PIP Award decreased

Rubie123 Online Community Member Posts: 24 Listener

I received my PIP award letter today and burst into tears. Not only have they only given me mobility when I was getting mobility and daily living before, but the end date is for Dec 24. I've also received a PIP review form, today, and I have to have it sent back by 3rd July.

At my telephone assessment I had my husband with me prompting and reminding me of things, he is my carer, I have Epilepsy amongst other conditions. On my award notice it says I didn’t need and wasn't prompted and my general memory was good. Apparently I don't have Epilepsy as there was no evidence supplied with my claim. They said my doctors report didn't mention Epilepsy, but throughout my award notice there were inconsistencies. One minute I didn't have Epilepsy, then they agreed I needed supervision, then I didn't then they agreed I had seizures. I told the assessor that I'd had two seizures that morning but she blanked me, just moved on. I provided a prescription with my claim and it listed my Epilepsy medication so how is it they come to the conclusion I don't have Epilepsy. I'm livid to say the least and I've been searching all evening about how I challenge this. I'm glad I found you folks as I needed to rant.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    When you filled out the review form, did you include as much information as possible, even if there were no changes to your health condition? It's never advised to just write no changes, without giving more information. All claims should be treated as a new claim.

    For the MR you should put that request in writing, stating where and why you think you should have scored those points. Include a couple of real world incidents of exactly what happened the last time you attempted each descriptor that applies to you. Adding detailed information such as where you were, what exactly happened, did anyone see it and what the consequences were.

    You have 1 month from the date of the decision to request it. If you're outside of that timescale then you must give a reason why you're late.

    Most MR decisions remain the same, so if this happens you can proceed to Tribunal.

  • Rubie123
    Rubie123 Online Community Member Posts: 24 Listener

    Hi guys. Thanks for all the advice. I'm onto the MR already. I did provide a few different occasions of where and when I had seizures, how I'm left feeling and how I cope with everything for the rest of the day. I included pics of my face smashed up from a seizure fall, letters of confirmation of my Epilepsy from my specialist and a month diary kept by my husband. All this is why I am angry that they say there is no evidence of Epilepsy. Including all of it again for the MR and again for the review that is due back in July. I also found on my medical records where it says multiple times ' poor' seizure control '. A copy of that is going in to.

    I'll let you know how I get on.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    The pictures you sent are not helpful because they won't be able to view them and the same applies to the Tribunal if it gets that far.

  • Rubie123
    Rubie123 Online Community Member Posts: 24 Listener

    Oh dear, why can't they view the picture I sent? I'm confused.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    When sending anything to DWP everything is scanned onto the system. Photo's do not scan properly and the images end up being very poor.

    You should concentrate on those real world incidents I mentioned in my previous comment.

  • han233
    han233 Online Community Member Posts: 38 Contributor

    Im currently getting my pip reviewed and am abit worried because my condition is so rare I suffer from CVS were I suffer severe vomiting espisodes sometimes upto 20 times aday it's been like this for 7 years now it can come and go but obviously stops me going far from home and my ambitions and hopes of getting a job seem unlikely which I am frustrated with I'm honestly just don't know what the future holds

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    PIP isn't awarded based on any diagnosis. It's also nothing to do with your ability to work. People claim PIP and work.

    There's very long delays for review decisions so you could be waiting a considerable length of time for a decision. Your current award will continue until a decision is made.

  • han233
    han233 Online Community Member Posts: 38 Contributor

    Pip is there to help people who can't work due to disability

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    It's to help with extra costs of having a disability. It's nothing to do with anyones ability to work.

  • Rubie123
    Rubie123 Online Community Member Posts: 24 Listener

    Thanks poppy 123456 I wasn't aware of how they looked at information. I've written down some of the incidents that have happened, taken a copy of the diary of my seizures that my husband keeps, found numerous letters confirming my diagnosis and added my patient summary. Just writing why I think their decision is wrong. Hopefully I've included enough information now. Here's hoping!

  • Rubie123
    Rubie123 Online Community Member Posts: 24 Listener

    Hi guys.

    Can somebody clarify for me please?

    I waited 18 months for my recent PIP award, no to daily living and yes mobility until December. I've sent back the new review from so until they make a decision on that, assuming it's after December, will my mobility part of the award still carry on past December ?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    Did you ring them to ask if the end date of the award was correct? because it could have been an error. That seems a very short award, the lowest award length is 9 months.

    As you're aware backlogs are huge for reviews so your existing award will continue until a decision is made.

  • Rubie123
    Rubie123 Online Community Member Posts: 24 Listener

    Hi Poppy.

    Thanks for your advice. I didn't ring them because I was so blown away by their decision after all these years that it didn't occur to me. I just thought that was that, all of a sudden I'm cured(I wish) and don't need any help from anyone anymore, obviously not true. I will ring them today so thanks again. I'm also hoping they don't get confused with me sending in the new review and the Mr.

  • Rubie123
    Rubie123 Online Community Member Posts: 24 Listener

    Hi. I rang the PIP enquiry line and apparently as my review was sent in last year they had sent me a letter after saying although they hadn't made a decision yet my PIP payments would carry on until December 2024. Since then they have decided that I can still have mobility until then( new review pending) but they decided in the last review my daily living part should stop on 3rd of June this year. I did ask why the last person I spoke to(4thJune) had told me I had been awarded enhanced for both components. Today I was told maybe the last person read the letter wrong. I asked could that person of seen the letter and today it was confirmed yes. When I asked today for it to be read to me the person said the letter isn't there. So how was it I wonder he could tell me all he could see was that the letter said enhanced. A lot of lying going on I would say so I'm also making a complaint.