Official thread: ‘Get Britain Working’ White Paper released Tuesday 26th November
I could do voluntary.
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I could dress up as a clown from IT j
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@Catherine21 You give me hope! 🤣
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Hhhhh oh got to laugh 😃
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If I worked I would not be able to cope with it, it'd destroy what little mental health I have and I'd end up suicidal.
It really irritates me when politicians say working is good for your mental health. Yes it may be good for some people's mental health, but not for eveyones.
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Same I'm literally safe on my own
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Every day. Thier putting posts about people unemployed bashing everyon
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Don't read it would be my advice. I actually don't see these media posts or comments as I am not looking for it.
I will look at a few places, but avoid what I call the gutter press.
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True hope your well
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keep on track @Catherine21 you've come so far, as others say don't read it you know it's a load of horse dirt
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Hhhh horse dirt it is indeed
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Yes thank you. I never read social media comments, they are usually negative.
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some social media also have a keyword block option so anything with words in you don't want to see won't appear
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Yes I've been blocked for saying words
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no lovey I mean in the settings YOU can set words you don't like so any posts OTHERS mske using those keywords won't be shown to you.
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Oh OK trust me hope your well my messages been checked before hand so not ignoring messages
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My anxiety and depression is through the roof, as soon as I wake up it starts, I'm also helping my elderly parents who are struggling physically and they help me and I help them so it's really affecting my mental health trying to cope with it all. I'm on esa lcwra I think, panics me on how things will affect me.
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Mental health bad enough for us all for months been beaten down by tories and I feel labour no better didn't mention us in manifesto and for months after being elected still leaving us guessing it's depressing draining last job I had I got done for harassment went on sick as boss was bullying me I left the job had breakdown and was phoning ex boss round the clock calling her names the lot was arrested I'm not proud of this but if I'm in constant contact with people ie colleagues I get paranoid don't want to be looked at can't hold information oh many other things I'm so drained from worry I lost all faith
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All this worry about what this and the previous government will do has actually aged me significantly, I turned 36 last Saturday, whilst there was a storm ripping the fences down. Looking in the mirror sometimes I forget it's me.
I'm thankful to have someone to look after me, many people in my same position do not have such a privilege and they have to face this hostile society.
What concerns me is this growing hostility towards the mentally/physically incapacitated, in particular the mentally incapacitated, it's really simple, if the mind if gone then the body is gone, both have to work together. For the physically disabled their struggle physically can effect them mentally which is a double whammy, all in all different people react differently under emotional and physical incapacities.
Some people trivialize mental/emotional illness/disabilities and yes since the height of covid more and more people are signing off with Depression/Anxiety but surely instead of mocking them how about uncover why so many are signing off since Covid, maybe the trauma of Covid hurt them, losing loved ones, maybe the isolation of lockdowns hurt them…we deal with trauma differently.
Something has gone terribly wrong in Britain, as the country's money well dries up we're losing our compassion but mental/physical disabilities can hit anyone at any time surely it's wise to maintain a society which cares for it's disabled? I think many members of the public are short sighted and pay too much attention to the media who gets off on sowing division and hatred.
It's cathartic to type sometimes, apologies.
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Agreed. I've been very disappointed to see such a sharp increase in hostility towards those with mental health issues in recent times. This increase in hostility is no doubt worsened by the huge rise in both government / mainstream media propaganda against those on sickness benefits claiming for mental health issues.
What saddens me even more is that even here on this forum, a place where we're supposed to support one another, I've seen a couple of people claim that mental health issues are ''not a disability.''.
I'm sick and tired of this incessant trivializing and mocking of mental illness. It's shocking that throughout Europe it seems that 21st century Britain is consistently one of the worst offenders for 'brushing under the carpet' the true severity and debilitating nature of mental illness and for treating us as if we're nothing more than a 'burden' on the state and the welfare system.
It's even harder because unlike most physical issues, we often have no 'proof' of our debilitating struggles with our mental health, we could be suffering absolute hell on a daily basis but because we don't have a 'scan' or a 'test result' which shows it on paper, we are often not believed and we have to fight to justify ourselves and at assessments for benefits, etc, we are forced to expose our most vulnerable side and explain in-depth the suffering and immense struggles we endure every day.
Government statistics show that on average in the UK, every 90 minutes a person takes their own life. Mental health issues are not something to be downplayed. Ever.6