Job coaches for mentally ill in hospital settings - BBC

JonnycJonny Scope Member Posts: 181 Empowering

As previously posted here in an article from The Telegraph Liz Kendall has appeared on the BBC confirming the policy proposal.

Not posting this to scaremonger / sensationalise but to inform our community.



  • judie
    judie Community member Posts: 104 Empowering

    Liz Kendall has demonstrated again and again that she has no detailed knowledge of disability and the relevant benefits for it. Ignorance of this level is dangerous

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,439 Pioneering

    Omg now I'm panicking is this actually true so this means everyone with MH issue will have to go back to work god I feel sick

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,439 Pioneering

    Can they actually do this ?? I'm worries now

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,439 Pioneering

    Can she do this ???

  • JonnycJonny
    JonnycJonny Scope Member Posts: 181 Empowering
    edited October 16

    This is still a 'policy proposal' - to be detailed in the forthcoming White Paper.

    White Papers can be debated before a Bill is introduced, and may invite comments from the public. This allows for further discussion and consultation with affected groups, and for final changes to be made before the Bill is formally presented to Parliament.

    It is not yet policy.

    Best wishes

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,439 Pioneering

    OK thankyou jonny if it got passed how long would that take pls oh she's evil evil imagine that dosed up on tablets at your lowest thankyou for responding

  • judie
    judie Community member Posts: 104 Empowering

    It's a long way off - if it ever gets passed at all. Don't worry about it now, I am sure people with lived experience of MH and basically anyone with common sense will seek to inform her of what a terrible idea this is. As you say Catherine, imagine the carnage that would occur!

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,439 Pioneering
  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Community member Posts: 1,146 Trailblazing
    edited October 16

    hey @Catherine21 usual from me, the process I sent you has to be followed.

    I can't see this taking off people are angry at the suggestion alone, myself included.

    as before remember the white paper is just a wish list of what they hope to get away with, anything they realise they can't will disappear before a bill becomes law.

  • Meg24
    Meg24 Community member Posts: 322 Pioneering
    edited October 16

    I'm so close to giving up. They have no idea what they're doing. If they think that people who are so seriously mentally ill they are hospitalised can be 'incentivised' to get a job, then they themselves are insane.

    What worries me now is what might be their presumption about people who have managed not to be sectioned. I've been having weekly therapy for over 20 years, it's kept me alive and out of hospital but I'm still hanging by a thread everyday.

    Deciding not to unalive yourself does not automatically cure severe depression or make it possible to successfully manage daily life, never mind be employed.

    I gave up having health screening tests years ago, I might have decided not to take negative steps as it stands, but I can't bring myself to take positive steps to prolong my life either.

    Right now I feel like I don't care anymore. I've spent years being active on forums, writing to my MP, filling in green papers etc etc. I can't be bothered anymore...

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,439 Pioneering

    Yes I agree read that and feel how much more trying keep at an even level but been brought right back down worse than tories imagine someone doused up literally dribbling asked questions about back to work same as you I give up

  • Sharebear
    Sharebear Community member Posts: 63 Contributor
    edited October 16

    I've been down a rabbit hole this morning, searching for part time job with no pressure from home.they just don't exist. I'm going to buy a laptop ready incase. I kind of feel like maybe this scare mongering is to see how many they can scare back to work ! I just don't know how I will do it. It's not fair that she's put pressure on to so many mh people. As for going into hospital when people at lowest there must be a law against this!!

    It's opening up doors for employers to also do this. My last two employers didn't believe mh was a disability and wouldn't make adjustments!!!

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,439 Pioneering

    Just shows you thier sinister minds unbelievable so mild MH problems must be bpd bdd ptsd adhd autism if they think going into a psychtric ward is a good idea thankyou once again everyday we have to deal with this cruelty in may if we vote local mps out thier lose power ?

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,439 Pioneering

    Don't give up meg24 as Judie nightcity said its wishlist and wouldn't happen over night don't let these cruel inhumane horrid vile creatures Bring you down even more God reading that floored me it's all designed to keep us down and fearful keep being you keep fighting I'm positive they will not get away with this try and have a good day ffk them

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Community member Posts: 1,146 Trailblazing

    my attitude is unusual to most, it's basically refusal to cooperate with anything that will worsen my health, At the end of the day they can't "force" you to do something you genuinely can't whatever that may be, and then if they start issuing threats issue them back, if they threaten to stop your income bluff them and say well keep it then and I'll be seeking legal advice about discrimination and harassment.

    I'm not advising this to others I'm stating what I do, and they always panic and back down.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,439 Pioneering

    2020 I recieved my review for pip I was really angry I wrote everything in the form called them liers oh everything said they don't follow 2010 equality act why ask all these questions as you refuse everyone I said don't you dare put me through what you did in 2016 lied on whole report i was raging didn't care I got paper based and more money in 2016 when she lied on my report triggered me so badly I was phoning up everyday raging complained a million times everyday I said you want to see what happens when someone mentally ill pushed to limits obviously wouldn't suggest anyone do that but they had no choice but to listen

  • judie
    judie Community member Posts: 104 Empowering

    I can't believe Kendall is speaking so lightly on this inhumane and discrimitary plan on the very day the Assisted Dying Bill is being discussed in the House of Commons which already has many disabled people feeling desperately afraid. It's disgusting treatment of the most vulnerable AGAIN

  • Numan
    Numan Community member Posts: 31 Contributor

    And what if one of the contributing factors leading to being on a ward is the benefits system? How does that work? Feeling there is no escape route could be catostrophic.

  • Ross1975
    Ross1975 Community member Posts: 19 Connected

    I don't know how much more of this I can take. ☹️