COL £150. Has anyone got it?



  • bg844
    bg844 Online Community Member Posts: 3,883 Championing
    The only advice we can give is that you should get it Friday at the latest. People and newspapers keep speculating but the problem is there’s nothing to speculate on, DWP said between the 20th and the end of September. I wish these threads would be merged so it doesn’t clog up the recent discussions tab.
  • d1gby_d0g
    d1gby_d0g Online Community Member Posts: 15 Connected
    I stupidly assumed I would get the £150 with my pension yesterday. Because of that I didn’t save any money from the previous week and when I didn’t get it yesterday all I had left after my direct debits went out was £20 to last a week.
    My name starts with H and my NI number with Y and I haven’t received it yet. I just wish they hadn’t said it would start on the 20th and it turned out that even on the 23rd no one had got it. They blame the Queen’s funeral but that was one day!
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    edited September 2022
    d1gby_d0g said:
    I stupidly assumed I would get the £150 with my pension yesterday. Because of that I didn’t save any money from the previous week and when I didn’t get it yesterday all I had left after my direct debits went out was £20 to last a week.
    My name starts with H and my NI number with Y and I haven’t received it yet. I just wish they hadn’t said it would start on the 20th and it turned out that even on the 23rd no one had got it. They blame the Queen’s funeral but that was one day!

    It's only paid to those that claim a disability benefit such as PIP/DLA or AA and receive a payment (or later received a payment for 25th May 2022). i'm assuming you're claiming either one of those? If so, then it's not paid with any other benefit, it's paid separately.
  • d1gby_d0g
    d1gby_d0g Online Community Member Posts: 15 Connected
    Yes I get PIP and I haven’t received it separately either. I have a bad feeling it will come with my PIP next Monday. 
  • bart70
    bart70 Online Community Member Posts: 74 Contributor
    Got mine today as did my son for his DLA. So guessing most people will have received this now, if not tomorrow or Friday 
  • scratsupport
    scratsupport Online Community Member Posts: 12 Connected
    Got mine today also :)
  • userinfo1
    userinfo1 Online Community Member Posts: 45 Contributor
    Not got mine just checked my account. The problem is dwp giving out dates and promises and only to be let down with them. No shocker there. When you see some have got some haven't will only result in dwp to be not able to answer all it calls. It bad enough waiting about 40 minutes to get through to them now this on top.
  • BOOKIE68
    BOOKIE68 Online Community Member Posts: 48 Empowering
    Finally got mine today!! 🥰🙏 X
  • bart70
    bart70 Online Community Member Posts: 74 Contributor
    edited September 2022
    userinfo1 said:
    Not got mine just checked my account. The problem is dwp giving out dates and promises and only to be let down with them. No shocker there. When you see some have got some haven't will only result in dwp to be not able to answer all it calls. It bad enough waiting about 40 minutes to get through to them now this on top.
    DWP have said most people will receive it by the beginning of October so that should be this week. Fingers crossed for you it will land in your account over the next 48 hours 

    there is a link for reporting missing payments on the cost of living official government page which you can find here:
  • userinfo1
    userinfo1 Online Community Member Posts: 45 Contributor
    Personally I think all these cost of living or energy rebates given out has been so badly handled and it does make you question if the money is being spent for it. I know someone when got that rebate discount ended up cashing it in at post office and went out on the lash with it and bought cigarettes.

    It really should have been targetted directly via credits on customers fuel bills or vouchers handed out to spend in supermarkets. I can only imagine the many that have just wasted it and not realising it's not to be partying with. Hey my gripe on it all.

    Hopefully will see the payment appear and then it's off to the bank to but against my fuel bills.
  • userinfo1
    userinfo1 Online Community Member Posts: 45 Contributor
    bart70 said:
    userinfo1 said:
    Not got mine just checked my account. The problem is dwp giving out dates and promises and only to be let down with them. No shocker there. When you see some have got some haven't will only result in dwp to be not able to answer all it calls. It bad enough waiting about 40 minutes to get through to them now this on top.
    DWP have said most people will receive it by the beginning of October so that should be this week. Fingers crossed for you it will land in your account over the next 48 hours 

    there is a link for reporting missing payments on the cost of living official government page which you can find here: said:
    userinfo1 said:
    Not got mine just checked my account. The problem is dwp giving out dates and promises and only to be let down with them. No shocker there. When you see some have got some haven't will only result in dwp to be not able to answer all it calls. It bad enough waiting about 40 minutes to get through to them now this on top.
    DWP have said most people will receive it by the beginning of October so that should be this week. Fingers crossed for you it will land in your account over the next 48 hours 

    there is a link for reporting missing payments on the cost of living official government page which you can find here:
    Just see.... I can imagine thousands upon thousands will take some time to go through
  • scratsupport
    scratsupport Online Community Member Posts: 12 Connected
    edited September 2022
    userinfo1 said:
    Personally I think all these cost of living or energy rebates given out has been so badly handled and it does make you question if the money is being spent for it. I know someone when got that rebate discount ended up cashing it in at post office and went out on the lash with it and bought cigarettes.

    It really should have been targetted directly via credits on customers fuel bills or vouchers handed out to spend in supermarkets. I can only imagine the many that have just wasted it and not realising it's not to be partying with. Hey my gripe on it all.

    Hopefully will see the payment appear and then it's off to the bank to but against 
    my fuel bills.

    Absolutely,  I would have preferred that all my cost of living payment was paid directly to my Gas/Electric company.  All my payments have been set aside just for these bills only!
  • jayuk
    jayuk Online Community Member Posts: 63 Contributor
    I got my 150 today and im from Manchester
  • userinfo1
    userinfo1 Online Community Member Posts: 45 Contributor
    That is literally all I done is put any extra help towards one side and paid directly the fuel bills. It's only going to get worse and can imagine many like myself are dependant upon keeping warm with my condition.

    When I heard that someone spent it on cigarettes and went out partying with it I was so annoyed. Then typical dwp style is like a lottery to get the payment or not.

    Where money took off your bills and or vouchers to spend in supermarket for food would put a stop to the abuse. Certainly not for 40 Benson and hedges and a night out at the Queen Victoria.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    People can do exactly what they want with it, the same as all other benefits they receive. I won't be using mine on my energy. Myself and my daughter received ours today and it will be used towards paying off our holiday for next year.
  • philtoy
    philtoy Online Community Member Posts: 9 Connected
    I bought crack and a thick jumper from charity shop to tackle the issue around keeping warm. I'm kidding of course,... Don't wear jumpers lol 😂
  • userinfo1
    userinfo1 Online Community Member Posts: 45 Contributor
    Shouldn't laugh only crack I see in charity shops is the plates in window they full of them.
  • userinfo1
    userinfo1 Online Community Member Posts: 45 Contributor
    People can do exactly what they want with it, the same as all other benefits they receive. I won't be using mine on my energy. Myself and my daughter received ours today and it will be used towards paying off our holiday for next year.
    Wish I could go on a holiday so need one. But keeping warm for me this winter will be my biggest priority.
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Got mine today 

    My view is a lot of people were desperate and depending on the payment on first day despite it being FROM that date makes me think they spent it b4 they got it eg used up all their money b4 thinking they would get it in the 20th 

    They left themselves with no money to put on gas and electric or buy food be it by necessity or by relying on the payment and not managing their money 
    Just my view 
  • d1gby_d0g
    d1gby_d0g Online Community Member Posts: 15 Connected
    I just checked my account and still nothing arrgh!
    I’m now completely broke and will be in serious difficulties if I don’t get it tomorrow. Why does it have to be so random and haphazard?
    If there had been a way of finding out exactly when we will receive it I wouldn’t have been in this mess.