UC managed migration guide



    B1AVENGER Community member Posts: 9 Listener

    Timeline For Migrations.

    Tax credit claimants who also claim any of the other legacy benefits (including ESA) will be selected for the managed migration mainly during 2024. By the end of the 2024/25 tax year, most will have migrated to universal credit.

    People claiming other legacy benefits, but not ESA only or ESA plus housing benefit only, will also be selected for the managed migration exercise during 2024. By the end of the 2024/25 tax year, most will have migrated to universal credit.

    People claiming ESA only or ESA plus housing benefit (but not tax credits), will be selected for the managed migration exercise slightly later. At one point this was put back to the 2028/29 tax year but DWP have more recently announced they will be start to invite people claiming ESA or ESA plus housing benefit to claim universal credit from September 2024 with the aim of contacting everyone in this group by December 2025.

  • hopeforall
    hopeforall Community member Posts: 8 Listener

    Less than a year ago. I finally managed to get enhanced rate pip on both (after a long fight), with a light touch 10 review. How will migration impact me. I don't get housing benefit but I am considering applying for it, so wiil just that part be uc. I've just started getting my state pension and my partner gets state pension.

  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,558 Online Community Programme Lead

    Hello @hopeforall, as you and your partner are both above state pension age you won't be migrated across and will be able to claim Housing Benefit instead of Universal Credit.

  • hopeforall
    hopeforall Community member Posts: 8 Listener

    Thank you. So the pip won't be migrated either

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Community member Posts: 2,980 Championing

    That's correct. PIP does not get migrated for anyone. That remains a totally separate benefit.

  • hopeforall
    hopeforall Community member Posts: 8 Listener

    Adrian and Overlyanxious. Thank you. That information is a great help and is very reassuring.

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Community member Posts: 258 Empowering

    I'm dreading it, can't really get on with things as it's on my mind all the time. I am scared witless incase it going wrong

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,021 Empowering

    That's the anxiety making you go over ever detail like it's already happening my mind is like a script my Imagination is like a long running film last October sunak speech I was bad i was seeing myself in the street with black bin liners had to re home my dogs was sleeping on park bench nobody helping me this was very real to me I couldn't eat sleep was in terror stayed in bed to scared to move out of my room was howling in pain and that was a year ago I'm still here l have to remind myself it's a thought it's not happened and ofcourse with all this happening it triggers big time the good thing UC been going for years so won't be as many mistakes as was in beginning have all your paperwork ready I'm telling myself I have to face it got no choice just think it could go well let's hope we're saying god that wasn't as bad as I thought

  • Biblioklept
    Biblioklept Community member Posts: 5,330 Championing

    If it goes wrong, and there's no reason to think it will, but if it does, it's all fixable. Have you had your migration notice @Andi66? I've been where you are and I was so so scared and it was so much easier than I thought it would be.

    Honestly when I had to switch I considered not moving house because I was so ill with worry about the change, but actually it being UC made it 100000x easier than if I'd been changing housing and esa. When you move we'll all be here to help you too!!! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Community member Posts: 258 Empowering
  • Andi66
    Andi66 Community member Posts: 258 Empowering

    I'm on Lcw Esa waiting 9 months to hear from Esa 50 review. As I'm on this I have had no dealing with Jobcentre. Apart from one phone call a year ago. I used to do permitted work but gave it up In March 23 due to health. I get pip.

    Did the turn to us check, it said there are 2 catorgies of Lcw one getting ready for working one not. So bit confused what I am in

    Also doing the calculations they have , I be worse off under UC due to my Esa support payment not being available. So concern Ed about this

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,021 Empowering
  • Andi66
    Andi66 Community member Posts: 258 Empowering
  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,021 Empowering

    If you google them it will explain

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Community member Posts: 2,980 Championing

    LCW is low capability for work. For this one you are expected to be able to do some work again in future, and will get help towards getting back into work from the Job Centre.

    LCWRA is low capability for work and work related activity. For this one you are not expected to work in future.

    Can you check your latest ESA letter to see what exact wording is on there? That'll help us advise on the UC migration.

  • Agulu
    Agulu Community member Posts: 142 Empowering

    I have a question, do I have to report my hospital stay to UC?

  • vikki66
    vikki66 Posts: 209 Connected

    UC - yes, you need to report stays of one night or longer😮‍💨

  • Agulu
    Agulu Community member Posts: 142 Empowering

    How ? is there any simple option to inform them about it? I went into the application, update changes, and I couldn't enter the discharge date,

  • vikki66
    vikki66 Posts: 209 Connected

    Apologies, I don’t know the answer to that. Could you maybe phone to make sure you’ve notified, as you don’t want to give them any excuses to say you didn’t. Hope it gets fixed soon.

  • Agulu
    Agulu Community member Posts: 142 Empowering

    Thanks, this one will probably be the best. Thank you.