UC managed migration guide



  • Jon7777777
    Jon7777777 Online Community Member Posts: 135 Contributor
  • hopeforall
    hopeforall Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener

    Has anyone reported hospital stays to dwp whilst on pip before (even just 1 nights stay). How did it go? What did you have to tell them? Did they then do "a change of circumstances", if so, how did that go?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    edited September 2024

    You don't need to report a hospital stay of just one day for PIP. You only need to report it if it's longer than 28 days. Also the day you go in and the day you come home are not counted.


  • hopeforall
    hopeforall Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener

    Thanks Poppy. It says on the award letter to report even 1 night stay. So if going in and coming out don't count why have they said to inform them of even 1 nights stay, on their letters. Or is that (as I suspect) just so people do that and then they do a review.

  • Ala
    Ala Online Community Member Posts: 37 Connected


    I am trying to understand. My ESA and Housing B are paid in alternating weeks. WillI loose more of my Housing B if I will apply on the wrong day of the month?

    Which day, if there is a difference, is best to apply? Is it juts two weeks before my last Housing Benefit, or it does not matter? Will they do a just calculation?

    Any advice, please?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    It doesn't really matter when you apply because you will still receive 2 extra weeks of Income Related ESA and HB once you submit your claim for UC.

    Your first UC payment will be just under 5 weeks after you submit your claim. With the run on of both the above benefits it will be 3 weeks without money.

    When you receive your first payment of UC it will be for 1 months money.

  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Online Community Member Posts: 858 Championing
    edited September 2024

    The table of dates from the website ucmove.campaign.gov.uk, I see that has been updated (for ESA only and ESA + HB, September this year). It look them long enough to update that. September 2024 should have appeared in the ESA only and ESA + HB sections of that table a lot sooner.

  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Online Community Member Posts: 858 Championing
    edited September 2024

    They can take as long as possible to get the envelope containing a migration notice letter ✉️ to my address. I don’t want one of “those” 😳😱😬 coming to my address that fast 💨. I will be asking for an APA to change the “dreadful” monthly frequency, as I’ve always said, and I should get that granted, as I’ve always said too. But I am in absolutely no rush to move over.

  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Online Community Member Posts: 858 Championing
    edited September 2024

    I will not be made accept monthly payments in my life when they would be terribly unworkable for me. I am someone who doesn’t have the budgeting skills and I cannot budget to please/satisfy anyone from the DWP. It’s not a case of, “here you go Chris, here’s more money 💶 for you, you’re getting more than what you were getting on ESA but you’re required to budget monthly”. No way! Absolutely no way! To me, the frequency of payments are just as critical as any amount of money given. I am a vulnerable claimant who’s never had the budgeting skills. I will not change my mind, my thoughts, on monthly payments. No-one will make me change my thoughts and I will not be made to like them, regardless of UC being designed to reflect the world of work. Fortnightly payments, they win 🥇🏆 hands down for me 👍✅✔️☑️.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    @ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 please calm down. Just request the APA when you claim it will not be an issue.

  • mason50
    mason50 Online Community Member Posts: 110 Contributor

    what is APA please ?

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 639 Pioneering

    Honestly I'm dreading it, and by the calculations I may be worse off. I wish my esa review form was looked at. To see if I am placed in the support group than LCW . My health has got much worse. January I sent it back.

  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Online Community Member Posts: 858 Championing

    I am just the type of person in life that gets fixated on something Poppy. I am like this with other things as well.

  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Online Community Member Posts: 858 Championing
    edited September 2024

    an Alternative Payment Arrangement - where you can ask for how you’re paid to change to suit your needs better if you’re a vulnerable claimant. I am one of those. Budgeting skills I’ve never had. I’ve always loved fortnight payments.

  • mason50
    mason50 Online Community Member Posts: 110 Contributor

    thank you . Yes I am one who budgets better with fortnightly payments too

  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Online Community Member Posts: 858 Championing

    You are welcome Mason - you can’t always just go off abbreviations.

  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Online Community Member Posts: 858 Championing
    edited September 2024

    I would not be able to live a comfortable life with a change in payment frequency to monthly.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    Then your calculations are not correct. When you migrate across you will not be worse off because Transitional Protection will be included with your UC to make sure you're not worse off.

  • Emilee
    Emilee Online Community Member Posts: 242 Empowering

    APAs are not fornightly, they are twice monthly. It may only be a few days but it is a very important differentiation so claimants aren't expecting to receive it fortnightly like it is with ESA. On ESA you receive the same amount every fortnight, on the same day. It is not the same with UC, even with an APA.

    I've demonstrated below how that might look, for example if your payment date is the 1st of each month.

    With ESA you would expect your next payment to be on the 29th, but with UC you'll be waiting 17 days instead of 14.

    Depending on which day of the week your payment falls, the gap can be even longer.

    For example if your payment date is the 1st, and it falls on a weekend, you'll receive it early. Meaning your first payment will be 29th, then 13th and then 19 days later on 1st again. It can be even longer when accounting for bank holidays and things too.

    Because of this, people I've worked with have preferred monthly payments and splitting the amount themselves by transferring between accounts.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,766 Championing

    Jeez I don't understand any of it