
  • Matilda
    Matilda Online Community Member Posts: 2,592 Championing
    Hi @jose2

    I am 68.  I'm not sure about age discrimination by Atos/DWP.  My assessor was not as difficult and didn't tell as many lies as some have reported.  But that is relative - my assessor still played down my disabilities in her report and told one blatant lie.  I was awarded standard PIP daily living and mobility. I'm appealing for enhanced rate both elements.

    My assessor stated in her report that I take a 'mild' painkiller for my rheumatoid arthritis.  The painkiller, Naproxen, isn't that mild: it's only available on prescription in the UK.  And she didn't mention in her report the other, very strong, meds I take for RA - leflumonide and rituximab (I don't think she had a clue what they are anyway as she was only a paramedic), and of course these are on my PIP form and accompanying repeat prescription list anyway for the tribunal to read.

    Though on the one hand taking strong meds indicates a serious condition, on the other hand it could demonstrate that the condition is well under control.  So, I haven't said anything in my appeal about meds!
  • Nystagmite
    Nystagmite Online Community Member Posts: 595 Empowering
    I was told the criteria had changed too. But that isn't true in the slightest. The criteria for standard mobility for planning a journey is exactly the same as it was for lower mobility DLA and quite a lot of the criteria for daily living is similar.

    I found it most bizarre for example, I used to get DLA for having communication difficulties (I have Autism, hearing loss and sight loss) but under PIP, I supposedly don't have these difficulties. ENT claim I do; but because I hear (not quite true - I don't process sound properly and can't hear 2 sounds at once) I have no communication difficulties. My friend at my assessment stated I take things literally. The questions were asked in such a way that it wasn't possible for me to misunderstand them. (ie, they were all "do you..." "can you...")

    I now find myself in the **** situation of my disabilities are getting worse; but not sure whether to risk it because of how inconsistent DWP / Atos are.
  • jose2
    jose2 Online Community Member Posts: 125 Empowering
    edited August 2017
    Hi  @Matilda,@ wildlife @Justice ,yes all those things happening at my assessment too,they didn't know anything about other meds for Osteoporosis injections every 6 months and Ripinirole for neuropathy, back ,legs and feet ,this drug is an anti-Parkinson drug which again has many side effects ,without I don't think I'd ever sleep again and @ Justice I too am beginning  to feel as though I'm getting PTSD too,perhaps your right we could all be getting it  'ah dear'..............
    @Nystagmite:- I was asked all same things 'can you ...  do you',that's how they do assessments ,I had to stand up while she asking me this over and over again ,like been interrogated for having a disability,I was sighing : and thinking 'let me get out of this place',it like mental abuse ,that's the only way I can describe it ,I wouldn't let a stranger on the street do it to me so why should I put up with that just cause it says PIP consultation centre  on their doorway, stay strong!.
    Looks like were all about same age:- we've all lived a bit wouldn't you say.With age comes wisdom and knowledge  and with 'knowledge comes power', this site has been so invaluable to me ,have learnt so much,I have been flipping from this to other sites,reading reading , have found out so much and just had email from Benefits and work this morning  about Mobility users  who are challeging their enhanced rate  a DLA  to PIP decision, can keep their motor vehicles for up to 6 months ,and the Goverment has announced a new scheme to keep their mobility vehicle for 26 weeks instead of just 8 weeks - though there is a catch if you joined the scheme before 2013 (me included) ,the £2000 you would get is reduced to £ 500.00 if you keep it for 26 weeks,also that there's news of a big rise in zero point PIP assessed and as it happens a big payout to PIP assessment providers  ATOS/CAPITA! .
    The elite against the lower disabled and the most vunerable in society 'us, they do not have a clue ,how we cope
    And before I go for a cuppa - Faye Anth has wrote which I think is the most marvellous Dissertation on Making Disability Legible and sent for me to read.So much more understanding of disability in the UK and what's happening .    
  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    Hijose2, Yes I've got the dissitation too but haven't read it all yet. Don't take any notice of my one disability she's mentioned, I'm Pat by the way. I ran out of space for all that's wrong with me on my claim form. Yes I've lived a full life with lots of experience of dealing with authority and problem solving in crisis situations. In 2009 we were stranded abroad after a family business went under with no money left and only 2 weeks to stop us being out on the streets as we rented an apartment above the business and had to leave. We closed down and I turned the restaurant into a table top sale for those 2 weeks with everything not on the inventory. I got us a house sit for free, then 9 months later we ran out of money and got back to UK with help from a few charities. We landed in England and I had to sign on at aged 59. The job centre were very amused. We got a private rental for 6 months that I'd arranged before we left France and then we were lucky to get a council bungalow. I'd put our names on the housing register as soon as our business went bust which you can't do now if you're abroad. I did all that and even helped others to get back from France. What you give out to others you get back in abundance. 
                            It's bugging me that HCPC have info. off Facebook and LinkedIn about my assessor and they have confirmed she is the person who did my assessment and yet they're refusing to investigate how she got onto their register. But I won't go away and will carry on emailing them and complaining to ATOS till someone gives me proper answers. I can now provide HCPC fitness to practice with my claims that she was not but first need to be sure I'm not accusing the wrong person. Will keep you posted.
  • johnny100
    johnny100 Online Community Member Posts: 125 Empowering
    ATOS/CAPITA cannot refuse you for asking for her qualifictions.I asked the same question and got a reply,my assessor was an ex mental nurse but her qualification stated non,to me this person was probably just a first stage nurse learning a job,changing sheets,cleaning up the mess and general nurse duties.How on earth this person got this job at ATOS is beggars belief ? 
  • sundontshine123
    sundontshine123 Online Community Member Posts: 92 Contributor
    edited August 2017
    @wildlife I have just recieved another letter from Capita about the complaint i put in about the woman who assessed me.I have been informed that she no longer works for Capita so my complaint cannot go any further.
    makes you wonder how many other people she messed up along the way. Bet she left Capita and now works for ATOS.
    My assessor was just a bog standard box ticker with no qualifications at all.
  • johnny100
    johnny100 Online Community Member Posts: 125 Empowering
    Although this person left Atos are still responsible for that report,thats on your record,ask then for another assessment thwn,I bet they turn round and say no,we already have the assessment we need,your complaint is viable and they CANNOT refuse you this.A solicitor would probably tell you the same.
  • jose2
    jose2 Online Community Member Posts: 125 Empowering
    hi @wildlife,ask them for her nursing number,  GMC or Midwifery and Nurses Register will know her number ,though what from @sundontshine123 says she is just the tool used to tick a box and then the rest is done by DWP and ATOS/Capita to make presumptions of how our assessment should be awarded,and I like what you say,@wildlife what you give to others you get back  in abundance ,I mean the good and nice things you do for others,the reward is not monetary but makes you feel like a worthwhile human being .
    I went for an appointment few years ago with cancer  surgeon and the nurse came over to him (while he was talking to me)  with my records and asked him to tick a box he'd missed on my notes and he bleeped ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,hell!  and when she went out of the room he turned to me and said it again ,saw I took no offence and said .......................all ticks in boxes,I said I know there all it ,and laughed,he went through  years and years of training and at great expense to earn his status to be called a Mr ,not as a box ticker.      
    @ wildlife, I dare not to tell you what I asked Faye to call me ,you'll guess as you read on in Dissertation ,I just burst out howling with laughing,'blimey she actually used it'.hope there's no-one on site called that as I do apologise.   
  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    Hi@johnny100, ATOS have already told me my assessor was a qualified paramedic and that she wouldn't have got the job otherwise. But you're right about CAPITA saying they can't investigate a complaint because the assessor's left it's still a complaint about one of their assessments. That's just an excuse to try and stop it happening. @sundontshine123 if you know your assessor's qualifications or what she claimed to be you can email her Professional body about her Fitness to Practice. Or make your Capita complaint more about the Capita customer charter and the way they're supposed to do the interviews and less about anyone individual.  
             Since my last post on here I've emailed HCPC Freedom of Info. who have refused to tell me my assessor's qualifications and for the last line I wrote. "Can I remind you that when doing my assessment my assessor had access to my confidential medical history and information about my personal life, in fact far more personal data than you are refusing to give me about her. A subject for a new discussion perhaps?  
  • johnny100
    johnny100 Online Community Member Posts: 125 Empowering
    They have no right to withhold your assessors name and her registered medical number.its your right.They,ATOS/CAPITA  cannot do this to anyone.If they refuse what are they hiding,probably a lot more than you think.Get in touch with your MP by E mail and explain your situation. 
  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    I know her name and registered number and a lot more about her complete working history going back to school days. That's how I know she's not qualified. Am just making sure I've got info. about the right person and not someone with the same name. When I'm sure then sparks will fly.
  • johnny100
    johnny100 Online Community Member Posts: 125 Empowering
    Thats why I got a solicitor on my assessment to rip the heads off ATOS and the DWP.My so called assessor was a mental nurse in the Merseyside health authority.The report was too technical for a person of her qualification.I gave this to my Pain Team yesterday and she scanned it and she burst out laughing.With all the calculations in the report this assessor should have had a degree in maths and physics and prob chemistry.The report mentiond degrees this that and the other.My Solicitor is going to have a field day at tribunal,I think it will be in and out of the tribunal,my backside excuse that word,it will not have time to sit down.  
  • sundontshine123
    sundontshine123 Online Community Member Posts: 92 Contributor
    @johnny100 @wildlife i was only given daily living by MR. I suffer going out in crowds daughter drives me everywere. As suffer from paranoid thoughts people eatching taking pictures of me. I know im a danger if i use public transport as hear voices telling me to be ready just in case.Suffer extremely bad migraines 3 times a month last 4 days. Also with my anxiety and ocd suffer suicidial thoughts.
    my claire was done in feb so new law did not appy to me.
    im waiting for new pa4 from mr do you think i should moan as the woman has left so cannot challenge her especially on the msk test which she said i did but refused. Suggestion appreciated 
  • johnny100
    johnny100 Online Community Member Posts: 125 Empowering
    If you feel unhappy in anyway you must complain at the highest level.
  • sundontshine123
    sundontshine123 Online Community Member Posts: 92 Contributor
    I am going to call dwp tomorrow to find out were this pa4 is as not recieved it yet nor new decision letter after m r. I have the mental health advisor coming to see me next tuesday will ask her as did mention it to cmht last week about pip and all the stress they have caused me.
    because the nasty witch has left the building and i know some of her lies must still be standing especially that msk test. Because i think i should at least get standad mobility die to my parania and cannot use public transport
  • sundontshine123
    sundontshine123 Online Community Member Posts: 92 Contributor
    I have just phoned DWP up this morning explained that the assessor left capita who did the original awful pa4 and lost my award because of her. Then i said i put a M R in won that had a suppermentary review PA6 with someone else but i have not reviecied it yet so cannot compare it asked them to send it out to me yet again.
    I asked if i am not happy with what this new person has put what can i do can i talk to decision maker? was told NO
    The lady said whole thing would have to go to appeal.( sure thats not right)
    I will wait for the new report and decide what has been changed and what has not as the msk test i was not happy about pack of lies and i said how can someone new do report on me when they did not even see me.Obviously they still looking at the report with the lies but changed it slightly with medical evidence.

  • johnny100
    johnny100 Online Community Member Posts: 125 Empowering
    They have no right to refuse to call you back.Perhaps when you call again you could ask them to give you a call back after it has been looked at again for whatever reason.If you have any other concerns give them to the operator who answers the phone and request it all goes down on your file.Keep a brief note of what was said and the operator who took the call,do not get fobed off by antone whether its ATOS/CAPITA or the DWP.These organisation are in place to help you,well some are 
  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    edited August 2017
    @sundontshine123 Let me try to make it clearer for you. But first can I ask what you are now trying to achieve if you've already got your PIP changed? Are you just complaining about your 1st assessor and her report? If so that's why DWP say you can't talk to a Decision Maker it's CAPITA only that you need to contact as they did all these reports you're trying to get hold of. Yes you still need to ask DWP to send you the reports because CAPITA have sent them to DWP but if you want to make sure your medical condition is properly assessed for the future which is what I think you're trying to do than CAPITA have made all the decisions about the points you have got so it's them you need to contact..  
  • sundontshine123
    sundontshine123 Online Community Member Posts: 92 Contributor
    I have just recieved the new report and there still going by what that woman put and on 1 dispriptor i have been given 1 point for medication thought it was 2 4 6 8 not 1 point.
    Quoteing things that i disputed also saying woman made things up saying i had good memory when my daughter spoke i answered yes and no through panic.
    and got 4 points to undertake journey to avaoid significant mental distress.
    I know i have been given award back but i want it put right as woman lied and there still going with that and knocked me down points though.
  • Nystagmite
    Nystagmite Online Community Member Posts: 595 Empowering
    Unfortunately, if you only need help with medication, (as opposed to help with something like physio) it's just the one point.

    Mine said I had good memory too. I had to ask her to go back and add things (which she didn't) and she didn't even test my memory. Oh, and I have a head injury plus it's a pretty common side effect of the medication I'm on.