Official thread: ‘Get Britain Working’ White Paper released Tuesday 26th November
This is what my dad always says lol doesn’t matter who you vote for, the government always gets in. It would have definitely been worse had Sunak got in though so I guess we have to find small graces
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Your old man must be a fellow scholar!
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Yes, when you claimed UC they asked for fit notes because when you claim UC they didn't know you're claiming ESA until ESA send your details across to them. Now the system should detect that you were claiming ESA and not ask for a fit note.
The reason why the deduction for your ESA in UC looks like more than you actually receive for ESA is because ESA is a weekly benefit, UC is monthly. There's 4.3 weeks in a month, not a straight 4 weeks.
To work out the monthly deduction you times the weekly amount you do the following.. £138.20 x 52 divided by 12 = £598.86. Same applies to those that are claiming Carers allowance, which isn't part of UC like New Style ESA.
There will be once or twice a year were you will receive 3 payments for ESA and in those months the deduction from UC will be the same amount as always.
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Hi all, I've merged 2 discussions named "Get Britain Working Again".
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Me too made me physically sick my whole face broke out in sores face tight can't stop shaking everyday I dread the postman
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Whoa really how did this information come to light awful awful awful been reading some people's struggles that lead to this god was crying can so relate yes RIP so so so sorry more coroners and social workers support workers are writing to dwp saying they caused the passing of people
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nobody should move before the letter as you'll potentially lose transitional protection.
I understand the "get it over with and move on" desire but, yes wait for the letter.
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That isn't true, some are better off on UC (ESA with EDP but not SDP) so it makes no sense to wait for the letter in those circumstances.
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Your right !!! I've ordered a tuning fork been reading benefits as I'm sure cortisol levels sky high let's see o was going to buy a grounded mat but reviews hit and miss I can imagine bonging the fork and my teeth falling out hhhh
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I've got cold sore, stress , have you had your migration notice yet from esa to uc
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If any disabled person feels terrified, chronically deeply anxious, depressed then tell the DWP when and if their migrating you to UC and assessments make you feel ill.
Please remember the DWP has a duty of care, and must make reasonable adjustments for the stress and be caring.
The migration to UC may make you feel suicidal tell the DWP you have a right to life, and CABs tell us migrations to UC often make disabled people fell suicidal and this is entirely normal.
Don't be pushed around or bullied, be assertive but not aggressive or threatening.
CABs are making their own representations to govt all the time trying to protect vulnerable people and YOU.
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Stay positive, get advice from a local disabled persons group,
and CAB: Citizens Advice Bureau.
Apply for ''civil legal aid, UK'' please Google latter if things get serious.
Be strong. Be positive. Survive. Even allow yourself to thrive, even in adversity.
Use your friends, they want to support you.
Everyone deserves support, after all we are human, and suffer and deserve apt support and friendship.
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Also, to support yourself, meet other local disabled people going through any benefits reassessments, Google ''local with your postcode disabled peoples groups''.
Please make an appointment with your GP and ask for therapy talking therapies such as CBT and IAPT.
Get the GP and other health professionals on your side.
Be courageous, and find freedom and joy. Be bread-headed and down to earth and do what you have to do to surivive, and better still be happier, than you were before.
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Dear Catherine21, you asked about 1600 suicides of disabled people undergoing DWP assessments for benefits, or being knocked off benefits.
You can Google something like ''DWP causes suicides of people claiming Disability benfits.'' and you will find much information.
or '' DWP Parliamentary select committee UK condemns DWP for neglect, and causing suicides''
Yes this is serious, and we dont deserve such vicious, inhuman mistreatment, we need to organise and fight back.
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No not yet I stand in kitchen waiting for postman everytime he goes past I think great not today I can't change mindset
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Lovely message thankyou
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Yes the 1000s of vulnerable disabled people who were triggered into suiciding, because the DWP refused to follow right to life, right to duty of care, and other human rights must not be forgotten.
Holly can you pass on below to SCOPES Campaigns Dept please.
So we need to email SCOPE Campaigns Dept and ask them to
- organise a vigil with us at Parliament with a big board list of all the deaths of disabled people, ever since benefit reforms were introduced
- to write to our MP en masse, with an agreed format letter
- write to DWP Parliamentary Select Committee c/o our MP to find out what they are doing to monitor DWP and reduce harm by DWP with Getting Britain Working.
- We need to invite someone from the UN Charter on Disabled Peoples Rights to attend parliamentary lobbies, vigils, and demos.
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Thank yu CATHERINE21 You and everyone deserves thetruth, and support; will you write to your MP, and SCOPE Campaigns Deptartment please, and everyone too?
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If the DWP says its voluntary this migration, then I'm not a lawyer, but it must be voluntary, otherwise if claimants are stressed by force, then there might be a legal case because of duty of care, which includes a duty to grasp the claimants illnessness and act sensitively.
I am usually right in my legal guesses though over 31 years, re DWP, abuse by landlords etc., so I am taking legal advice, from Minds legal unit, and I would encourage everyone to ask the EHRC:
Equality and Human Rights Committee for advice re their anxieties re Getting Britain Working.
Please Google these latter 2 organisations and report your findings to this forum, and SCOPE Campaigns Dept please.
Thank you.
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Oh Dear……