Universal credit - Appeal Tribunal and being off sick

Trufflecake Online Community Member Posts: 12 Listener
Hello to everyone 

Does anyone know the answer to my question or have any advice, I would appreciate it.  

I work part-time and am currently off sick at the moment.  I am the process of going through Appeal Tribunal for LWC with Universal Credit, waiting for  a hearing date.  I advised them that I was sick and I presented a sick certificate which they declined and a new health condition.   I am not sure when I will be going back to work because my health conditions keep flaring up and I end up being off work again.  I am not entitled to SSP as I don't earn over £123.00 per week , nor any sick pay from work as this has run out due to being off sick so much.

 If I receive zero or reduced wages from work, will I receive anything from universal credit especially while going through the Appeal Tribunal.  

I would appreciate any help or advice with this. 

Thank you 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,050 Championing
    If there's currently no earnings being received then you should already be receiving your maximum UC entitlement because there's no earnings to reduce that amount. 

    The only time this amount will increase is if you're found to have LCWRA and then you'll receive an extra £390.06/month from the 4th month after you first reported your health condition.

    Any earnings you do recieve from working will reduce your UC by 55%.

    If you were found fit for work then no further fit notes will be accepted if it's for the same condition that was previously on your fit notes. It needs to be for a completely new condition or for a significant worsening of an existing condition.

    Do be aware though that if you do report a new health condition this will prompt a referral for another work capability assessment. You will receive more forms to fill in and return. Any new decision made on that will overrule any decision made by the Tribunal. Before doing this you need to get some expert advice. https://advicelocal.uk/welfare-benefits

  • Trufflecake
    Trufflecake Online Community Member Posts: 12 Listener
    Good morning Poppy
    Thank you for your advice. 

    It's a life line having this online community to get advice for the complicated benefit system in place. 

    Thank you to everyone