COL £150. Has anyone got it?



  • Xtiano_sickboy
    Xtiano_sickboy Online Community Member Posts: 39 Connected
    Yes I did. I'm on pip and lcwra universal credit with MS
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 174 Listener
    edited September 2022
    Yes I did. I'm on pip and lcwra universal credit with MS
    Same here I get ESA and PIP I was lucky enough to get the COL on the 14 july. So I can understand why people are getting antsy for the new payment. Wouldn't it be so much easier if they gave a specific date lol. I don't think it alphabetical. It some bizarre system the government came up with I suspect.
  • Xtiano_sickboy
    Xtiano_sickboy Online Community Member Posts: 39 Connected
    Yeah it'd make total sense but then it wouldn't be the government 🤔
    I thought alphabetically may be a factor as a friend of mine got the July col payment the day after I got mine and his name is walker. 
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 174 Listener
    edited September 2022
    One of my Facebook friends has rang PIP, she claims she been told she'll get COL on the 27 SEP. And the payment already been sent to her bank. This makes zero sense to me. The dates don't add up. There is some weirdness on Facebook at the moment. I don't advise people ring PIP up. This sounds shady to me. They don't usually tell people dates for COL payments. Isn't the government the one making the payments. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    The call centre (PIP) will not know the dates the CoL payment will be made. They very often tell people what they want to here. Yes the Government make the payments, not DWP.
  • bart70
    bart70 Online Community Member Posts: 74 Contributor
    It does state on the cost of living information site if you have not received it by mid October and you think your entitled to then contact them. So could be anytime in the next 3 weeks. When I got my last cost of living payment it was listed on my bank statement as DWP CoL and I just got a text tonight from the DWP telling me payments are been made for cost of living and a link to the cost of payments government website. So while it is government funded for those of us on pip/esa etc it is been paid into our banks by DWP. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    bart70 said:
    So while it is government funded for those of us on pip/esa etc it is been paid into our banks by DWP. 
    That's not correct. DWP is not responsible for making the payments. The Government are doing this. Yes, the text came from DWP which would have been a standard text, i received one today.

  • bart70
    bart70 Online Community Member Posts: 74 Contributor
    Can I ask where your getting your information from? It clearly says on the government website: From the department of work and pensions.. the payment into my bank was marked DWP CoL.. even the text regarding the payments is from the DWP and if you don’t get the payment and you think your entitled to it, you contact.. DWP? 
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    As far as I am aware CoL payments are being made by DWP. The important point however is that they are, as far as I know, being administered separately from the other benefits people normally receive so contacting people on ESA or PIP telephone numbers etc will not have details of CoL.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 174 Listener
    edited September 2022
    calcotti said:
    As far as I am aware CoL payments are being made by DWP. The important point however is that they are, as far as I know, being administered separately from the other benefits people normally receive so contacting people on ESA or PIP telephone numbers etc will not have details of CoL.
    That's what I thought. Anyway it appears PIP is telling people what they want to hear. They all been given the same date. Those that are posted messages about it have anyway. Probably just quickest way to end the call.
  • Scottyrko
    Scottyrko Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener
    Do you think we get it tomorrow 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Scottyrko said:
    Do you think we get it tomorrow 

    No one can possibly answer that question.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    bart70 said:
    Can I ask where your getting your information from?
    From a DWP employee and no it wasn't someone from the call centre.
  • Lovelisa88
    Lovelisa88 Online Community Member Posts: 10 Connected
    Enyone got the 150 yet 
  • Lovelisa88
    Lovelisa88 Online Community Member Posts: 10 Connected
    Enyone got the 150 from cost liveing yet 
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 174 Listener
    I don't think people are gonna get it until next week. Just a hunch
  • bart70
    bart70 Online Community Member Posts: 74 Contributor
    bart70 said:
    Can I ask where your getting your information from?
    From a DWP employee and no it wasn't someone from the call centre.
    I wouldn’t believe everything someone tells you. Besides the DWP are part of the government but also HMRC are involved in paying some people too but still part of the government. So they are right it’s the government but DWP have got their name all over it. Not that’s it matters as long as the people who need it get it. 
  • MJP88
    MJP88 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    Hello Everyone. Sorry new here but people wondering how and when they might receive this payment same as me. Due to the volume of people involved in this which is over 6 million people and as much as we would all love computer systems to do what we say there are blockers in place. from a finance point of view a system or payment portal will only allow so many transactions in one payment run.

    From my understanding on DWP and government and how they run they do approximately 3-5 payment runs a day (from 10am to 6pm).

    So assuming they do 5 payment runs each run will contain maybe 100,000 people at a time. so a day they are paying 500,000 people and given they said people will start to receive from 20th September through to early October and only working on Monday-Friday this would generally take up to the 4th October for everyone to receive payment by. Give or take.

    This is just the nature of the computer system world we live in to prevent fraud and duplications otherwise banks will always be backlogged also. 

    Providing no hiccups in their payment runs everyone eligible should receive this by 7th October at the latest (Fingers Crossed)
  • Fae
    Fae Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    I haven't received it yet.
  • Xtiano_sickboy
    Xtiano_sickboy Online Community Member Posts: 39 Connected
    Still not got it (Thursday)