to nothing if they can get away with pure fabrication.
    I also sent in a complaint about the assessor here. I said he showed very promising creative writing skills, but he isn't employed to write fiction. I too will threaten legal action if we get no joy.
    I want to do something terrible to be honest, but i wont. I have so much anger inside that i feel I may self combust, well if I do i will make sure it is in the assessment office :-)
    Bed Time!!
  • jose2
    jose2 Online Community Member Posts: 125 Empowering
    edited August 2017
    @Matilda and @Wildlife I have heard back from one secretary to one MP today,she thought my letter to Atos is wonderful and straight to the point (nice complement) I also put in this letter to ATOS and this about this HP.............. decision can suggest all he wants  x 2 times that I don't use walking aids, so I've would suggest to C..and HP ................that they  read up on symptoms of Reynard's Disease!  also I want to know if a DS1500 was sent by my Oncologist/GPs on my terminal cancer diagnosis without me been aware that they had done so and without my permission to DWP/ PIP or ATOS?,and that  HP or these other x 2 decision makers,do they know something I don't know about my terminal and progressive cancer would they let me know, then I can pre book MacMillan nurses to come  in my final days.  And  also I want all medical history from my GPs and hospital consultants and specialists that DWP/PIP and ATOS  had requested.
    I have also said I am so glad they came to conclusion I have no cognitive etc ! impairment ,that's a good thing ,as I've been driving car 50 years this year,I'd have been a danger to other road users, and this is best yet! I want to know how was it that I knew results of my decision of my assessment befor HP and this C........... before they did , letter received by me on 18th March 2017 and on letter was dated the 20th March 2017 (am I truly physic or Mystic Meg ) as I thought 18th came before 20th.

    May ask how old you both are Matilda /Wildlife,as I think I'm seeing a pattern here with age discrimination too.I too was told as you wildlife that I only take mild medication and also that my years of seeing medical profession for this that and the other none of this was taken into consideration. she the HP only saw me for an hour ,how do they know anything about me and my illnesses's  how I cope on-a-day to day basis. 
    Its truly terrible what's happening here , and as you am seeing a pattern,I may not be the sharpest tool in the box but something not quite right or correct about all this.
    You make me laugh too wildlife.I'm chuckling away my end.      
  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    Hi@jose2, What a brave lady you are (I presume you're a lady). To have your diagnosis and still have such a great sense of humour takes real guts. I'm 66 and in 2010 I got DLA for my neck and spinal problems for needing help preparing a meal. But apparently that means nothing as they just make the excuse the criteria is not the same. Well there's not a lot of difference between needing help to prepare food and needing help to prepare a meal. I told ATOS I haven't magically woken up one morning without my 2 whiplash injuries and arthritis in my neck. After 2 calls from Decision Makers I think there are some genuine people at DWP who are under pressure to work with ATOS/CAPITA regarding the medical conditions and what problems they create. I asked a DWP advisor why they kept sending claims back to ATOS every time they're looking at them again and she said because they have medical knowledge and we don't. I said you mean you have none and they have very little. She said we're just office workers. So that says a lot about what is causing the problem.
             @justice I know what you mean about reacting to the stories coming to light. I'm reacting to anything I see or read about much more than I did before all this started. Maybe we should all get diagnosed with PTSD after receipt of our assessment reports. Time for another cuppa, wish the weather would warm up...XX (1 each)