Makaton International Awareness Day

Rachel_Scope Posts: 1,649 Scope Online Community Coordinator
edited August 2024 in Coffee lounge

Today we wish a happy birthday to the founder of Makaton, Margaret Walker, and celebrate the Makaton community!

What is Makaton?

It is a way for those with learning or communication difficulties to communicate. Makaton is not just using signs; you would say the word at the same time, or use a picture symbol. It helps people to express themselves and build confidence and communication skills. There are even special Makaton signs for babies! It can help communication and help parents/carers better understand their baby's needs. I'll definitely be trying it out with my daughter.

There are over 1 million Makaton users across the world!

Are Makaton and British Sign Language (BSL) the Same Thing?

No. Makaton has adapted some BSL signs but they're used with spoken English and symbols. BSL has its own grammar rules and vocabulary and is a complete language. Context is given through facial expressions, hand and body movements, and eye gaze. Makaton isn't used when communicating with the Deaf community as it is not a complete language and its purpose is as a communication aid.

Mr Tumble

Now those of you with younger children or grandchildren may recognise this man. It's the wonderful Justin Fletcher as Mr Tumble. His CBeebies show, Something Special, teaches children (and their parents!) Makaton signs. I watched this with my son when he was younger and he loved it. Have you seen it?

Give it a go!

Learn some songs in Makaton with Singing Hands! There are loads to choose from, including nursery rhymes and popular songs. I've had a go at some but must say my favourite is Country Roads 🎵 Country roooooooooooads, take me hooooooooome 🎵

Now, over to you. Do you or anyone you know use Makaton? Have you given the Singing Hands a try? Let us know!


  • Doris_Scope
    Doris_Scope Scope Family Services Posts: 183 Family Services

    When training to be a music teacher, I already knew quite a lot of Makaton.  This was because I was a music therapist in a special needs school.

    One of the classes I taught involved children with additional needs. As they had been working so hard, I finished the lesson by teaching them a Makaton song.  They enjoyed it so much that they asked if they could demonstrate it in an assembly.  They had never been asked to perform or demonstrate anything before that. 

    They were fantastic and it went down a real storm.  I had never been so proud, and more importantly they were so proud of themselves.


  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,468 Championing
    edited August 2024

    It's time I found out what Makaton is! Thank you, Rachel 👏

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,886 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    I think I'll be learning a bit about it after work too! 😁