CEO to zero

AndyIbbott Community member Posts: 6 Listener
edited May 2015 in Everyday life
I recall being in Hospital, my choice, A little lump to be removed, from thee left side of a neck. 2 hours later I remind the chap that I cannot take much more and (given I have side is high pain threshold), I cannot take much more of this....
10 hours later and 10 days later... CEO to Zero. That was 4 years ago.
I have "lost" the right arm, leg and the speech. But I am still getting there!


  • Zhana Deneva
    Zhana Deneva Community member Posts: 1 Listener
    Hi ,,my name is Zhana....I can not go and workwe..... have all the time in the world to think, to read and see new things ....and to reinvent Opportunitiesfor of what we have left and what our lives depend.our life is like swimming on the verge.......keep above water ....... warm greeting .....
  • AndyIbbott
    AndyIbbott Community member Posts: 6 Listener
    Yes, indeed! Stay afloat!
  • Susan Butler
    Susan Butler Community member Posts: 3 Listener
    Coming from a bike mad family (our sport of choice is classic motocross) I can definitely empathise with you especially as my bro-in-law had a stroke 2 years ago that originally we thought he would never even survive from and now he is back home and beginning to get use back in his arm voluntarily because lately every time he yawns his arm goes up. He is from a big family with 6 brothers so is very used to a bit of mickey taking as whenever they visit they sit and yawn to make him do the same. Sounds cruel to some but we have to all have a sense of humour whatever we have a problem with and I sense that you have kept yours. Hope you continue to improve even if it is slow sure progress.
  • AndyIbbott
    AndyIbbott Community member Posts: 6 Listener
    I agreed!! For me in was in the car!