New pip application



  • boriswho
    boriswho Online Community Member Posts: 180 Contributor
    So initially on the date of my claim I was awaiting input for surgery to the r knee.
    Then I was mysteriously discharged from a hospital Nick named mistake lane

    Now I'm told I'm not fit enough and need lots of physio what a long 2 years I've had the distressed all this has caused I'd rather be at work I enjoy what I do I could earn about a grand a week if I could walk long distances required for my type of work I used to cover like 15k steps per day until I fell off the ladders, I could afford othapeadic shoe insoles 15 quid each these kept me going even with severe heel pain I got by episodes of severe back episode by keeping active now I can't walk far my back problem is back....

  • boriswho
    boriswho Online Community Member Posts: 180 Contributor

    Quote:tribunal doctor I think.
    "When you attended a particular hospital how far was the walk" I said about 20 /30  meters. The member of the panel said I know that hospital and it's alot further than that I asked where she parked she argued where everyone else does.

    She was on about the initial a&e visit when I fell from the ladders.
    I said about 20/30 meters 
    I'm pretty good at judging distances I used to do it for a living measuring cable lengths out. maybe the tribunal doctor was too. 
    Anyway I measured this as being 42 steps exactly from where I parked my car.

    The distance covered by a single step assuming a stride length of 0.762 meters or 2.5 feet.
    Please share if you found this tool useful:
    Conversions Table
    50 Steps to Meters = 38.1100,000 Steps to Meters = 76200
    60 Steps to Meters = 45.721,000,000 Steps to Meters = 762000
    To be honest with you the way I walk now bib take about 1/2 meter steps so ita probably nearer my 1St guess of 20 meters 
  • Ilovemywifesomuch01
    Ilovemywifesomuch01 Online Community Member Posts: 32 Contributor
    Boriswho get some sleep I will help you tomorrow evening.
  • boriswho
    boriswho Online Community Member Posts: 180 Contributor
    ill let you off it does anger me when i know people who seem to have lesser issues and get pip.
    hope all is well m8 @Ilovemywifesomuch01

  • Ilovemywifesomuch01
    Ilovemywifesomuch01 Online Community Member Posts: 32 Contributor
    Thanks mate. Do you know if I can message you personally using this forum?
  • Ilovemywifesomuch01
    Ilovemywifesomuch01 Online Community Member Posts: 32 Contributor
    My phone won't let talk to you person ally so will have to do it her. Get your self a cuppa your pip form and a pen. Write the questions on here and I will word how you should answer.
  • kezhendo73
    kezhendo73 Online Community Member Posts: 37 Contributor
    I'm totally baffled by this post I can't understand how you can go on a trek for 2200 meters 
    I can't walk a meter without pain so your very lucky.
     You can get an app on your phone which counts your steps and that will give you a rough measurement which might help 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Thanks mate. Do you know if I can message you personally using this forum?
    You won't be able to send a PM until you have made 25 posts but boriswho will be able to PM you and you will be able to reply to that.

    I have advised @boriswho that he really does need face to face advice from an agency near him with all of this.
  • boriswho
    boriswho Online Community Member Posts: 180 Contributor
    I'm totally baffled by this post I can't understand how you can go on a trek for 2200 meters 
    I can't walk a meter without pain so your very lucky.
     You can get an app on your phone which counts your steps and that will give you a rough measurement which might help 
    the affects of this walk made me like you i could not walk 1 mtr without severe pain afterwards for several days i now have to limit my walking & standing to prevent anything like the after effects this walk, which can and does happens in much shorter distances than 2200. in fact I experience mild to severe exacerbations within the boundarys of my own small privately rented house no more than 8 meters by 12 squared. 

    2200 meter that was last may things got worse since then.
    as they would i suppose with a fractured talus and multi knee oa,superimposed meniscus tears, mechanical back disorder, etc etc

    this came about after a fall from a ladder(employer negligence), attending a&e being diagnosed with soft tissue injury in aug 2017 further being diagnosed tricompartmental OA january 18, and the misdiagnosed or missed fractured talus dome march 2019(this was missed went unseen on innitial xray from A&E in aug 2017).
    and earlier injurys mechanical back disorder 2008. whiplash 2017 which ultimately has returned severly in january this year alongside other issues

    I returned to work after 8 days through desperation i needed my rent paid the following week and with the aid of lots of nsaids and pain releif, nsaids(bruffen) that i have been taking almost all my life.I limped around quite a bit for a few weeks on light duties with a fractured ankle meniscus tears and an underlying condition OA.
    knee supports ankle shoe gel insoles. and diazepam & cannabis which use  of cannabis has dramatically increased(more recently) with trying to get my pain under control, after several failed attempts with gabpentin,deluxotine,naoproxin,indometacinand & others pain releiving drugs.

    I would not do this journey now because of the symtoms i experience during & after doing something like 2200 that really isnt that far for someone without any issues.

    this was me testing my walk before i applied for pip last may. ive aways beleived after reading moving around descriptors that i could not do 200 meters reliably repeatedly or safeley this entitleing me to some sort of pip?

    and also the comments from a consultation stating verbally to me that I required surgery consultants that have said "we need to do surgery- "i told him to f off" "put up with the pain then" he said,or another one  wrote june 2018 in the letter i have in front of me "the patient wasnt keen for surgical intervention, but feels his quality of life has been affected and that he had refered to a specialist soft tissue surgeons" me june last year then im discharged come december? or that of a more recent consultation "it will probably make you worse and wouldnt work because your too unfit" leaving me bemused and in desperate need now.
    so  this is another descriptor i fit because i require 2 surgerys up to now
    what if i dont want to do them for fear of much worser conditions like it not as variable anymore and is a permenant fixture
    I need to do intensive physio i have little motivation for this and weightbearing keeps causing gives in the knees + ankle.
    I need help with meds toilet needs bathing needs cooking needs when im in pain after i walking 1 meter.
    however i can do these on good days
    ironing out the good days from the bad?
    walking causes knees to give causing further pain and forcing me to sit which in turn exacerbates lower back pain creating stiffness limited rom, severe neck pain trying to fight this system with little to no input or help anywhere.
    OA only found out last march coming to terms witht his has drained me mentally as well as days on end with deep aching pains at least one place in my body day to day 
    my solicitor has refered me to specialist knee surgeon for my right knee as well as my right ankle and consideration of the left ankle which has milder similar issues.

    who is going to fix my left knee as its much the same as the right knee 
    what about my painful back issues
    what about the neck pain
    what about the hand pain 
    what about the heel pain

    I only wrote this as an example as mike suggested i should write a story painTing a picture of what happens.

    Id certainly like to hear from people who get pip mobility for knee+feet issues and that continue to walk over 200 meters in pain with instability(maybe im not understanding what instability is maybe its just a twitch im experiencing)lol the whole lot is laugable

    i had a industrial injurys assessment at the same venue as my esa assessment what a complete joke this was she blatently lied in her form she couldnt even understand anything i said to her she was russian or something her hand written report was a disgrace she should be sacked and sent back to her own country shes proably a fckin spy
    she deliberatley tried misconstrued everything she was told these benefit assessors are commiting fraud
    thanks for your comment anyhow

    bob the builder
  • boriswho
    boriswho Online Community Member Posts: 180 Contributor
    now obviusly the tribunals perousal of me contradicts what ive stated 

    this would have looked like i could walk more than 50 meters without issues

    my statements suggest otherwise
    my injurys have the affects of that of which im stating
    ive stated it randomly happens
    ive stated it gets worse
    i can walk further 
    however the after effects stop me from doing it
  • boriswho
    boriswho Online Community Member Posts: 180 Contributor
    This post is about
    1. trying to fight a tribunal loss for pip 
    2. applying for new pip
    3. fighting an upcomming universal credit tribunal for lcw or lcwra
    4. any help i can get with an industrial injurys tribunal. which the judge has set the initial decision aside. theres no help available anywhere for this
    5. justice for me and if at all it can help anyone in a similar situation.
  • boriswho
    boriswho Online Community Member Posts: 180 Contributor
    i wrote:2200 meter that was last may things got worse since then. 
    as they would i suppose with a fractured talus and multi knee oa,superimposed meniscus tears, mechanical back disorder, etc etc

    this was may 2018 btw
  • boriswho
    boriswho Online Community Member Posts: 180 Contributor
    boriswho said:
    This post is about
    1. trying to fight a tribunal loss for pip 
    2. applying for new pip
    3. fighting an upcomming universal credit tribunal for lcw or lcwra
    4. any help i can get with an industrial injurys tribunal. which the judge has set the initial decision aside. theres no help available anywhere for this
    5. justice for me and if at all it can help anyone in a similar situation.
    So option 2:
     i have a new form(im going to scan before i write anything)
     and am currently looking at ways to explain my issues so that they understand easily.
    would they use anything from last tribunal? ie: contradictions?would i need to explain?
    when and if i get assessed they are going to see me walk so unless one of my knee gives as the assessor see's me or im not experiencing any moderate to severe difficulties he/she is going to write what they see
    which is that im fine....leading to denial
    this is telling me to do a bit showboating if im having an ok day? why should i have to do this?
    or hopefully im having a bad day? and he/she writes what she see's? leading to award
    maybe she/he plays down issues if im having a bad day? as they have done in the past with other claimants.?

    I have diagnosis
    i match the symtoms experienced with the conditoins main affects?
    its variable this also matches condition

  • boriswho
    boriswho Online Community Member Posts: 180 Contributor
    boriswho said:
    boriswho said:
    This post is about
    1. trying to fight a tribunal loss for pip 
    2. applying for new pip
    3. fighting an upcomming universal credit tribunal for lcw or lcwra
    4. any help i can get with an industrial injurys tribunal. which the judge has set the initial decision aside. theres no help available anywhere for this
    5. justice for me and if at all it can help anyone in a similar situation.
    So option 2:
     i have a new form(im going to scan before i write anything)
     and am currently looking at ways to explain my issues so that they understand easily.
    would they use anything from last tribunal? ie: contradictions?would i need to explain?
    when and if i get assessed they are going to see me walk so unless one of my knee gives as the assessor see's me or im not experiencing any moderate to severe difficulties he/she is going to write what they see
    which is that im fine....leading to denial
    this is telling me to do a bit showboating if im having an ok day? why should i have to do this?
    or hopefully im having a bad day? and he/she writes what she see's? leading to award
    maybe she/he plays down issues if im having a bad day? as they have done in the past with other claimants.?

    I have diagnosis
    i match the symtoms experienced with the conditoins main affects?
    its variable this also matches condition

    1, im going to use the dairy which someone posted earlier to record daily issues for 14 days starting this coming monday.
    2.I dont think the 2200 meter trek last may should be put additional information to paint a picture i will use instances where its a much shorter distance with the same end results.

  • boriswho
    boriswho Online Community Member Posts: 180 Contributor
    boriswho said:
    This post is about
    1. trying to fight a tribunal loss for pip 
    2. applying for new pip
    3. fighting an upcomming universal credit tribunal for lcw or lcwra
    4. any help i can get with an industrial injurys tribunal. which the judge has set the initial decision aside. theres no help available anywhere for this
    5. justice for me and if at all it can help anyone in a similar situation.
  • buzzer
    buzzer Online Community Member Posts: 104 Empowering
    The tribunal can only look at how things were at the time of your application, which I can only presume was pre May 2018 so if you wrote 2200 metres that would not be within the parameters of an award. 

    As as many others have advised over your threads, Please seek face to face advice regarding your current situation of appealing and what seems to be making a new claim using the same evidence, as this is possibly wrong,  If things have got worse since 2018 you need to have face to face advice to head to what would be a “change of circumstances” but it’s beyond the realms of an Internet forum. 
    Pop your postcode in on this link and contact someone. Its really worth it for you to discuss it, and let yourself be guided by someone who can help you face to face. Good luck going forwards. 

  • boriswho
    boriswho Online Community Member Posts: 180 Contributor
    buzzer said:
    The tribunal can only look at how things were at the time of your application, which I can only presume was pre May 2018 so if you wrote 2200 metres that would not be within the parameters of an award. 

    As as many others have advised over your threads, Please seek face to face advice regarding your current situation of appealing and what seems to be making a new claim using the same evidence, as this is possibly wrong,  If things have got worse since 2018 you need to have face to face advice to head to what would be a “change of circumstances” but it’s beyond the realms of an Internet forum. 
    Pop your postcode in on this link and contact someone. Its really worth it for you to discuss it, and let yourself be guided by someone who can help you face to face. Good luck going forwards. 

    june 18 i applied for pip after the test trek of 2200
    looking at my application pack 
    and MR 
    and my tribunal did not really relay anything about how it actually affected me,how often, how i manage, how severe
    doing any of the activitys or decriptors affected me randomly during and afterwards.
    this is probably how i lost and how the tribunal viewed me on the day
    wouldnt youd have thought that needing to take street oramorph would be an example of how much pain this has had me in.
    or taking maximum dose of codein per day alongside other substances.

  • cristobal
    cristobal Online Community Member Posts: 984 Championing
    @boriswho - I agree with Poppy - we seem to be going round in a circle again, and you need face to face advice really from someone you trust.

    Otherwise, can I again suggest reading the first few pieces of advice and acting on those that you think are useful/ relevant to you?

    Good luck anyway!!

  • Ilovemywifesomuch01
    Ilovemywifesomuch01 Online Community Member Posts: 32 Contributor
    Boriswho everyone is trying to help you mate. I had a moan I'm sorry for that I was just having a bad day. Carefully read through what everyone has replied to you there isreally good key advice on getting your claim going.
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