Job centre appointment help please



  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Agnia said:
    Thank you please could you confirm why i don’t need essesment report 

    Simply because a lot of the time all it causes is a distraction to what you should be writing. All you need to do for the MR is to put the reasons why you think you should have been found to have LCWRA. Did you have a look at the descriptors for this? I posted the link to those a couple of times.

    Agnia said:
    im scared to log in to my journal 

    Why is that? Nothing will happen by logging in.
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    Don't be scared to log in @agnia. Like Poppy has said, you don't need the assessment report to request the MR. You can request it on your journal. You got this! :)
  • Agnia
    Agnia Online Community Member Posts: 1,779 Connected
    Please could you confirm maybe i can have appointee the person who can help me because im not coping with it   i don’t know what to do   
  • Agnia
    Agnia Online Community Member Posts: 1,779 Connected
    im not able to express myself 
    my condition really got worse after visiting job centre im scared of this woman coach work 
  • Agnia
    Agnia Online Community Member Posts: 1,779 Connected
    im sorry i really don’t know how to write it in journal 
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    You can ask for an appointee too. All you have to do is pop a message in your journal that says "I would like to request Mandatory Reconsideration on the decision of being awarded LCW" and then you explain why you think the decision is wrong.

    Poppy put further back up the thread:

    Thinking back to all of your threads and your comments I personally think the decision not to find you to have LCWRA is totally wrong and you should definitely challenge that decision.

    Looking at the descriptors I can think of at least 3 that could likely apply to you. (though you only need one to apply) Those are descriptors 11, 12 and 13, you can see those here

    I know you said it is difficult for you because English isn’t your first language but I understand you perfectly. Please have a look at that link above and see which you think applies. 
  • Agnia
    Agnia Online Community Member Posts: 1,779 Connected
    Thank you 
  • Agnia
    Agnia Online Community Member Posts: 1,779 Connected
    Please could you confirm if i can only write this sentence “ I would like to request Mandatory Reconsideration...  
    and the reasons i can write when i find someone who can help me to write  why i should be found Lcwra 
    i do not want to miss one month from decision to appeal 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Agnia said:
    Please could you confirm maybe i can have appointee
    An appointee is usually someone that you know such as a family member or if you have a social worker they can set that up for you but thinking back through all your comments i don't think you have a social worker.

    What about the person that helped you fill out the forms? Can they help with the MR process. It's extremely difficult to tell you what to write because i have no idea exactly how your conditions affect you or which descriptor may apply to you.
  • Agnia
    Agnia Online Community Member Posts: 1,779 Connected
    No i don’t have social worker 
    The person who helped me to fill uc50 form is unable to help me with mr 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Have a look at this link and put your postcode into it and it will tell you if there's an advice agency near you for some help.

  • Agnia
    Agnia Online Community Member Posts: 1,779 Connected
    Thank you poppy 
    i have log in to my journal and they wrote that they don’t know what the form uc85 is one lady wrote it in my journal 
  • Agnia
    Agnia Online Community Member Posts: 1,779 Connected
    Please could you confirm if it is possible just to write that i would like to request mandatory reconsideration today or tomorrow and the reasons can i write when someone capfuls help me to write the reasons 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    edited August 2023
    Agnia said:
    Thank you poppy 
    i have log in to my journal and they wrote that they don’t know what the form uc85 is one lady wrote it in my journal 

    Tell them it's the assessment report.

    Agnia said:
    Please could you confirm if it is possible just to write that i would like to request mandatory reconsideration today or tomorrow and the reasons can i write when someone capfuls help me to write the reasons 

    Yes, you can write to ask for the MR on your journal. Please check the descriptors before doing this so you can see which ones you think apply (you only need the one) once you know this you'll need to give the reasons why you think it applies. You can see the descriptors again here.

    I'm sorry but i can't tell you what you need to write because i don't know anything about your health conditions and how they affect you.

  • Agnia
    Agnia Online Community Member Posts: 1,779 Connected
    It’s really does affect me to contact uc 
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    I know it does @Agnia but you have done it before, so I know you can do it. If it takes a few tries, that's ok :)
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    You don't have to actually speak to anyone. This is the good thing about the journal and you can leave messages on there.
  • Agnia
    Agnia Online Community Member Posts: 1,779 Connected
    Please could you confirm if appointe can contact uc instead of me to do the appeal thank you 
    How they can help me ( i mean the appointe) Please could you give some advice thank you 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Agnia said:
    Please could you confirm if appointe can contact uc instead of me to do the appeal thank you 
    How they can help me ( i mean the appointe) Please could you give some advice thank you 
    An appointee will need to be set up by UC  before this can happen. They will also be responsible for having your UC money paid into their bank account. 

    Do you have someone you trust that can do this for you? 

    There’s some information here on the responsibilities of an appointee.
  • Agnia
    Agnia Online Community Member Posts: 1,779 Connected
    Thank you i don’t have anyone from family who can be appointe 
    i was writing in journal today that i would like to request mr but i didn’t write the reasons why  yet