ESA support group , health assessment

ms1968 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
I recently received a Esa form , stupidly at the time I was unwell and sent it back with no supporting medical evidence and so I have been called for a health assessment , which if fine.

An hour before I was due to attend they phoned and cancelled . The next day I handed in all the medical evidence I had put together . If they agree that all the evidence is acceptable proof will they still send me another appointment or will I have to go anyway . As I said I am genuine and have Gp and consultant letters that show my diagnosis of a life long illness and other medical issues I have .

Any advice please

Thank You


  • katiedizzi
    katiedizzi Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Hi there is a good chance you will be called so be prepared ....they seem to be hounding the genuinely I'll now .....I have an illness that is getting steadily worse but the findings of the assessor was that I was able to work......I have been in I.B. and ESA support for 10 years and now they are putting me in work support so I am in the process of appealing at the moment...... Do get all your medical history and any other info to back you up , I do hope you have an easy time and get through.......gentle hugs x
  • ms1968
    ms1968 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Thank you , I know I will still have to go but would rather not . It’s all so impersonal and they don’t see the real us . 
    I fully expect to have to appeal .

    Good Luck with yours x
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    ms1968 said:
    Thank you , I know I will still have to go but would rather not . It’s all so impersonal and they don’t see the real us
    I fully expect to have to appeal .

    Good Luck with yours x

    This is one of the major downfalls. If you have a long term condition you need the HCP to see the real you and not the person you have been force to become.  I don't think it is that we play down our problems, more that we find ways to cope. Nobody wants to be sick or disabled so we make the best of ourselves and get on with life as best we can. If we thought about our problems all the time we would have no life at all"

  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Online Community Member Posts: 2,621 Trailblazing
    Hi ms1968,

    The DWP can decide to make a paper-based positive decision on your capability for work, but really this will only happen if the medical evidence is overwhelming and it doesn't happen very often, so I'm afraid you will need to be prepared to attend an assessment. 

  • Bingo90
    Bingo90 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    Good afternoon can anyone help me I've been in the ESA SUPPORT group for 5yrs now filled out an ESA reassessment  form December last yr got word back on 17th February still in support group just received a letter today  asking me to go to a health assessment nxt Wednesday @ 9.00 sounds like the wording on the letter means i need this assessment because i want to claim ESA but I've been getting ESA from 2011 when they changed me over from IB can anyone help me with this was retired from my employment 2006 due to Rheumatoid arthritis which is never going to get better cheers 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    It sounds like this is the assessment from when you returned the ESA50 in December and the letter you  received in February was just a standard annual letter that people receive around that time of year. Letters from DWP are often very confusing. Unfortunately, you will have to attend that assessment next week because otherwise they will find you fit for work for failing to attend the assessment and then your money will stop. They can reassess you at anytime for ESA and it seems like the backlog in your area was rather big, which is why it's taken so long. Sorry i can't give you any good news. Good luck and hopefully you won't be waiting too long for a decision after the assessment.
  • Bingo90
    Bingo90 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    Cheers for that x