Official thread: ‘Get Britain Working’ White Paper released Tuesday 26th November



  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,606 Championing
    edited December 2024

    lizptsd, tell community_scope via the envelope icon.

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 866 Trailblazing

    How do I leave the forum ,

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,597 Championing

    Im nt going worry for 5 years time im worried for next year

  • MadMilan2019
    MadMilan2019 Online Community Member Posts: 59 Empowering

    Quite naturally, many people are worried; let me try to allay your fears:

    • Britain is not going to leave the ECHR, Labour has not said it will leave the ECHR, and the ECHR is totally 'separate' institution from the EU.
    • The Tories talked about leaving the ECHR for ears and years but never did. Fact.
    • Britain, thus has a Human Rights Act 200, please Google it and read it, what the law actually says, and what it protects us from; it protects us from discrimination and abuse of any kind cannot be tolerated; if you feel abused, you can take the government of the day to court, as an individual, or as group action, with others(please Google ''civil legal aid, U.K.''
    • There is an Equality Amendment Act 2010, which merged all the previous antidiscrimination laws; it is ne of the most comprehensive equal opportunity laws in th world - apart from South Africa's.
    • There is the UN Charter on the Rights of Disabled People, which Britain has signed; please Google it and read it.
    • There is ''Disability Rights, U.K'' and the ''Mind Legal Unit'' please Google these and read them well.

    Finally, I have not attended any benefits test for ESA or PIP for 20 years.

    Yet even the Citizen's Advice Bureaux wrongly advise disabled people that they have to attend Work Capability, or PIP assessments; you emphatically do NOT have to attend benefit assessments, if

    • it makes you fell stressed, your health deteriorates with the anxiety of facing them (duty of care) and /or the assessment process cause you to think, feel or act suicidally (ECHR Article 2 your Right to Life).
    • No one, nobody, not even govt can bully, intimidate or harass you: all you have to say is: ''I feel suicidal/ bullied, intimidated/ harassed and / or suicidal by your talking down to me, and not following your duty of care towards me.''
    • Every citizen has a right to dignity, humanity, respect for theiur views, ven if against govt policy, and that includes disabled and distressed people.
    • You health and safety is affected; there are Health and Safety laws

    The discussion in SCOPE's forum I have found is too negative, worried and unproductive, we need to gem up on our human rights, and for SCOPE to tell us weekly on a Monday I suggest, what it is currently doing to work with disabled organisations, like Disability Rights UK, Mind Legal Unit, and others e.g. Equality and Advisory Committee of the Equality and Human Rights Commission (I have sent this post to the CEO's, campaign managers of the latter organisations, and many others, e.g. elderly peoples groups, as it concerns them too.

  • MadMilan2019
    MadMilan2019 Online Community Member Posts: 59 Empowering
  • MadMilan2019
    MadMilan2019 Online Community Member Posts: 59 Empowering

    Quite naturally, many people are worried; let me try to allay your fears:

    • Britain is not going to leave the ECHR, Labour has not said it will leave the ECHR, and the ECHR is totally 'separate' institution from the EU.
    • The Tories talked about leaving the ECHR for ears and years but never did. Fact.
    • Britain, thus has a Human Rights Act 200, please Google it and read it, what the law actually says, and what it protects us from; it protects us from discrimination and abuse of any kind cannot be tolerated; if you feel abused, you can take the government of the day to court, as an individual, or as group action, with others(please Google ''civil legal aid, U.K.''
    • There is an Equality Amendment Act 2010, which merged all the previous antidiscrimination laws; it is ne of the most comprehensive equal opportunity laws in th world - apart from South Africa's.
    • There is the UN Charter on the Rights of Disabled People, which Britain has signed; please Google it and read it.
    • There is ''Disability Rights, U.K'' and the ''Mind Legal Unit'' please Google these and read them well.

    Finally, I have not attended any benefits test for ESA or PIP for 20 years.

    Yet even the Citizen's Advice Bureaux wrongly advise disabled people that they have to attend Work Capability, or PIP assessments; you emphatically do NOT have to attend benefit assessments, if

    • it makes you fell stressed, your health deteriorates with the anxiety of facing them (duty of care) and /or the assessment process cause you to think, feel or act suicidally (ECHR Article 2 your Right to Life).
    • No one, nobody, not even govt can bully, intimidate or harass you: all you have to say is: ''I feel suicidal/ bullied, intimidated/ harassed and / or suicidal by your talking down to me, and not following your duty of care towards me.''
    • Every citizen has a right to dignity, humanity, respect for theiur views, ven if against govt policy, and that includes disabled and distressed people.
    • You health and safety is affected; there are Health and Safety laws

    The discussion in SCOPE's forum I have found is too negative, worried and unproductive, we need to gem up on our human rights, and for SCOPE to tell us weekly on a Monday I suggest, what it is currently doing to work with disabled organisations, like Disability Rights UK, Mind Legal Unit, and others e.g. Equality and Advisory Committee of the Equality and Human Rights Commission (I have sent this post to the CEO's, campaign managers of the latter organisations, and many others, e.g. elderly peoples groups, as it concerns them too.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,597 Championing
  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,606 Championing
    edited December 2024
    • No one, nobody, not even govt can bully, intimidate or harass you: all you have to say is: ''I feel suicidal/ bullied, intimidated/ harassed and / or suicidal by your talking down to me, and not following your duty of care towards me.''

    DWP agents are authorised to request an ambulance to the job centre or to your home if you tell them you are feeling suicidal.

    They are not the best people to tell if you need urgent help.

  • MadMilan2019
    MadMilan2019 Online Community Member Posts: 59 Empowering

    I welcome the debate. DWP and any other govt agency, or person, are first required to ask you if you are suicidal,

    'Do you want us to contact anyone on your behalf, or a friend,

    before they ring 999 for an ambulance.

    Then they fulfil their duty of care, and the least restrictive option

    (if you do not know what this latter phrase means please Google it). Thanks.

    Also I have been suicidal many times in my life, but believe with mindfulness practice over decades, that these feelings will either dissolve, or become so short in duration, that they will not matter; I will not suffer. Meditation and mindfulness practices over 25 years have significantly reduced them already.

    Further, the police can no longer do sections 135 and 136 of the Mental Health Act 1983. However someone who calls 999 if they think you'll kill yourself, will mean an ambulance will first arrive and paramedics will knock on your door.

    If ambulance staff cannot talk to you, if you do not open the door, then they can ask the fire service to break down your door.

    However you cannot be sectioned from a public place, or your home, by the police, asnd forced against your will to a psychiatric hospital.

    As I have had 15 friends and acquaintances, in total who died in the 'loony bin' from various forms of abuse, a psychiatric ward is the last place I consider tp be a place of safety.

    And many people said police intervention only re-traumatised them anyway, that often times people, with good intentions, no doubt did not listen to their views (which is against the human right to dignity and respect, even if they disagree with your views)

    I would NEVER want anyone friend, or foe, or stranger to section me; it is my life and no one else's - and thus I have written to Leeds 999: fire, police and ambulance that they should never visit me at home, it is none of their business, and I am fully responsible for my life or death.

    That is is for me to work out not them, whilst their concern is kind, it may not fulfil my needs.

    We all need friends, true friends, and if we are negative to see a more sunny side of life, and I do not say that lightly; I was beaten for years by 5 members of my family, but there were also 6 other causes of trauma. We need time, space and support, and reading to work out the right insights and views for us.

    Look after yourselves and do notake any S***!

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,597 Championing

    When filling my pip form I stated you do not follow The Equality Act 2010 also stated which is true that thier lies and bullying has caused ptsd everytime recieve the forms so I said if your asking me what I can and can't do that's facts don't change and lie and cause more misery sent in July sick of living in fear

  • MadMilan2019
    MadMilan2019 Online Community Member Posts: 59 Empowering

    You could write to the DWP, PIP section, that you are not going to attend any of their benefit assessments, as it re-traumatises you, and say why assessment trigger what distresses. And the DWP has a clear duty of care not to cause harm to persons/ to promote good health, and you have a Right to Life, Article 2 of the ECHR.


    please copy the letter to your MP, then its an official complaint, Google ''Find your MP, UK'';

    go to an advice agency such as a Citizens Advice Bureau, or a disability, or mental health project, giving benefits advice, to help you write your letter.

    Good for you for being assertive, making a stand, the more claimants of benefit who do this the better.

    There is no point living in fear; sometimes it is right to stand up and be counted.

    We all have a Right to Privacy and Family Life, which is Article 6, I think, of the ECHR (I have a damaged, traumatised memory from being hit with an iron bar years ago). So the DWP cannot invade your mobile fone or interfere with your post, for example or call, round to see you unless they have a good reason for an appointment. Also when you fill in forms for benefits such as ESA and PIP, please do not give your telephone number or email, as they could then see where you are going, what you are doing etc. Save yourself a lot of bother, as you do not have to give government all of your contact details (Right to private, and family life, ECHR).

    I strongly advise people to Google ''the right to privacy, U.K., and benefits laws and regulations'', as different rules apply to some groups of people.

    However please ensure you Google ''the Human Rights Act 2000, U.K'' as it came out of Britain's membership of the European Court of Human Rights

    And the ''UN Charter on the Rights of Disabled People''

    It is too early for me to take the government to court over their oppression of vulnerable, disabled people like myself. I shall wait for a copy of the proposed law 'Getting Britain Working'' coming soon, c/o my MP Richard Burgon. Everyone is entitled to an easy read or Plain English summary of any government information.

    But if you also are feeling encouraged and assertive, and want to join me in a class/group legal action - the more the merrier.

    Look after yourselves.

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 866 Trailblazing

    When my mum died in 2017, my late sister had to go to the jobcentre, She told them she was grieving. They said you had 2 weeks , you should of got over it. My sister lived in London, this shows how heartless jobcentre people can be. Not all maybe.

    Glad you are taking them court.

  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 5,274 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    That's awful @Andi66, sorry she had to go through that.

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,606 Championing
    edited December 2024

    Thank you, AKR, for some common sense 🙄

    The above investigation is only from January 2021. The UN raised the alarm in 2016.

    UNCRDP Report 2024

    UN Committee slams government failure to address disability rights violations

     Posted: 25 April 2024

    • Yet again the UK government has been found in breach of Disabled people’s human rights.

    Yesterday the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities published a report, after looking at the UK government’s progress since 2016. This was when the same committee found that austerity and welfare policies were leading to grave and systematic violations of Disabled People’s Human Rights.  The UN Committee did not see any progress in addressing those violations, moreover, it documented evidence of retrogression.

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,606 Championing
    edited December 2024

    The UN actually raised the alarm in 2015, referring to a "human catastrophe" if the proposed cuts went ahead. The cuts went ahead. Our attention was elsewhere in 2016 by some coincidence 🤔

    Those on Employment and Support Allowance placed in the Work Related Activity Group and who are not fit for work have had one-third of their meagre weekly incomes removed by a legislative change since 2016. DPAC

    Even on this forum, we haven't grasped the fact that WRAG claimants are also unfit for work (or so-called work-related activity) and have been robbed of their disability component.

  • MadMilan2019
    MadMilan2019 Online Community Member Posts: 59 Empowering

    Maybe the UN

     Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 

    report might be basis for legal action against the UK Government; I will consult lawyers, and any other experts in the field, please advise me of the latter if you happen to know. Thank you

  • MadMilan2019
    MadMilan2019 Online Community Member Posts: 59 Empowering

    AKRE you advise well re legal actions, but if there is a legal, and moral, case to answer, someone has to do it?

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,597 Championing

    It's always nearly every they change welfare I'm feeling scared of the future

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