pip review

cherub31 Community member Posts: 2 Connected
I was advised to put in my review form for pip. No change then go on to the next question do the same until you reach moving around then answer the questions. this advise came from C.A.B. Anyone else had this advice?


  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,331 Championing
    Hi @cherub31 - & welcome to the community. Unfortunately CAB gave poor advice, as you need to fill in review forms with as much detail as you hopefully gave with your initial claim form. If there's no change, you should still say exactly how your disability is currently affecting you when doing/attempting each applicable activity/descriptor, i.e. give a couple of recent, detailed examples as to the difficulty you face such as when did this happen, where, what happened, did anyone see this, & were there any subsequent consequences ?
    You should also say if you can't do an activity 'reliably,' i.e. safely, to an acceptable standard, repeat as often as one would reasonably expect, or if it takes you much longer than someone without a disability.

  • cherub31
    cherub31 Community member Posts: 2 Connected
    thank you for your advise