How is your day going?



  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,817 Championing

    Morning everyone we had a huge thunder storm this morning about 6am, heavy rain and everything.

    @Marydoll5 that must of been awful for you. You did the right thing. I hope you managed to get some sleep.

    Morning @Amberpearl and @Lou67

  • Strawberry1
    Strawberry1 Community member, Scope Member Posts: 4,379 Championing

    I have seen this this morning. An athlete called Iona Lake . Apparently she has a sister called Swan Lake .

  • Strawberry1
    Strawberry1 Community member, Scope Member Posts: 4,379 Championing

    Just a little light hearted joke. I apologise if this is wrong to do .

  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,592 Championing

    Ive got an appointment at the doctor so I’m going soon then over to see my mum.
    I hope yous behave without me 😂

    Your welcome and I mean it. Yes you definitely find out your true friends when things get bad for you, but you’ve came through not unscathed but you’ve brought 3 kids up the right way teaching them right from wrong ❤️

    Morning I hope you manage to get your cream today.


    Morning I hope your doing good today.
    Surly that can’t be their names but I wouldn’t be surprised there is some wacky names out there lol


  • Strawberry1
    Strawberry1 Community member, Scope Member Posts: 4,379 Championing

    Have a pleasant day @Lou67 .I'm not sure just something I saw 🤔 😕 😅

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,817 Championing

    Lol @Strawberry1 good luck at the drs @Lou67

  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 4,409 Online Community Specialist

    Afternoon everyone, this heat is just ever-present huh. Struggling to sleep and get things done!

  • alisonnetty931
    alisonnetty931 Community member Posts: 38 Connected

    Its been hot and moody weather ☁️ 🌡️

    Hope everyone has a good evening ✨

  • Strawberry1
    Strawberry1 Community member, Scope Member Posts: 4,379 Championing

    Just wanted to say thank you everyone for all your kindness and support and time. Please please please take care of yourselves everyone and remember to be kind to yourselves too 💜. It's time for me to un burden everyone now . Thank you for everything ❤️. All the best to you all .

  • inmybubble
    inmybubble Community member Posts: 12 Listener

    Don't even get me started on the heat, it's lovely when I'm outside relaxing in it but trying to sleep is awful… to the point that I'm putting it off!! I did go for a nice walk on the beach tonight which was nice though

  • noman
    noman Community member Posts: 1,007 Pioneering


  • Teigr
    Teigr Community member Posts: 4,352 Championing

    Morning all.

    Cool and misty here today.

  • Marydoll5
    Marydoll5 Community member Posts: 552 Championing

    Good morning everyone

    Bit cooler this morning after another humid night. Sleep came easier last night.

    @Strawberry1 you haven't burdened us...its the whole reason this forum exists for us to support each other and have a safe space to express what is causing us anxiety.

    It's hard to interpret text and maybe I have taken the wrong meaning from your last post but please speak to anyone if things are weighing you down x

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,817 Championing

    Morning @noman and @Teigr and @Marydoll5

  • Amberpearl
    Amberpearl Community member Posts: 1,478 Championing

    Good morning everyone

    I feel better this morning

    Only woke up 3 times

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,817 Championing

    That's good @Amberpearl

    I've got b12 Injection then going to the village

  • Marydoll5
    Marydoll5 Community member Posts: 552 Championing

    @Amberpearl so glad you slept and are feeling better

    @Sandy_123 you'll be full of energy after your B12 injection

    I'm after having a shock at the price of a blow dry in London. I was checking out hairdressers for the wedding and I know its London but omg they are taking the proverbial!!! Here I pay a tenner for a wash and blow dry and £20 to add on a beachwave.

    London well a blow dry seems to start at £50.....50 smackeroos 😭 and a beach wave/ curl is extra.

    I'm going for a restorative coffee before braving anything else.

  • Strawberry1
    Strawberry1 Community member, Scope Member Posts: 4,379 Championing

    I just didn't want to be in the way @Marydoll5 that's all . I don't like being a burden to anyone.

  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 3,869 Online Community Coordinator

    Morning everyone 😊 hope you're all doing okay today. Cooler start to the day here today, feels a lot fresher!

  • Strawberry1
    Strawberry1 Community member, Scope Member Posts: 4,379 Championing

    I had a difficult phone call yesterday and It made me feel I was a burden to everyone. Sorry 😞.