Job centre appointment help please

Agnia Online Community Member Posts: 1,770 Connected
hi it makes me really unwell i don’t know how to describe it 
i was having job Center appointment on the phone today i was trying to stay awake because this medication which I take does make me sleepy during the day 

Because i wasn’t receiving the phone call at the time when they previously  wrote they will call me then i have written the message in my journal for asking if work coach or her collegue can call me please and  im waiting for their phone call

after my message they called me 

during the conversation this gentleman said to me that i should keep my eye on my journal regarding next appointment 
i was kindly asking him please if this appointment can be done by telephone 

when we finished our conversation i got message that im having job Center appointment at the beginning of next month in person 

it makes me sick very 

im waiting for decision on work capability assessment they said it will be between 6 to 8 weeks 
i got the letter from the lady who is a social prescriber to support this work capability assessment, it was sent by her on my email address 
i did know how to upload this letter in my journal in the link that work coach sent to me in my journal and i wrote to my coach that i do not know how to do it 
she replied that i can bring this letter when im coming to my appointment but my appointment was on the phone not face to face 

one lady she is accountant and does help me with uc to report income and expenses she helped me to send this letter to job centre 
i wrote this information in my journal that she helped me to send this letter 

What happens if they don’t agree to change this appointment to be done over the phone 
im not able to go there 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Just put a message on your journal to ask if they can change it to a telephone appointment. I know you've done this before and i'm sure it will be fine. Hopefully, it won't be too long before you have the decision on your WCA.
  • Agnia
    Agnia Online Community Member Posts: 1,770 Connected
    Thank you this situation makes me suicidal 
    i was kindly asking him if this appointment can be done by telephone 
  • Agnia
    Agnia Online Community Member Posts: 1,770 Connected
    Why they treat people like that 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Some work coaches are more understandable than others.
  • Agnia
    Agnia Online Community Member Posts: 1,770 Connected
    What happens if they don’t agree to do the next appointment over the phone 
    will they sanction me 
    this stress makes me really sick 

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    A sanction is possible if you don't turn up to your appointments, whether that's phone or face to face.

    You've had telephone appointments in the past so i see no reason why they can agree to this as a reasonable adjustment because of your health conditions.
  • Agnia
    Agnia Online Community Member Posts: 1,770 Connected
    i did log in to my uc journal and i saw that the next appointment is with a different work coach that  i was having the appointment with her in the past and they gave me another work coach after her 
  • Agnia
    Agnia Online Community Member Posts: 1,770 Connected
    i was alway afraid of her 

  • Agnia
    Agnia Online Community Member Posts: 1,770 Connected
    What happens if someone is not able to login in to uc journal because is not coping with anxiety and stress it affects me really 
  • surfygoose
    surfygoose Online Community Member Posts: 508 Empowering
    I would try your very best to log in because however hard it is, it’s best to log in and request the phone appointment and keep up to date of any messages you have. I know it makes you anxious but I think the anxiety would get worse if you missed a message or missed out on getting your phone appointment sorted.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Agnia said:
    What happens if someone is not able to login in to uc journal because is not coping with anxiety and stress it affects me really 

    You shouldn't ignore any messages you have. You should receive an email when you have a message on your journal asking you to log in. You've logged in before so you should know how to do that now.

    Hopefully, it won't be too much longer until you have the decision on your WCA.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    letitgo said:
    Agnia said:
    What happens if someone is not able to login in to uc journal because is not coping with anxiety and stress it affects me really 
    contract long Covid 😉 (you can lie about catching it)

    Ummm, that's really not the best advice you can give. No one should lie about anything when claiming any benefits because it could be classed as benefit fraud.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    paries1 said:
    letitgo said:
    Agnia said:
    What happens if someone is not able to login in to uc journal because is not coping with anxiety and stress it affects me really 
    contract long Covid 😉 (you can lie about catching it)

    Ummm, that's really not the best advice you can give. No one should lie about anything when claiming any benefits because it could be classed as benefit fraud.
    Yeah an agree about not lying but what happens to HCP when they blatantly lie on the reports ?  Of course not all of them do , but certainly quite a lot do . 
    This isn’t about the HCP, it’s about the claimant. The advice that was given above about lying is wrong and no one should give such advice. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    No, there’s no equivalent. The reports are their opinion based on everything you sent and what you said during the assessment. More often than not any lies can’t be proved. 
    Even at Tribunal they won’t be interested in any of that because they already know a lot of reports are flawed. 
  • Agnia
    Agnia Online Community Member Posts: 1,770 Connected
    im feeling really sick and scared 
    i really did work many years in Uk 
    when i came to job centre for the  first time regarding uc work coach said to me that i did really well regarding my work ,
     i was crying there all the time( in job centre) at each visit and after my physical and mental condition got really worse 
    therapy from nhs didn’t help me 
    im afraid of this lady ( work coach) 

    they didn’t call me today at the time when they wrote that they will be calling me 
    and they called me after my message in my journal which i wrote today that im waiting for their call 
    im completely on my own 
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,688 Championing
    I agree totally with poppy - it can't be proved that an assessor has lied as you don't know their thoughts or intent. Do they write something down different to what a claimant has said, yes, & often, as they're giving their opinion. Do they get things wrong, perhaps, or perhaps the claimant hasn't understood how best to complete any forms, but gets a better opportunity to explain their difficulties if they decide to proceed with a Tribunal.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    paries1 said:
    chiarieds said:
    I agree totally with poppy - it can't be proved that an assessor has lied as you don't know their thoughts or intent. Do they write something down different to what a claimant has said, yes, & often, as they're giving their opinion. Do they get things wrong, perhaps, or perhaps the claimant hasn't understood how best to complete any forms, but gets a better opportunity to explain their difficulties if they decide to proceed with a Tribunal.
    I’m sure there’s been quite a few people that have said there’s been a physical examination ( or whatever they do ) when there hasn’t been one . Not sure that’s a misinterpretation. 
    Even with that, you can’t prove whether it did or didn’t take place. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    paries1 said:
    No, there’s no equivalent. The reports are their opinion based on everything you sent and what you said during the assessment. More often than not any lies can’t be proved. 
    Even at Tribunal they won’t be interested in any of that because they already know a lot of reports are flawed. 
    Wow , so they actually know that a lot of the reports are flawed , I didn’t know that . 
    Of course they do. This is the reason why concentrating on any report for a Tribunal will not get you anywhere. 

    A lot of the time refusal’s are because of poorly completed claim packs and the claimant not giving enough of information, or giving information that really isn’t relevant. 

    Medical evidence is only useful if it states exactly how your conditions affect you and a lot of it doesn’t. Medical evidence isn’t really needed anyway. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    It's not awarded based on any diagnosis and very often a diagnosis is not in question anyway. When i advise people about evidence, i usually advise them to send it if it's relevant, the same as i advised you. However, sending multiple reports all saying exactly the same thing isn't helpful.. less is very often more, which i also often advise.

    Just because i said you don't need medical evidence, this doesn't mean you shouldn't send any. A lot of people don't have any and panic when they realise it's review time.

    The most important part of a PIP or WCA claim is your anecdotal evidence because you are the only person that really knows exactly how your conditions affect you.

    The only recent medical evidence i have for myself up until my last PIP review in 2021 was a very short OT assessment report. It did mention the aids that were supplied for me but other than that there really wasn't much detail at all but still sent it.

    Then I included 2 real world incidents of exactly what happened the last time i attempted each descriptor that applied to me. I included detailed information for each one and used about half an A4 side of paper per descriptor. I had 3 months at the time to return the form because it was during the pandemic and they increased the timescale to return them. I used the whole of that time and did a small amount each day. I had a paper based assessment without the form being sent to the health assessment providers.

    It really is all in the detail you put when filling out the forms.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Agnia said:
    im feeling really sick and scared 
    i really did work many years in Uk 
    when i came to job centre for the  first time regarding uc work coach said to me that i did really well regarding my work ,
     i was crying there all the time( in job centre) at each visit and after my physical and mental condition got really worse 
    therapy from nhs didn’t help me 
    im afraid of this lady ( work coach) 

    they didn’t call me today at the time when they wrote that they will be calling me 
    and they called me after my message in my journal which i wrote today that im waiting for their call 
    im completely on my own 

    Apologies for your thread going off topic! You can ask for a different work coach if you're not happy with your current one. In the meantime put a message on your journal to ask for a telephone appointment.

    Once a decision is made on your WCA if you're found to have LCWRA you will have no work commiments and no work coach. Fingers crossed you will have the correct decision once it's made.