Waiting to hear about my pip appeal

jaffacake Online Community Member Posts: 70 Connected

I had my pip appeal in 17th October 2023 it’s a paper based tribual .
I had to get further advice from my doctor,I’ve been having radiotherapy & chemotherapy for a brain tumour.
another date was give which was from 14th November 2023 and still my tribual has not been looked at .

I m having to finished on I’ll health from my work ,my local mp as sent a letter but nothing been done .
when I first started with pip I had the tumour ,I tried to work ,I drove a car ,but now I cannot work ,drive and I had my operation in November 2022 which unfortunately they couldn’t remove all the tumour .


  • jaffacake
    jaffacake Online Community Member Posts: 70 Connected

    I really feel I have really been let down .

  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 5,096 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @jaffacake, I'm really sorry this happened to you and that you've waited so long for your appeal. When did your MP send the last letter? Do you think they might be able to write a second letter to urge them on? Perhaps you could get in touch with them again to see if they have any advice or support to give.

    Have you had any luck ringing the enquiry line to see if they know anything more about what's happening with your case? I know they can't always explain everything but it could be worth a go.

    If you'd like to make a complaint to the DWP about how you've been treated, there's some information about how to do that here.

    Hopefully some of our other members might have some advice too, I hope that you're able to get some answers and you get a decision through soon ❤️

  • jaffacake
    jaffacake Online Community Member Posts: 70 Connected

    good morning everyone ,

    I got my letter from pip tribunal on Thursday morning .
    I’m so pleased my daily living as gone from low to high .
    and high for mobility it as been a long time waiting .
    it has been granted from may 2023.

  • jaffacake
    jaffacake Online Community Member Posts: 70 Connected

    Good morning everyone

    Decision notice

    1.The appeal is allowed

    2.The decision made by Secretary of State on 16/05/2023is set aside .

    3.Entilted to daily living component at enchanched rate from 04/04/2023-15/05/26

    And the same for motility.

    It was heard on the 18/06/2024

    What will happen now ,I’ve had brain surgery so please excuse my grammar & spelling

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    Thats great news especially as it was a paper based hearing because those have a very low success rate.

    Now you just need to wait for DWP to put the award into payment and pay what is owed. This can take anything up to about 8 weeks.

  • jaffacake
    jaffacake Online Community Member Posts: 70 Connected

    Have been asked if I’ve been on holiday ,prison ,or hospital why do they ask that .
    mots been very stressful but worth the wait x

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    Being in hospital or prison for longer than 28 days affects the PIP. Being out of the country for longer than 13 weeks also affects it.