Applied Jan 2024 got a NO so submitted MR March, got told behind with cases so decision by 28th of June. Today got a text saying we need to call you about your PIP claim between 12 and 12.45pm.
Man introduced himself he's a decision maker and looking at the MR. Asked me usual security questions then bank details, if I'd had any time abroad/in prison or in hospital. Then said I'd receive a decision letter within 14 days.
Is this standard for every MR? As no phone call was mentioned until text today I was originally told they would look at any further evidence and I'd receive a decision.
Hi @MARNMICK, welcome to the community.
These types of calls are quite common for PIP claims, not always just at the MR stage. They are often just checking that you are still entitled as being in prison or hospital may affect your claim, and making sure your bank details are correct for any payments.
Hopefully you'll receive a decision through soon 😊 Fingers crossed it's the result you're hoping for!
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Dont think its positive sadly as decision made letter on way and automated line just transfers to be on hold to speak to one, ive read elsewhere a payment amount and date is on if successful
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Hopefully you'll know more soon @MARNMICK, it's not easy to say either way.
If it doesn't turn out how you're hoping lots of people do have better results at tribunal level, so it's well worth pursuing further if you're feeling up to it. We have some really helpful members if you need some support or have any questions about anything 😊
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You shouldn’t rely on the automated payment line because it often gives incorrect information or even no information at all.
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Confirmed bank details asked questions got hopes up MR worked when rang yesterday and I spoke someone who said letter in post but its been disallowed going to go tribunal
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It has been known for members here to receive a phone call like that, some go onto be awarded but the majority don't and the decision remains the same. Most MR decisions don't change so it's not surprising it hasn't. Much more chance at Tribunal stage providing you either appear in person or have a telephone/video hearing.
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Thanks for reply not sure on if awarded more points just not enough for the payment if so thats still a positive and better for when do tribunal as less points to go for award.