Good evening, I’ve recently last week had a work capability assessment.. it’s taken 4 attempts to do the assessment over the phone due to panicking and panic attacks and just being scared out my wits. They were aware of my reasons for missing my previous assessments and accepted it also.
Back story, I’m a single mum of 3 I don’t leave the house (kids see their dad all the time and he takes them out and does things with them etc etc so they’re not neglected or anything) I’ve been through severe physical abuse, mental abuse, emotional abuse and S.A in childhood, this has trigger mental health problems going as far back as 13 years old and needing anti depressants due to trying to end things on my terms, throughout my teenage years and adult years it’s been a mix of antidepressants, referred to a mental health team and potential diagnosis such as anxiety, panic disorder, depression, bpd, ptsd, I tried to be as honest as I could be with the assessor on the phone and at one point she said ‘I can definitely see you’d get lcw but because you’re a single mum it’s hard to prove as you have full custody of your kids’ she made me go back to a previous question and she said ‘I’m going to try my hardest to make them see this’ and then went on to ask me if I’d ever had bad thoughts, thought about how to end it in which I was very specific and told her how it would happen. She said again she would try her hardest to show lcwra, I’ve asked on a few groups and Reddit and was met with abuse but truthfully I’m just absolutely petrified of being turned down.
I don’t take medication due to watching my mum and other abusers substance abuse and it triggers me into panic attacks and ptsd from watching those things happen obviously I explained all this, didn’t send any paper evidence purely what id been through how it affected me daily and what doctors had said previously.
I don’t know the point of this post but I’m petrified I’ll be refused for lcwra and forced into something that’s a risk, I’ve been handing in fit notes every single month not one missed since 01/01/2023.
It’s just the way the assessor made me go back to a question and when I said something she repeated it as if it was a key word and a good sign.
Sorry for long moany post I’m just exhausted with all this 😣