General election - party’s manifestos published this week starting 10th june



  • Ross1975
    Ross1975 Online Community Member Posts: 71 Empowering

    Hopefully this talk about mental health, economic inactivity, those who can work should work, and that there will be consequences for those who do not oblige, is just some tough talk so they don't lose the votes from people who think everyone on benefits are scroungers, and that those of us who genuinely can't work due to mental health or physical health wont be on the chopping block.

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 825 Championing
  • Lostsoul13
    Lostsoul13 Online Community Member Posts: 124 Connected

    thanks Apple85

    being from wales I still thing green is more pro- but it’s a step into the right direction- obviously just starting work the tax free threshold is something I’m interested in - and if I start full time less tax- even while permitted work..

    I’m just wondering if my vote would be lost or if everyone that would benefit from green, vote?

    I really appreciate you taking your time to highlight- it’s much easier to understand!

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 825 Championing
    edited June 2024

    thank you for appreciation

    As I said previously on this forum I was really tempted to compile a spreadsheet doc on the tactical vote and the protest tactical vote of all 650 seat constituencies (as well as the individual candidates that seemed to be disability allies) but no one seemed interested and it would be a huge undertaking esp if no one looked at it

    I noticed that many of the tactical voting sites have only used data from the previous general election (2019 and prehaps 2017)…………….when corbyn was in charge of labour (labour are very much a different party to corbyn era attracting different types of voters to each other though there is some crossover) - tactical voting on ‘ground zero’ (talk in communities) is also being ignored

    (Note to scope forum mod - delete the next part if it’s inappropriate to offer)

    If any voters want help looking into in depth data for their constituencies (in terms of past election result, more info on candidates and tactical vote/a viable protest vote) then I’m happy for any member to private message (PM) me with their consistency name and I’ll look into it (I hope long term forum members know me to be a good researcher), I’ll only give personal recommendations if asked and will stay as unbiased as possible - I only want members to make the most informed decision possible and one they are comfortable with

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 825 Championing

    okay, I will happily hold my hand up when wrong (as I am here and full apologies)

    When I was researching I guess I was only looking at coalitions that had been formed from results of a general election…………I didn’t really consider ‘coalition’ arrangements that may of been formed mid parliamentary term!

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 825 Championing
    edited June 2024
  • MW123
    MW123 Scope Member Posts: 945 Championing


    Thank you for your efforts in compiling and presenting the highlighted versions of all the manifestos. The Plaid Cymru manifesto has particularly captured my interest with its notable focus on the substantial £23 billion a year in unclaimed benefits.

  • michael57
    michael57 Online Community Member Posts: 1,069 Championing

    just a question are these 8500 mental health workers waiting in the wings for labour to get in power or is it a case of training them up when they get in power if its the latter we could be talking 4 years 3years for a degree and 1 year special training unless he missed out support between health and workers then it would be less politicians have a nice way of wording things to confuse

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 825 Championing

    yes many parties seem to forgot that they are already saving a packet off the disabled (not to mention billions by unpaid carers picking up after government failures)

    I think I remember reading of a member on the scope forum who was claiming out of work benefits because of disability and a dwp staff apologised that they had to as it was the most economical, cheapest option to deal with the disabled (not sure if I 100% remembered that correctly)

    Politicians have spent the last 18 months stepping up their attacks on the disabled and smearing our character (spreading mistruths)

    This has resulted in public opinion on disabled significantly lowing and a large increase in public and verbal harassment (and less safe to be disabled in the uk as a result)

    Politicians have yet to figure all these smears and targeted attacks are rubbish advertisements for encouraging employers in hiring a disabled person (and messing with pip will just make work less affordable for even those disabled currently holding down a job)

    Whoever wins the election needs to figure out that the disabled themselves are not the biggest barrier to work, they the politians are - and it will take years to repair the rep (flip stereotypes) of the disabled as a minority social group

  • Ross1975
    Ross1975 Online Community Member Posts: 71 Empowering

    I just hope we're not going to be forced into doing things we can't cope with. ☹️

  • Remina
    Remina Online Community Member Posts: 273 Empowering

    That's the problem, everywhere I look the politicians from Cons and Labour are only ever obsessively repeating that they will do x-y-z to ''Get disabled people back into work!'', they never just come out and say ''We will help disabled people and make life more bearable for you by doing x-y-z to help you in your daily lives…'', instead it is ALWAYS ''We will get disabled people back into work!'', there's always that little ''back into work'' catch at the end, every single time they refer to us.. It feels like they believe that a disabled person's value in life is solely based on whether or not we are working, and if we're not working then we're just depicted negatively as being nothing more than a 'burden on the taxpayer'.

    It's so dehumanising and frustrating that they are constantly treating us this way and constantly broadcasting the same hateful rhetoric against disabled benefit claimants via the media and government press releases, they never seem to care about the truly wide range of debilitating complex needs / struggles that sick/disabled people face on a day-to-day basis. I feel as though our true safety and welbeing means nothing to them, their only priority is how they can push us into work, regardless of whether or not we are even able to manage/cope with it.

    I want to see a party that stands up and says ''If there are disabled people who feel that they are able to work or they want to work then we will do everything we can to help them achieve stable employment, but if a disabled person is unable to work then we will respect and understand that and instead we will continue to provide them with the vital financial support they require via the disability benefit system.''.

    All we ask is to be treated like human beings with respect, care and understanding. I'm sick to death of sick/disabled people being constantly under-attack with vile rhetoric every single time I read a newspaper or hear a politician speaking about those of us who need disability benefits to survive.

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,472 Championing
    edited June 2024

    They have been using those phrases since 2015 - in manifestos and into law in 2016.

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 825 Championing
  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 825 Championing

    just snp’s manifesto to do on wed/thurs and that’s all the manifesto’s for the major uk mainland parties done

    (Apologies to those in northern island but as NI has a totally different choice of parties than the rest of the uk and………well basically I can’t face doing any more highlight and reading of manifesto’s - that labour one near on killed me, grateful that the brexit parties one was so short if nothing else)

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 825 Championing

    the billion dollar question this election from the disabled community point of view, I think many of us would agree:

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 825 Championing

    every single time I think ‘it can’t get any worse’ on the topic of politics and disability, 9 times out of 10 a new low is found

    So it’s a bit of a loaded question - it depends on personal perspective really of ‘what is worse’ (for me labour continuing down the Tory path would be worse as you expect tories to be douches over disability but labour to have a little compassion - with disability I’ve never felt I’ve been let down by them because deep down I’ve never expected better from them…….labour cloning them would feel like a betrayal of sorts to me at least)

    Considering covid triggered many experiencing disabilities such as anxiety and depression and disability welfare claims have sharply risen as a result - there is a consensus between the parties that the bill needs to be brought down and the ‘get disabled into work’ strategy is a 2 birds, 1 stone solution (that no party has looked at the potential issues & pitfalls nor even considered if there’s a better cost saving alternative)

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 825 Championing

    And finally (sorry for the delay in posting - home life a bit chaotic right now) for all those based in Scotland

    SNP manifesto highlights (whole pages posted for context):

  • Tonawanda17
    Tonawanda17 Online Community Member Posts: 166 Contributor

    Hi. Does anyone have any idea if labour reform the WCA will it effect existing claims or only new ones?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    No idea and I wouldn't want to speculate anything because that just causes people to worry even more.

  • michael57
    michael57 Online Community Member Posts: 1,069 Championing

    whilst i agree with poppies answer i have to commend apple85 for his posting all the manifestos and taking the time to do so fair play to you as for the end result well as forest Gump said life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you get till you bite it