New pip application



  • boriswho
    boriswho Online Community Member Posts: 180 Contributor
    Is there any reason why you've ignored everyone's advice that you need to get face to face advice? There's only so much help people can give on an internet forum. You need to speak to someone face to face and tell them how your conditions affect you and then they will be able to help you. Use the link above, put your postcode in and see what's available in your local area.
    ive not ignored anyones advice thanks i thought you were done with this anyhow and your really starting to annnoy me now............. dont bother commenting if youve got nothing contructive to say
    I have tried CA welfare benfits advice local law centres etc theyre aof no use to me
    just called welfare benefit advice and no appointments in the next coupple of weeks my form is due back 31/08 ive spoken to this guys on 4 occasions since denial of pip / lcw / iidb 2018. however we spent 10  mins talkin and from what i describe he seems to suggest that i should meet some sort of descriptor as listed above on my other post you dont seem to understand or read @poppy123456

  • boriswho
    boriswho Online Community Member Posts: 180 Contributor
    cristobal said:
    @boriswho - I agree with Poppy - we seem to be going round in a circle again, and you need face to face advice really from someone you trust.

    Otherwise, can I again suggest reading the first few pieces of advice and acting on those that you think are useful/ relevant to you?

    Good luck anyway!!

    I'm going to use mikes info and that of others to fill my form in. And obviously try to describe as best I can possible how I'm affected by these issues.
    Should I avoid not answering question that are going to be too long because of multiple issues and just redirect them to the back of the form q15 additional info where there will be a 2 week diary, the effects and after effects, and the random areas that intermittently flare up give, and experiencing loss off rom. The conditions, injury that have exacerbated conditions and keep doing so. There are so many.
    Or should I just cut and paste them to each descriptor using extra pages that they possibly match(regardless of length) because they are all similar issues 

  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,736 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hi guys, please remember to keep any discussion here civil.

    This community is intended to be supportive of its members. However, there is unfortunately a limit to what support we can offer through this medium.

    There's been a lot of advice given on the thread which should help with your claim @boriswho. However, you could also possibly call our helpline on 0808 800 3333 as they might be able to offer some alternative suggestions to what you've been given here.

    I hope that helps, but if you have any other specific questions, please feel free to ask.
  • Ilovemywifesomuch01
    Ilovemywifesomuch01 Online Community Member Posts: 32 Contributor
    Boriswho I don't appreciate how you have replied to poppy she really is doing her best to advise you. We all are. I'm going to give an example of one of the questions for you and from what you have told me how it affects you. 

    Can you prepare a meal: I can't prepare a meal standing up and its very painful I can't prepare a meal sitting down as sitting for a short time causes serious pains in my knees I'm most comfortable when laying down.

    Can you cook a meal: I have difficulty cooking a meal as standing and sitting for short periods of time causes a lot of discomfort and pain this is a problem when my wife is at work she has to prepare mine and our child's meal as I can't do it.

    This is how you need to fill out the form they don't care how many steps you took or what degree a hill is. They want to know what activities you can and can't do. You also need evidence of this from every care professional who is involved with your care they won't except your form with out it. Poppy has been so patient with you she's lovely and does her best to help everyone there's only so much everyone can do.
  • boriswho
    boriswho Online Community Member Posts: 180 Contributor
    . So, your answer to this question might be reduced by 50% or more in length? but be 100% more effective

    I do not understand this?@Username_removed
     if you gave 2 detailed examples of incidents which have occurred when you have walked. 
    Would something like  this do @Username_removed :smile:

    Like walked walked to car 3 meters knees 20% painful
    Drove to asda 1.7k meters got out car knee painful upon getting out back stiff and ankle cracked painfully upon weight bearing and sharp pain in right side knee I'm Loosening as I up move slightly, I'm very cautious in movement walked slowly into Asda 1St isle approx 5 meters into the store I stumble jar the right knee instant sharp pain causes need to grasp trolley for support as cannot apply weight on that knee without exacerbating that sharp pain. I place most of my weight on the trolley applying gentle weight to r knee now  load a little unbalanced now I push through the pain keeping the joint moving this is a mild instance where I'd say this restricted me ability to walk at a reduced speed/quality by at most 50%Capacity for a duration generally more than a few hours left knee was now being exerted with more than ~60% of my body weight balance is reduced the after affect on the left knee is beginning to operate in a reduced fashion becoming painful catchy feels like its going to give any more than a couple of hours like this staying active has severe negative side effects of aching deeply later and a forced need to take pain relief and apply anti inflammatorys. If my back has loss of rom I need help with applying Topicals

  • Ilovemywifesomuch01
    Ilovemywifesomuch01 Online Community Member Posts: 32 Contributor
    I'm sorry boriswho you have lost me. I agree you need to see CAB or there could be some charity's in your area who could help. 
  • Joanne_Alumni
    Joanne_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 185 Empowering
    Hi @boriswho. I know I am coming late to the discussion but have you looked at the information we have on the Scope website?
    We have a link to a PIP Self-Test which you may find useful, and there is a lot of information on there about completing PIP forms and appealing to the Upper Tribunal if you disagree with the 1st tier tribunal decisions.
    Apologies if you have already mentioned looking at these!
  • boriswho
    boriswho Online Community Member Posts: 180 Contributor
    I'm sorry boriswho you have lost me. I agree you need to see CAB or there could be some charity's in your area who could help. 
    Haha I've been lost forever it seems
    Since the beginning 
    But I'm trying to evolve from the plankton 
  • boriswho
    boriswho Online Community Member Posts: 180 Contributor
    Cab is and was on my tribunal but offered very little if I'm honest.

  • Ilovemywifesomuch01
    Ilovemywifesomuch01 Online Community Member Posts: 32 Contributor
    Ilovecats I agree it should be locked.
  • boriswho
    boriswho Online Community Member Posts: 180 Contributor
    It's OK I'm just gonna delete another profile leaving nothing behind 
    Locking the thread seems to me of an easy escape. Yes it's confusing but can be understood .
    No ones being verbally abusive to anyone.
    Understand I need answers 
    I'm not a pro benefit claimant like most 
    I'm a worker who was injured at work 
    I think I deserve a little more respect 
    To think I worked the past 20 years with a mechanical back disorder lost lots of jobs had to leave other jobs because of issues I've experienced with lower back pain.
    It's these assessments that get me angry, and the going round in circles.
    I have another assessment to tend to with the whiplash injury I sustained at work. Should I be able to request a 
    They lie constantly to meet they're targets it's a joke.
    Anyway I'm done I've gotten as much as I'm ever going to get from this site .
    It's been a learning curve I've been here longer than anticipated I understand the way you should be claiming.
    But don't agree with lots of it.
    Thanks all that tried to help 
    It's been invaluable hopefully 
    You'll be pleased I'm going 

  • buzzer
    buzzer Online Community Member Posts: 104 Empowering
    ilovecats said:
    Can this thread be locked? There’s a lot of negativity and swearing throughout.
    Follow your own advice add the poster to your ignore list.
  • boriswho
    boriswho Online Community Member Posts: 180 Contributor
    Almost I'm sat here sharpening my pencil to a spear like point (filling pip form).

    I'd like to say sorry to  @poppy123456 for my comments earlier. 
    I've listened as best I can to supportive information you've given the task at hand is a difficult one added to an already difficult situation.

    And a heartfelt thank you 
    to all others that have tried to help.

    Wish me luck (and if you need it yourself) right back atchya!!!!


  • boriswho
    boriswho Online Community Member Posts: 180 Contributor
    ok so im officially back Ive done my Q3c on pip form im not comfortable posting this but have no option becasue of limited support please see attcachment it should be able to be converted to wordpad,notepad doc windows 10 to be readable if you cant open
    it  is what im planning to send for this page its just about complete. please let me know your thoughts

  • Ilovemywifesomuch01
    Ilovemywifesomuch01 Online Community Member Posts: 32 Contributor
    Boriswho I'm really sorryyou was right to give a detailed description of your difficulties. So back to the first question: can you prepare a meal? I can't prepare a meal because when I walk to the kitchen I'm in 50% pain in my knee.

    Can you cook a meal: no I cannot cook a meal as to walk to the kitchen which is a few meters makes my knee hurt 35%.

    It really could be worth measuring the distance from your car to your front door ( they will want to know this) also detailing how a really steep hill can cause your knee and foot to hurt 75%. Continue this detail my wife is claiming for mental health I had no idea how it worked for mobility now I understand you.
  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 692 Trailblazing
    edited August 2019
    I am willing to help you boris, I think its cruel and harsh to tell people get face to face advise, e.g. in my area cab is incredibly hard to get an appointment and plus the whole experience was a nightmare when I went, there was noone else in the area at al available.  Too many ssumptions been made here that face to face is easy to get and effective.

    Also years ago my experience with face to face was bad also, the welfare advisor dropped my case a week before tribunal saying as reason "we dont like your chances of winning so we need to spend our time on someone who has a better chance, sorry" I mean what kind of help is that.

    But I think you perhaps need to present your information better, I will offer you my opinion on the bits you want help with but not today as I am too tired, after some sleep will check on here tomorrow.
  • cristobal
    cristobal Online Community Member Posts: 984 Championing
    edited August 2019
    @worried33 - Can I disagree with your comment that 'it's cruel and harsh to tell people to get face to face advice'?

    Personally, far from being 'cruel' I genuinely do believe that it can be a good idea. Many of the posts on the forum are quite complex and far better suited to a face to face interview where the issues can be explored in detail and explanations given.As with any advice - either on here, or by CAB - it's for the claimant to listen and then decide whether to follow it or not.

    I'm sorry that you had a poor experience with your tribunal. It sounds like they were quite blunt but presumably they have limited resources and have to prioritise.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Sometimes it's impossible to give the correct advice on an internet forum and this is one of those times. People have tried to explain to boris many times how to fill out the form and he's been given some good advice throughout this thread but we can't fill out the form for him.

    By getting face to face advice, he can explain to them how his conditions affect him and they will then fill out the form for him.
  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 692 Trailblazing
    edited August 2019
    I think providing the same information is provided on here as it was in a face to face meeting then the same advice could be made.  There is no difference other than the time lag.

    e.g. he could explain how his conditions affect him here, a face to face isnt required for that.  The only difference is that the form could be filled out for him, yet I think you also mentioned in my thread poppy that CAB filling out forms isnt the best of ideas as they tend to have a habit of putting in tell tales to try to maximise descriptor points.  At my face to face I had to hold back the CAB rep from doing that.  The advice I got from here was far better then I got from CAB face to face.

    Anyway seems it doesnt matter as he is gone I think.  I wish him the best of luck tho if he is reading this.
  • boriswho
    boriswho Online Community Member Posts: 180 Contributor
    aye any advice @worried33 is always apreciated
This discussion has been closed.