How is your day going?
@Ada any joy today with the site?
I find I can't tag after 3 or 4 people so it will restrict my long posts lol
@Lou67 @Sandy_123 and @Beaver79 I have got energy to do things today so huge improvement. I'll be seeing my partner this evening in hospital. He got the scan today so hopefully discharge to follow.
I'm going to have a coffee and get on with a few more things. Talk to you all later!
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Aww so glad your doing better and always a pleasure to see you posting. My holiday was lovely and relaxing thanks.
Oh that’s great your feeling more energetic and good luck with the scan results. I’m just going to the shop for milk catch yous later ❤️
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@Marydoll5 so glad you
have your energy levels back. Hope you made me a coffee. Fingers crossed the scans went ok
Ive had a walk to the shop it's really warm out
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Hi @Ada glad you got back on the forum. I will chat soon . Take care of yourself please.
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Good evening to you all; what a beautiful day its been, down here in Dorset its been a wonderful sunny and warm day BUT we've spent most of our day at the dentist! found my youngest son's only wisdom tooth growing through sidewards which has been causing him much discomfort - it has to come out which means hospital for him (😣not very happy), on the other hand I have two back teeth that died on me and have been happy sitting in my gum so same for me (😫) BUT the day is lovely and the sun has it's hat off and that makes it a whole lot better. Hope you all have a very pleasant evening because my feet are aching for some cool water - Nite nite 😔
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The vet has just rang me re Bruce's blood test s
All are normal
That's good but I'm. Baffled as to what is wrong as he's rapidly losing weight, anymore loss and hel. Disappear
It's not cancer or thyroid or kidneys all organs good
Vet says continuing rest of antibiotics and bring him. Back next Tuesday. Can. Try scan him awake and do in house bloods to test for feline leukemia
I don't think he has that either
He's an indoor cat that's 12 next week
So no idea
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evening @Ada glad you got on for a bit
@amberpearl glad the results came back ok that's a big worry off your mind, I hope you get to the bottom of the weight loss.
@Strawberry1 and @talis I hope your pains go away soon
@PollyPick that's a shame about having to go hospital for dentistry
@Beaver79 hope your results are good when you get them
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Good to know you're feeling a bit more energetic @Marydoll5.
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Hi @Ada , nice to see you back . Thanks @Sandy for your kind words.
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Chat soon @Ada . Take care.
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Sorry I didn't get back to you before - I was just about going for dinner so only just came back on the forum
Thanks for such a kind thing to say 😊
I hope you see this message when you next have a read of the forum
I'm good today thanks, really bright actually. I hope you're doing OK even though you don't have Scope. I would really miss it if I lost access so I can imagine how you are finding things really hard though 🙁 did you manage to get anything in your garden done recently??
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Hi everyone I hope yous all had a good day and feeling well.
I’m sorry I’ve been really busy my son in law is painting my living room tomorrow then my kitchen, so had to take everything off the walls and move all the smaller stuff out. I feel shattered I’ve not stopped for ages. Going to make a cuppa and watch some telly.
Aww sorry I missed you I hope your coping ok with everything I hope you can get back on full time soon.❤️
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I am off to sleep now
Bye everyone
Have a nice night
See you all tomorrow hopefully 🙂
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goodnight all, i've had a good day nice and sunny, went to my mens group which was a positive, a good bunch of blokes, i'll be going again after the bank holiday, cheers and goodnight
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i hope @Ada is doing ok, take carew lovely x
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I hope you sleep well.@Grinchy
Aww I’m so pleased you enjoyed the men’s group and you’ll be going back.Goodnight everyone ❤️