How is your day going?



  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 57,155 Championing
    edited May 9
    @Marydoll5 that was quick since last time I spoke to you, good news that the op is going ahead. Good luck to your husband and you have us all here to lean on while your both going through it. 

    @Beaver79 glad your dog has biotics and not have his tooth out 

    @66Mustang I havnt had chance to read the threads either today. But we are all here for you 
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 57,155 Championing
    Using my inhaler more today the pollen is high 
    Might pop a fan on to make some air 

  • Marydoll5
    Marydoll5 Community member Posts: 561 Championing
    @Beaver79 he will be in high dependency ward for a few days and then ward for a day then home if all goes well.
    They said recovery at home is best and it will be a rough 6 weeks minimum.
    I think I feel upset snd crying as it reminds me when he was discharged last year and I was scared I couldn't cope as I was so depressed and feel like that now...even though he needs this op and it's been so long.

    @66Mustang I understand how you are feeling.  I don't go on other threads. I tried the games but was no good at them. I'll have a look and please know I get so much support from you all here and want to give it back too. You are a great person who gives great advice and conversations which help me a lot.
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,624 Championing

    Hey everyone I hope yous are all doing well and hope yous enjoy your night.
    I had a lovely day up at my mums but my legs and feet are sore now and I feel drained. I think I’ve overdone things and not sleeping hasn’t helped. So time to relax now. Sorry for moaning 🤦‍♀️

    Aww I’m so pleased your partner is going to get his op and it’s totally understandable that you are feeling anxious about his recovery at home. Could you not trying see if you could get carers in a couple off times through the day to help. We are all here for you.

    Im so sorry you aren’t feeling good today. And I’m sorry I don’t think I’ve saw your post as I usually always trying give you support when I can as I think a lot off you. I’m always here if you need to talk in a PM. 
    I hope you find something to occupy you tonight.

    Oh sounds like you had a lovely day but hope your taking it easy now.

  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,624 Championing

    I really wish you saw yourself as we all see you an amazing smart friendly compassionate person who gives a lot of your time on here to everyone.
    I hope you can relax tonight and be kind to yourself. ❤️
  • Marydoll5
    Marydoll5 Community member Posts: 561 Championing
    @Sandy_123 @Beaver79 and @Lou67 thank you for support and I will keep in touch next week as its vital I don't burrow myself away.

    The issue from his discharge from hospital last August is that despite numerous offers of help noone came through except one friend who offered help with getting to hospital for appointments given the dire parking situation which was brilliant. 

    I will try and rest while he is in hospital to strengthen up. I'm afraid that I'm not strong mentally right now and that I haven't any support, no cpn and I have to be strong. I'm tired but thanks to you all I no longer feel alone and I can talk you 
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,624 Championing

    Im not sure who you get in touch with to trying get carers coming to give you a bit off help but your doctor should know or Social Work, or someone else on here will hopefully be able to advise you as I think it’s a lot for you to cope with on your own. 
    I really hope you can get something sorted,  I will be thinking of you and I’m always here for you. Take it easy tonight and relax.  ❤️
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 57,155 Championing
    edited May 9
    Definitely rest whilst he is in hospital and take time to reflect on your self @Marydoll5 speak to the Hospital about care at home. 
    @Lou67 rest this evening too. Its easy to over do things. 

    I've just put the bins out ready for tomorrow and having a cuppa managed to plant a couple of plants only got two left to do now. 

  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,425 Championing
    Sorry @66Mustang, as I've not been around much with looking after my friend's dog, then housework & doing a bit in the garden, which never ends as you know; might have been guilty of some plants following me home at the weekend too!
    I did see one of your comments to an Admin, & whilst I thought it totally harmless, I 'think' they'd rather prefer to have comments & replies out in the open to help others instead, which makes good sense. I do think their wording could have been better, but honestly believe we have a really good set of Admins trying to help us all, so please don't take this wrongly. It's rotten when something like this makes you feel upset, but I'm absolutely sure this wasn't intended. I hope this Admin sees this & reconsiders. Thinking about you 66Mustang.
    Hoping everyone else is keeping well, & doing as well as they can :)
  • loladale87
    loladale87 Community member Posts: 41 Empowering
    I woke up feeling absolutely exhausted, I had someone from the council coming to do a damp survey and he managed to open my bedroom window which had been painted shut. Dragged my son round to the shop with me as I really didn't feel right. After I got in I had a seizure and slept for two hours after. Managed to cook some dinner and relaxed with a jigsaw. 
  • Grinchy
    Grinchy Community member Posts: 1,944 Championing
    Hey everyone, up at silly oclock again, just couldn't settle, never mind, i'll take it easy today, do my chores later, i hope you all have a good sleep and a decent day
  • WelshBlue
    WelshBlue Community member Posts: 770 Championing
    @Grinchy ... I'm with you there.  I call them the Crystal Gayle nights ... "3 o'clock in the morning and it's going to be another sleepness night... "

    Between not being able to switch my head off and the drug dealer across the road performing again, adding to the fibro' flare up ... makes it hard for the Melatonin my GP prescribed to knock me out.

    At least I can catch up with what you're all doing  :)
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 57,155 Championing
    edited May 10
    @loladale87 welcome hope you have a better day today 
    @Grinchy an easy for you nothing worse then not settling 

    @WelshBlue that's a great name for it, hope an easy day for you too

    I'm up early got drs at 8 for b12  early and out the way
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,985 Championing
    edited May 10
    Hi all

    Thanks @Lou67 and @chiarieds for the kind comments

    Chiarieds - I was thinking about this overnight and the reason I wanted to PM instead of make a post was that I actually did have lots of respect this particular admin member and also I notice a few traits of myself in the way they come across so I thought if Access to Work successfully helped them into work, it might be able to do the same for me and wanted to hear experiences from someone who I can relate to at least a small amount

    I'm not shy of posting on the general forum but I realised that if I asked everyone for their experiences I may get people wanting to share stuff like how they managed to help them get in a job when their disability is something entirely different from me - like epilepsy or being in a wheelchair - while I would absolutely love to hear their positive stories, I don't feel they would "encourage" me, as my disabilities are entirely different so it wouldn't mean I would have similar success

    I hope this does makes sense but I do understand now that the admins don't have to help us if they don't want to and perhaps it was forward of me to ask so assumingly so I might ask on the public forum anyway at some point :blush:

    I hope you are well today and thanks again for your thoughtful words
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,985 Championing
    Hi everyone

    I hope you all have a good Friday today :blush: 

    I'm not sure what the plans are for us but my Granny has not had us do a shopping trip for her for over a week so I think maybe that's on the cards for today :tongue:

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 57,155 Championing
    edited May 10
    Morning @66Mustang can I give you my list too.
    It's 24 degrees here today 
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,985 Championing
    Hahaha @Sandy_123 I actually enjoy shopping, I don't have any physical restraints and it gets me out, I would gladly help if I loved closer :D 

    24 degrees sounds about right, not scorching, I hope you enjoy it
  • Teigr
    Teigr Community member Posts: 4,425 Championing
    Morning all.

    A lovely day here after a misty start.
  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 7,182 Online Community Coordinator
    Morning folks, I hope everyone has a super fab day today, the sun's looking lovely! <3

    @66Mustang please try not to worry too much, we just have rules in place where we can and cant do certain things, so I'm sorry if it came off as a negative event for you. I've used Access to work too and it's helped me settle in here brilliantly, it's definitely worth looking into. :)  

    As for your post, I'd say 1 comment and 49 views is actually pretty good going! Just because someone doesn't reply, it doesn't mean they haven't enjoyed your post. We all think the world of you and you've been making some really interesting posts recently, so don't let it put you off. :)