New pip application



  • boriswho
    boriswho Online Community Member Posts: 180 Contributor
    I think getting one down will give me the opportunity to discuss the others if I can get higher tier tribunal

    I do have these issues on level ground also and could tell of a few more instances

    There are gradients steps in road,path surfaces everywhere we go as well as the need to turn??:

  • boriswho
    boriswho Online Community Member Posts: 180 Contributor
    Fair enough if I had say osteoarthritis in one side of the knee like the right knee in the lateral compartment then like I could just turn left all day and ease pressure on that side of the knee
  • boriswho
    boriswho Online Community Member Posts: 180 Contributor
    These people at tribunals make assumptions too I had one argue with me about how far into one particular hospital the msk clinic appointment were held she was arguing from where she probably parked her car I argued that I didn't park as far away  maybe it's a miss judgement on distance on either part, but I would argue that I used to calculate distances by eye or by steps for cable runs being an electrical installer 
  • boriswho
    boriswho Online Community Member Posts: 180 Contributor
    Also I probably only really feel the mobility one is a particular descriptor I feel I fits me most of the time? Understandably there are other descriptors I probably would fit but are not as much I do mobility 

  • boriswho
    boriswho Online Community Member Posts: 180 Contributor
    Correct me if I'm wrong in thinking I'm entitled to anything this is just off what I've read maybe I'm entitled to nothing and am fit for work as stated by a nurse from a lcw assessment?
  • cristobal
    cristobal Online Community Member Posts: 984 Championing
    @boriswho - if I have read you example correctly you say that you walked to Aldi  down a woodland path with a gradient and sharp turns. It's 2200 metres there and back (if you did walk back, you don't say?)

    Since 'mobility' is about whether you can walk reliably up to 200metres I wonder whether it's good idea giving an example of such a long walk?

    You have obvious difficulties - the length of time it takes, having to stop, using the pram etc. and these should be taken into account but perhaps an assessor might conclude that if you are able to walk that far then you should be able to manage a shorter distance (you said that you walked 20 metres without stopping )

    That's just how it reads to me - can I say again that it's really good that you continue to be mobile despite your difficulties.
  • boriswho
    boriswho Online Community Member Posts: 180 Contributor
    Yeah roughly around 15/20 meters I will measure it in steps later.
    These issues came about after. Work accident 
    The back problems I've had many years and the neck pain from whiplash at work too lol not having much luck with work never had have had to quit jobs many times because of back issues.
    Just had an mri for lower back. Awaiting further results
    Thanks for your support @cristobal
  • boriswho
    boriswho Online Community Member Posts: 180 Contributor
    Also I did walk back in alot of pain I had to use pushchair all the way back because increased pain with many stops on the way back also pretty much like the journey there both on the flat surfaces and not so flat.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    @Username_removed did previously advise that stating you could walk the 200 metres in the first place will have gone against you.

    Even though you think that you qualify for the mobility part you will be assessed for both parts because you can't just apply for one part.

    I also agree here that saying you can actually walk that whole distance to Aldi and back, even though it takes time could infact ago against you, again. I still think that you're not quite understanding it properly.

    PIP isn't about being fit for work, people claim PIP and work.

    May i ask if you're getting some help with this? Having recently had a Tribunal decision which didn't award you then you could be refused again, if you go the same route, using the same evidence you previously used.
  • boriswho
    boriswho Online Community Member Posts: 180 Contributor
    I agree with the overall distance and that it would probably go against, the judge was trying to establish what I was like when I 1St applied in July 2018 I tried my best to recall this info but nothing like what I've just stated was mentioned by me, as a result of what happened this forced me to give up on walking that distance any further because of the detrimental affect it had I have simply just tried to explain it in detail as an instance as to what happens and the reasons why I applied because of the affects walking has on me trying to show A walk that can be visualized.
    This is what it is like when I do such a distance like that and still happens and has happened with shorter distances.

    I've tried my best not to manipulate any off the evidence like alot of people say to do because of a web of lies would be requires to complete something like this and I'm not very good at it.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Your reasons are based on walking on walking up and down hills, which isn't part of the criteria. The moving around part is walking on level ground.

    Are you receiving any face to face advice and help with this claim? I previously asked this but you didn't give a reply.
  • boriswho
    boriswho Online Community Member Posts: 180 Contributor
    Sorry yes poppy citizens advice can in 1 month before tribunal edited a submission without reading I think then said they probably wouldn't support a upper tier tribunal after saying that the judge will not have made an error in law it very rarely happens apparently.
    I think it's more than likely unsopportive gp/consultants and my evidence given from my self which I've made numerous errors with submitting incorrect submission from myself where I sent my own personal written submission for uc lcw by accident for my pip tribunal.
  • April2018mom
    April2018mom Posts: 2,863 Championing
    boriswho said:
    Sorry yes poppy citizens advice can in 1 month before tribunal edited a submission without reading I think then said they probably wouldn't support a upper tier tribunal after saying that the judge will not have made an error in law it very rarely happens apparently.
    I think it's more than likely unsopportive gp/consultants and my evidence given from my self which I've made numerous errors with submitting incorrect submission from myself where I sent my own personal written submission for uc lcw by accident for my pip tribunal.
    Do you have a social worker? 
  • boriswho
    boriswho Online Community Member Posts: 180 Contributor
    In that particular written instance it does have flat paths with slight gradients 15 meters up over 300 meters is very slight something like 36degrees rise so is little I was simply just detailing the walk.
    The is a part where it is quite steep but it does have many parts which are flat surfaces 
  • boriswho
    boriswho Online Community Member Posts: 180 Contributor
    Sorry now I don't no @April2018mom and I wasn't ignoring you I thought I had replied earlier, I had tried to but the post didn't go on this xx
  • boriswho
    boriswho Online Community Member Posts: 180 Contributor
    A social life worker no I don't have one 
  • boriswho
    boriswho Online Community Member Posts: 180 Contributor
    My phone is making words up on my post lol
  • boriswho
    boriswho Online Community Member Posts: 180 Contributor
    I have someone coming from the council on Tuesday to recommend if I can get a double Bannister if that's one
  • April2018mom
    April2018mom Posts: 2,863 Championing
    boriswho said:
    My phone is making words up on my post lol
    No worries!
    This is a useful booklet. I found it helped when filling out the form when my son was a infant two years ago. He was eight months old then.
    Scroll down to Appendix C- page 35. Read them all carefully and then select the one which applied to you. Good luck! Keep us updated. 
  • boriswho
    boriswho Online Community Member Posts: 180 Contributor
    Would me submitting the wrong submission by mistake due to confusion and entered the "tribunal" with no bullets for my gun, I think I thought what I had written would have been read there was no firm direction from me or citizens advice as to which parts I should have been directing the tribunal to within my limited and incorrectly sent  submission the paperwork had page numbers duplicates etc and was mixed up there was alot of confusion with paperworks mixed up numbering 
    I give no evidence as to her far I could walk as @Username_removed said about my new application .

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