COL £150. Has anyone got it?



  • bg844
    bg844 Online Community Member Posts: 3,883 Championing
    It wouldn’t bother me when a payment comes in as it’s less temptation to spend it all in one go earlier.
  • rachw89
    rachw89 Online Community Member Posts: 25 Connected
    Which bank are you guys with that show pending incoming payments?  My bank has never done this, it just shows outgoing pending transactions.  I might have to switch banks.
    I’m with hsbc 
  • Xtiano_sickboy
    Xtiano_sickboy Online Community Member Posts: 39 Connected
    Cartini said:
    Cartini said:
    bg844 said:
    Not necessarily. It’s paid from 20th September. They still have all of next week to be in the deadline and some members have £150 pending on their banking apps for Monday, I can’t see this with mine but I’m more than happy to wait anyway. I don’t think anyone can judge them until Friday 30th at the earliest.
    Exactly.  People know they are going to get the money, so I don`t understand why they are checking every 2 minutes.

    Simply because a lot of people are struggling. Moreover when the government gives vague timelines such as 20th Sept till end of the month it's is obv worth checking their banks periodically. Especially if they are penniless. 
    That`s the problem, people aren`t just checking their banks periodically though; they`re "hammering" (for want of an expression) DWP phone lines. 
    Phoning up several times a day (exaggerated a bit) won`t make the payment get to their bank account any quicker.  What it will do, though, is clog the phone lines for people who do have a genuine, and possibly urgent, need to contact DWP. 
    I`m sorry, but "pestering" DWP about the COL payment is not a genuine need, especially when a defined period of payment has been stipulated (not a vague window as suggested by yourself).  People just need to wait until it`s paid.

    Checking ones own bank is one thing. Hammering dwp phone lines is entirely another.
    I agree that is too much and also futile. I was merely pointing out that desperate people clutch at straws in desperate times. 
    I sympathise 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Cartini said:
    Cartini said:
    bg844 said:
    Not necessarily. It’s paid from 20th September. They still have all of next week to be in the deadline and some members have £150 pending on their banking apps for Monday, I can’t see this with mine but I’m more than happy to wait anyway. I don’t think anyone can judge them until Friday 30th at the earliest.
    Exactly.  People know they are going to get the money, so I don`t understand why they are checking every 2 minutes.

    Simply because a lot of people are struggling. Moreover when the government gives vague timelines such as 20th Sept till end of the month it's is obv worth checking their banks periodically. Especially if they are penniless. 
    That`s the problem, people aren`t just checking their banks periodically though; they`re "hammering" (for want of an expression) DWP phone lines. 
    Phoning up several times a day (exaggerated a bit) won`t make the payment get to their bank account any quicker.  What it will do, though, is clog the phone lines for people who do have a genuine, and possibly urgent, need to contact DWP. 
    I`m sorry, but "pestering" DWP about the COL payment is not a genuine need, especially when a defined period of payment has been stipulated (not a vague window as suggested by yourself).  People just need to wait until it`s paid.

    Checking ones own bank is one thing. Hammering dwp phone lines is entirely another.
    I agree that is too much and also futile. I was merely pointing out that desperate people clutch at straws in desperate times. 
    I sympathise 
    I agree but there’s nothing at all anyone can do. They have only just started making the payments so it could be the end of the week before a lot of people have their money.
  • MJP88
    MJP88 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    Hello All,

    It has come alight some people who are banking with Monzo get a notification a day earlier that they are expecting payment tomorrow.

    So payments have started to trickle in as some people on Monzo are expecting payment tomorrow.

  • ella1992
    ella1992 Online Community Member Posts: 289 Contributor
    I'm with barclays and nothing as of yet 
  • CharlieRose256
    CharlieRose256 Online Community Member Posts: 68 Contributor
    Halifax and ditto, nothing as of yet
  • Lovelisa88
    Lovelisa88 Online Community Member Posts: 10 Connected
    How can u see it profit tomoyI’m with nationwide I cannot see
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    How can u see it profit tomoyI’m with nationwide I cannot see
    Not all banks allow you to see pending payments. Mine doesn’t.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Emilyb81 said:
    I wish people understood how unreasonable it is to tell people with mental health problems they will be recieving a payment at some point in the next couple of weeks hopefully! It is not ok? And just because some of you have been able to budget and arent depending on the payment does not make it ok to judge those who do need it urgently?! And i myself know the dates which are vague actually?! But my head will not allow me to stop wanting to know if I've been paid yet if not when will I be paid? And who has been paid and when?? I am like this in MANY situations? Was exactly the same for the 326 i was checking all the time i couldn't sleep over it?! Its an obsessive thing i guess but certainly not something I can control apparently? :-( and I am not trying to annoy anyone if i ask repeatedly? I havent called the DWP but there are loads of people out there giving lots of different information and its getting more and more confusing!! I have been told some were told when their 150 would be in the bank? Also others have banks that can see pending payments coming in and have been told Monday (now) and Tuesday too? Some have said they received their second col 324 payment 2 days ago?! Not to mention the news articles saying its being paid this week too?!  Its all so confusing and it simply is not as simple as just being patient or being repeatedly told it's any time from now til end of the month?! Please please have some more empathy people? Clearly this is causing some a LOT of anxiety! I've received 2 text messages now in the last week telling me to check online to see if I'm eligible for any help? why can't they just send a text out saying you will be getting this payment that takes away some of the stress! Anyway it's obviously not going to change! But i just wish people weren't getting angry or frustrated making comments about people asking making them feel bad when it is not their fault? 

    The issue is, is that no one can tell anyone when exactly they will receive it, it doesn't matter how many times someone asks the same question. The Government said it will be from 20th September, up until the beginning of October. It is literally out of anyone's control.
    The £324 CoL payment hasn't been paid to anyone yet, so where ever you got that from is incorrect. There's actually no offical dates to when it will be paid, other than sometime this Autumn, if you receive a DWP means tested benefit. If you receive just tax credits, then it's sometime in the Winter.
    For the £150 payment there are 6 million people entitled to it and i can't imagine anyone sending that many texts.
  • Xtiano_sickboy
    Xtiano_sickboy Online Community Member Posts: 39 Connected
    Wed 1215am
    Received it into my TSB
  • Xtiano_sickboy
    Xtiano_sickboy Online Community Member Posts: 39 Connected
    How can u see it profit tomoyI’m with nationwide I cannot see
    Not all banks allow you to see pending payments. Mine doesn’t.
    Mine doesn't either (TSB)
    Natwest allow Monday payments to be withdrawable on the Saturday which is handy
  • schoolmum
    schoolmum Scope Member Posts: 123 Empowering
    Wed 1215am
    Received it into my TSB
    Do you mean Tue 12.15am as it's only Tuesday now.
    You were probably just too happy to see it in your bank. Haha 😁
  • philtoy
    philtoy Online Community Member Posts: 9 Connected
    Mine arrived in my account shortly after midnight. About time too. However, I am grateful and am glad of the help, however big or small.
  • foxmagic5
    foxmagic5 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
    I received mine tonight 26/09/22
    about 10pm
  • scratsupport
    scratsupport Online Community Member Posts: 12 Connected
    Nope still nothing for me! :(

  • samhain
    samhain Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    My housemate and myself both received ours today. Not sure if the alphabetical order applies (as some claim it too) as he is a H and I am an M
  • BOOKIE68
    BOOKIE68 Online Community Member Posts: 48 Empowering
    Still waiting for mine 😪 
  • scratsupport
    scratsupport Online Community Member Posts: 12 Connected
    BOOKIE68 said:
    Still waiting for mine 😪 

    Me too at least were not the only ones then.

  • philtoy
    philtoy Online Community Member Posts: 9 Connected

    This may give you some hope. I practically gave up but it arrived in my account just after midnight. I'm very confident that for the rest of you guys (providing you're eligible) will get the £150 by Friday. And I'm on basic pip for daily living, not mobility (don't think it matters)
    good luck, it won't be much longer x