UC managed migration guide



  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,021 Empowering

    Yes it's being overwhelmed good idea call CAB and can call scope and they can find you help in your area I will be asking your advice after you done yours you got this try to think one step at a time and when you feel panicking anxiety overwhelmed take yourself away from situation do breathing exercises splash your face with cold cold water don't get trapped in the thoughts that overwhelming you then go back you got this

  • vikki66
    vikki66 Posts: 209 Connected

    @mason50 @Catherine21 @Andi66

    Hi, hope you’re all well. I tagged you guys as you were last online asking about UC migration, apologies if I missed anybody.

    This is my experience of a telephone claim. Do I like talking to anybody on phone? - no: Do I like going in to prove ID (etc, etc) - no, but I knew the telephone claim would be better for me the longer term, in spite of how it would distress/ unhinge me in the shorter term🤣 We’ve been hearing about this coming for years, so at least it’s over when you get your claim transferred.

    It’s 💩 the way it’s set up, and the toll it takes, but if we want to get uc we unfortunately need to jump through their hoops. I think I saw Catherine saying, maybe it was on a different thread, we all need to find ways of keeping ourselves sane at times like this, so I guess I’d say choose how you’re going to apply, get advice from CAB, Scope, whomever, about what that way of applying entails, then that’s one part that you’ve got a bit of control over. Try not to go over and over it in your mind (did I manage that - no🤷‍♂️).

    ** CAB website says their info is for England, and you need to check in case it’s different if you’re Northern Ireland, Scotland, or Wales **

    So - I spoke to CAB and they asked me what dates I usually got paid my benefits. Reason for that is you get one more ESA and HB after you start your claim, and I was told they give you the date you’ll get your first uc payment when you’re making the claim - and uc did do this on the phone.

    When I decided on the date I wanted to claim I phoned the CAB helpline and they went through with me on the phone to do a telephone claim.
    This means with my claim going forward, contact from uc should be by letter or phone call/ text. I’m SG being transferred to LCWRA, so I shouldn’t need a fit note or fitness for work interview at this time. Who knows if they’ll decide to make changes to that in future?

    Anyway, some people will be able to manage their claim better by themselves online, so might be better doing that, everybody knows themselves. This way I won’t have an online journal to fill in (unless anything changes). I do have to respond to letters and texts, or if they tell me they’re phoning me I need to answer. Again, do I like answering the phone, no…

    If you’re applying by telephone I was told to have a note of:

    bank acct details (sort code and acct number) and balance in bank.

    NI number

    List of every benefit, eg IR ESA, support group; HB…

    They ask you for security questions and suggest some you could choose from (eg where you were born, first school, pet name, whatever). Write these down, as I immediately needed the answers when the call dropped and we had to call back.

    The call kept dropping when talking to uc, so it involved multiple calls to them, with different operators, and took hours. I know some people say they couldn’t possibly speak to anybody on the phone, so be aware that it can be very distressing. If the call hadn’t dropped it wouldn’t have been half as bad.l, and would’ve been over pretty quick, I think.

    At the end of the day, CAB told me - as soon as you start your uc claim your esa/ hb / tax credits/ stop, so although I was feeling triggered/unwell, etc, I knew I had to keep going till it was done.

    The questions they asked seemed a bit like the ones on the benefits calculators - ie does anybody live with you, have you got savings or pensions or investments, are you disabled, do you work, etc.

    What I mean is there was nothing where you’re being asked to justify your illness or existence, only factual things.

    The question about disability was for the LCWRA etc element. I tried to ask the guy who was taking my claim a question about transitional protection and he hadn’t a clue what I was talking about. He also couldn’t tell me how much I’ll get.

    The CAB woman who was on the call with me said at the end, when the uc guy had hung up, that the people working in that job are only asking questions off a script, no point in asking them anything, as they literally only know what’s on their screen at the time they’re asking each thing.

    I got a text after the call telling me to call, it was to arrange to take ID to verify. I don’t have photo ID, so I took a benefits letter, a utility bill and bank card. If you need somebody to go with you, tell them and they give you time to arrange that, then call you back to make appt.

    I need to wait for further contact - which will be text if they need anything else. I just remembered - a copy of your lease/rent, they wanted to see that.

    Hope that helps somebody

  • mason50
    mason50 Community member Posts: 61 Contributor

    thank you . Do I definitely have to go to take ID ? , I can scan and send it to them .or do they have to check it’s definitely me ?

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,021 Empowering
  • vikki66
    vikki66 Posts: 209 Connected

    @mason50 - I needed to go, they told me it was “necessary” in order to proceed my claim. It’s not like “give me a few weeks to think about it” - well not if I want the payment to go ahead smoothly on the date they told me.

    **I guess I should’ve said in the above answer - try to bear in mind that once you submit the claim then you have to be ready to respond relatively quickly when they ask you to ID yourself. Previously you had more notice, but not any more.

    It’s all demeaning, dehumanising, stressful, etc, but that’s what we have to deal with at the moment.

    Try to think about it like this. You’re transferring to a new system - they need to verify people. There’s been lots of people scammed them massively over the last few years, so they need to actually check claims properly.

    I don’t imagine there will be any getting round the verification for the vast majority of people, but ask CAB etc if you want to be sure.

    What I forgot to mention about the migration letter - it doesn’t say dwp on it, like all the benefits used to. Instead it says Universal Credit at the top of one side, and HMRC at the top of the other side, so it’s a new, more joined-up, system??🤔😉😮‍💨

    Many people will find it awful having to go with the ID, myself included, but I wasn’t being forced to transfer my claim - I was being invited. If I didn’t want/need the benefit I didn’t have to bgo through with it.

    They do allow you to make an arrangement to go to verify with support, at a suitable time, and it’s over quickly.

    Everybody’s different - I don’t want any of these nosey ##### in my house, unless strictly necessary - so I’d have found them offering to make a home visit just as stressful as having to take an hour out of one day for me to go to them. I didn’t ask if they do home visits for verification, but they might do🤷‍♂️

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,021 Empowering

    Are you doing straight away some people wait thanks for update

  • vikki66
    vikki66 Posts: 209 Connected


    What I didn’t really realise beforehand was that though you have choice re when to claim within the three month period on the letter, the second you call to start the claim you’re immediately cut off esa/ hb etc and need to respond quick to uc.

    I’d been dreading that letter for years, and didn’t know when was the best time to respond when I got it. Every time I wait until the last minute with something there’s something comes up, so I claimed with a few weeks still to go till the deadline in case I ended up on a situation where anything was compromised (like making you get a sick note, etc).

    I’m awful at waiting, I obssess till I’m ill, so if I had to do it again I’d probably choose to do it quicker.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,021 Empowering

    I agree I will do sooner couldn't stand waiting everyday thinking I start today what about council tax do you have to get in contact with them sorry asking so much when your anxious thankyou for sharing hope goes smoothly x

  • vikki66
    vikki66 Posts: 209 Connected


    They told me they notify council tax, which is handy. Council always seems to know quite quickly the minute anybody gets an extra few £.

    I was only saying about the anxiety so anybody reading knows it’s not only them feels anxious.

    If I wait with these things all I do is ruminate, literally all the time, then it takes over and I can’t think about anything else.

    These things ain’t pleasant, but when it’s done it’s done.

    Hope yours goes smooth whenever it comes.

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Community member Posts: 258 Empowering
    edited September 8

    So when I get the migration letter, do I contact the cab and they do it with me , and then do the dwp phone you and you have to go to the jobcentre with ID ,

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,021 Empowering

    Thankyou I did phone housing association about tenency she said if your housing association don't need to show tenency uc contact them

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Community member Posts: 258 Empowering

    Why couldn't they leave esa until 2028, like they were going too, if Labour said they were going to simplify uc . Leave it until its done. Seems so complicated. How come they can't transfer your details over especially if you were claiming HB. Why do we have to make a new claim which is stressful and a worry

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Community member Posts: 258 Empowering

    Viki 66 sorry to.ask., but did you go to the CAB and they phoned the UC to make the claim with you being there or do you do it online

  • vikki66
    vikki66 Posts: 209 Connected


    That’s good if they contact the housing association, I’m private rent through an agency. I was asked for agency details and they wanted to know how much I pay in rent, but my agency literally only cares re every penny in the bank the second it’s due. I guess a housing association would be more helpful, and maybe need to be more understanding than a rental agency if a claim got held up and your rent came through a bit late?

    This has just reminded me that I know a guy who told me that there’s an officer employed by his housing association to help with benefits claims. He said his claim was easy because she was there and more or less did it all for him. I know all agencies are different, but maybe yours would have somebody who could help you?

    What I did after I got the letter was called my local CAB, who talked through the details, eg about transitional protection, LCWRA, and then I spent time thinking about when to make the claim. They would’ve gone through on a call with me at that time, but I foolishly decided I’d worry about it for a few weeks🤣 Paying the price now after lying awake for weeks going “what if…” all night long, every night, in my mind.

    If I had to do it again I would’ve acted as soon I’d spoken to CAB - I mean right there and then, and avoided all the worrying that waiting added.

    Did you decide re telephone claim or filling it online? CAB told me after the claim call was finished that they could assist me afterwards if there’s any problems. I’d imagine that a housing association officer could help too.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,021 Empowering

    I know I kept thinking labour will halt it when they get in ! Total disappointment

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,021 Empowering

    I would have phone call terrible online I read that thousands haven't applied when receiving letter ! I hope you can get some peace of mind id be same just that uneasy feeling we got this then budget that's alot sorry last question was it a white envelope god my heart just beating asking that Oh lord pls let this be smooth for us all x

  • vikki66
    vikki66 Posts: 209 Connected


    yes - white envelope, which is obviously different from usual, and uc/hmrc on the letter, instead of dwp. Kinda looked less official, even though it said uc/hmrc.

    At least on the telephone with CAB you got support and a witness. And tbh if I hadn’t made it worse for myself with stewing about it, the process wouldn’t have been half as bad.

    Dealing with them isn’t pleasant, but it’s relatively minor compared with loads of things that happen in life.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,021 Empowering

    Oh bless you and thankyou for sharing I bet your heart was beating when opening the letter I think I faint with shock once again thankyou

  • vikki66
    vikki66 Posts: 209 Connected


    Don’t faint - just have your plan of action decided, and get on it as soon as you get the letter.

    I should’ve added to what I wrote earlier, that it might be handy for people to contact their local CAB (or Scope or whomever is helping them) in advance, so you’re ready to go when you get the letter.

    Eg I could’ve had that first chat with CAB and they could’ve opened a file with what I tell them, then they know my circumstances when it’s time to make the call.

    I could’ve had the lease from the rental agency ready for the ID thing, you don’t need that but other people might.

    That kind of thing, so it doesn’t become such an ordeal in people’s minds. Obviously I didn’t apply any of that myself, except I’m really glad I did it by telephone.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,021 Empowering

    So kind thankyou keep us updated x