Cost of Living Payment - useful information



  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    The reason many people live in London is in order to work. I have never wanted to live in London and never have.
  • poptato
    poptato Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
    edited October 2022
  • Amberpearl
    Amberpearl Online Community Member Posts: 1,962 Championing
    When can I get the, warm home discount 
  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    Scope has some information on the Warm Home Discount here @Amberpearl which I hope is helpful for you :) 

    Let us know if you've still got any questions, and we'll see if we can help.

  • Maurice123
    Maurice123 Online Community Member Posts: 111 Empowering
    This comment does not apply to the many people on this site who are struggling to cope with their disabilities and
    lack of money.
    However I would like to make a comment about those non disabled people who say they cannot cope and need to be given more money by the government. Why in that case have food prices NOT gone up since May 2nd 2022. I have my Tesco receipts since then and I can prove to any doubter my figures.

    Prices @ 2/5/2022 for 25 items including milk and eggs     £67.80
                 20/10/2022 for same 25 items........................    £68.10  as of Tesco.

    You could probably buy some of these items cheaper. I have included sirloin steak, chicken (1.2kg), and jumbo prawns, as well as salmon fillets. But the point I am making is that those people who say they cannot afford to eat are lying if they have this money to pay for food. They were paying it in May this year, how is it they cannot afford it now?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    When can I get the, warm home discount 

    The criteria for this has changed this year and you do not need to apply if you live in England or Wales. If you qualify you will be contacted and it will be added to your energy account. There's some details here.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    edited October 2022
    This comment does not apply to the many people on this site who are struggling to cope with their disabilities and
    lack of money.
    However I would like to make a comment about those non disabled people who say they cannot cope and need to be given more money by the government. Why in that case have food prices NOT gone up since May 2nd 2022. I have my Tesco receipts since then and I can prove to any doubter my figures.

    Prices @ 2/5/2022 for 25 items including milk and eggs     £67.80
                 20/10/2022 for same 25 items........................    £68.10  as of Tesco.

    You could probably buy some of these items cheaper. I have included sirloin steak, chicken (1.2kg), and jumbo prawns, as well as salmon fillets. But the point I am making is that those people who say they cannot afford to eat are lying if they have this money to pay for food. They were paying it in May this year, how is it they cannot afford it now?

    Sorry but just because your shopping hasn't increased it doesn't mean someone else's hasn't! It's not just about food bills either, Energy/fuel prices have also increased.
  • Rachel31
    Rachel31 Online Community Member Posts: 22 Connected
    I agree the increase in food shopping is very high and many people are struggling with the cost of living especially gas and energy bills which are ridiculous for those on benefits and low income 
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    edited October 2022
    ONS CPI statistics have food inflation at 14.5% for the last 12 months up to September.
  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Online Community Member Posts: 12,388 Championing
    Sorry @Maurice123 I am going to disagree with you on this matter, 
    example my youngest son, him and his wife have three school age children, they have two cars, which they both have to use for work. So they have the extra increase on running two cars, feeding a growing family and cooking/heating there home, i think you might be feeling better of because you are only feeding yourself.
  • madquasimodo
    madquasimodo Online Community Member Posts: 140 Empowering
    The £150 payment is it one per household or per person?? I have looked and so far not found the answer, I had mine, partner has not, already done the missing payment claim, heard nothing so far.
  • bg844
    bg844 Online Community Member Posts: 3,883 Championing
    The £150 payment is it one per household or per person?? I have looked and so far not found the answer, I had mine, partner has not, already done the missing payment claim, heard nothing so far.
    1 per claim. Your partners will come in due course.
  • Middleton
    Middleton Online Community Member Posts: 146 Contributor
    This comment does not apply to the many people on this site who are struggling to cope with their disabilities and
    lack of money.
    However I would like to make a comment about those non disabled people who say they cannot cope and need to be given more money by the government. Why in that case have food prices NOT gone up since May 2nd 2022. I have my Tesco receipts since then and I can prove to any doubter my figures.

    Prices @ 2/5/2022 for 25 items including milk and eggs     £67.80
                 20/10/2022 for same 25 items........................    £68.10  as of Tesco.

    You could probably buy some of these items cheaper. I have included sirloin steak, chicken (1.2kg), and jumbo prawns, as well as salmon fillets. But the point I am making is that those people who say they cannot afford to eat are lying if they have this money to pay for food. They were paying it in May this year, how is it they cannot afford it now?
    Quite a short sighted comment...along with your other one.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 174 Listener
    edited November 2022
    This comment does not apply to the many people on this site who are struggling to cope with their disabilities and
    lack of money.
    However I would like to make a comment about those non disabled people who say they cannot cope and need to be given more money by the government. Why in that case have food prices NOT gone up since May 2nd 2022. I have my Tesco receipts since then and I can prove to any doubter my figures.

    Prices @ 2/5/2022 for 25 items including milk and eggs     £67.80
                 20/10/2022 for same 25 items........................    £68.10  as of Tesco.

    You could probably buy some of these items cheaper. I have included sirloin steak, chicken (1.2kg), and jumbo prawns, as well as salmon fillets. But the point I am making is that those people who say they cannot afford to eat are lying if they have this money to pay for food. They were paying it in May this year, how is it they cannot afford it now?
    I know where I live the price of milk especially has gone through the roof, my shopping costs have increased by 30% since may, luckily I can cover the expense but not everyone can. As for my Electricity it used to be £30 a week in the winter, it's now £65. Extortionate.How people on basic UC or ESA is managing is beyond comprehension. Everyone is struggling at the moment.
  • Maurice123
    Maurice123 Online Community Member Posts: 111 Empowering
    Could you explain why you think my comment short sighted. Is it because you think my prices are wrong or
    because you think inflation is soaring? I was referring to food shopping. I am one of thee people who decided when I moved here to stay on the existing prepayment electricity meter. Why do you think that over 2 million out of the 4 million people in England with them have not collected their grants yet. We all went out and filled up our keys before the end of September. Mine is only running out now. Smart meters let the electricity companies mess around with direct debits and enable them to alter prices on a whim. An increase in for example milk of 30p is hardly the end of the world as 2 pints will last most people a week. Yes there are some people on very low incomes but mine is well below the national average and I am coping fine.
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,643 Championing
    I use 8 pints of milk a week, or just under,  cereal and endless hot drinks and for cooking.  plus when grandkids come over they use alot. I think I pay roughly 1.80 for 4 pints 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
     An increase in for example milk of 30p is hardly the end of the world as 2 pints will last most people a week. 
    Are you sure about that? Just because it lasts you a week it doesn’t mean everyone else is the same. The same as your shopping bill each week, everyone will be different. 
    There’s only 2 in my house and I use 4 pints a week. 
  • Maurice123
    Maurice123 Online Community Member Posts: 111 Empowering
    Hi Sandy,
    Yes you are paying about £0.30p more a week. All my supermarket milks cost £1.55 for 4 pints. I was paying £1,10
    for 2pints now £1.25  Again in my case 30p more. The other day I paid £10 for six Gressingham duck breasts, just over £1,50 per breast representing six very filling meals. all vegetables are very cheap eg £0.95 for a very large cauliflower which makes two meals of cauliflower cheese, using pre grated cheese which is .much cheaper than a block and a half pint of milk. Total cost about £1.70 for two good meals. Plus electricity minimal, cooking time say
    30p making the whole cost £2.
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,643 Championing
    Yeah I think if your catering for a family then the cost is doubled, trebled and also the fuel. 
  • Padraig
    Padraig Online Community Member Posts: 66 Contributor
    We’re all subject to the same energy price hikes which we’re purely profit orientated, not because of cost or scarcity. The energy companies made more profit last year than ever before. You think they would celebrate and be content with that incredible outcome. But no through sheer greed they have doubled their prices. It’s a shame we don’t have a government in place to protect us from such an unjustifiable hike on a controlled market.

    Regarding food I now buy in bulk when something is on offer to get the best deal. An Aldi has opened 1/2 a mile from where I live and doing a weekly shop there is a 1/3 cheaper than my usual Morrisons shop and nearer!